Iowa Old Press

Postville Herald
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
September 18, 1930

--Delicious Apples & Spuds on track Monday. Chet Pearson.
--We have the latest Brunswick radio now in stock. Call and hear it. Putnam's Harness Store.

Local Happenings.

Big-Four Institute next week.

Mr. and Mrs. Erni Hathaway were visitors in McGregor Sunday.

Miss Frances Casten is office girl at H.M. Sebastian's electric shop.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Luhman and family motored Sunday to West Union.

Gilbert Schroeder and Miss Audrey Beisker were Clermont visitors Sunday.

Miss Myra Daubenberger went to Iowa City last week Friday for treatment.

Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Sanders and family were Sunday visitors in West Union.

Miss Thelma Mosby was a brief visitor with home folks in Ossian on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Dan McNeil Sr., Mae and Rose McNeil were motor visitors Sunday in Harmony, Minn.

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Shepherd and Lowell returned Tuesday night.

Agent T.H. Burns of the Milwaukee has been off duty this week with an attack of flu.

Miss Minerva Huebner of Elkader is the new counter girl at the Postville Bake Shop.

Milton Kiesau returned to Iowa City Monday to resume his studies at the State University.

Edward Staadt arrived home from Minneapolis Tuesday evening on a vacation visit to his mother, Mrs. Anna Staadt.

Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Webster drove to Ames last Friday to take Bruce Webster and Carl Burling here to attend Iowa State College.

Mr. and Mrs. Erni Franklin and family of Waterloo were here over Sunday visiting in the Flora Franklin and J.W. Campbell homes.

Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Durno and Mr. and Mrs. E.P. Durno tried the new paving to Clermont Sunday, not on foot but in Bill's gass buggy.

Mr. and Mrs. H.H. Douglass and son were motor visitors Sunday thru the wilds of Allamakee, visiting Ion, Harpers Ferry and Lansing.

Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Burling and family and Carl Holter wre Sunday visitors in Garnavillo and report the paving now open through that town.

Warren Harrington and Julius Heins were fishing at Waukon Junction last Sunday, and Warren says he is sure he caught a beautiful cold.

Mrs. Alice McAdam of Chicago came last Thursday to visit her cousin, Mrs. C.M. Kerr, and to renew acquaintance with her many old Postville friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Marten and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Beyers returned to Victor Sunday after a visit her to the Heins families.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Miller have been entertaining a new baby daughter since last Saturday.

Wm. Kozelka took his son Edward to Dubuque Monday to resume his studies at Columbia College.

Henry Meyer of Deer River, Minn., is here on a visit to his mother, Mrs. A.D. Meyer and other relatives.

Bernard Keepers, the cheesemaker at Forest Mills is driving one of R.F. Hecker & Son's fine Chevrolet sedans.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stadtmiller and Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Moritz were Sunday visitors in the Wm. Moritz home.

John Swenson of Rochester, Minn., has been here the past week visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Evan Swenson.

Dr. A.A. Schmidt has his office established in Postville Hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Topel and son Paul were dinner guests Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Beals near Frankville.

Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Phillips, C.W. Meier and Miss Irene Meier were Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Falb in Elgin.

Mr. and Mrs. Gaddes Brooks were Sunday visitors at the Fred Wintrick home, and now Fritz hasn't got as many chickens as he had before.

Mr. and Mrs. O.E. Roebken of Marengo arrived here Tuesday evening on a visit to Dr. and Mrs. A.A. Schmidt. The ladies are sisters.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Weston and family motored over to Waucoma Saturday evening and spent Sunday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O.W. Trime.

The cellar has been started for the new home which John A. Schroeder will erect on the lots purchased from Darious Orr. Ed Oldag has the contract for the job.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Krogman, Fred Groth, Harvey Krogman and LaVerne Kluss motored to Iowa City Sunday, the two latter remaining to attend the State University of Iowa.

Elmer Schultz has invested in a new Chevrolet coach purchased from R.F. Hecker & Sons.

Gilbert Stockman was over at Decorah Friday attending a Chevrolet school for auto mechanics.

E.J. Lennon left Sunday for Colfax to begin work with the pavers again after a few days home visit.

Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Thoma and Mr. and Mrs. John McKernan were Sunday afternoon visitors in McGregor.

Louis Miller has a growth of a tumorous nature removed from above his right ear at the Kelleher hospital Monday.

Don Peterson of Decorah was a weekend home visitor in Postville with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Peterson.

Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Ballard of Cedar Rapids were weekend visitors here in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neiling Thoma.

Mrs. Elmer Scott and daughter of Sioux Falls, S.D., were Sunday visitors here in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Schmitz.

Alice Franck started her fall term of school last week. She is teaching northeast of Postville in what is known as the Myron school. -- Monona Leader.

James F. Drew of Waukon, democratic candidate for county attorney, was interviewing Postville folks the first of the week and favored the Herald with a call.

Mr. and Mrs. H.F. Eggert and Carl Miller attended a large gathering of relatives and friends last Sunday at the Fred Blumhagen home northwest of Postville and report a most enjoyable time.


Postville Herald
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
September 25, 1930

- Louis Schutte - Undertaker and Embalmer - Orders taken for cut flowers.
- W. H. Burling - Attorney at Law - Over the Postville State Bank.
- Dr. H.D. Cole - Dentist - Office over Citizens State Bank.
- Col. Geo. Waters - Auctioneer
- Geo. Waters & Son - Breeders of Registered Hereford Cattle, stock for sale at all times - Geo. Waters & Eaton A. Waters, Postville, Iowa
- R. J. Waters - General Farm & Livestock Auctioneer - Your sale listed with me guarentees you efficiency and satisfaction.

The 13 - year - old daughter of Otto Koehring of Ludlow sustained a serious accident last week, relates the Waukon Democrat, whereby both arms were fractured at the wrists. She was in the swing at school and swung out to quite a height when she lost her balance and fell head-foremost to the ground, striking on her hands and face with the above result.

Post-Nuptial Surprise and Shower.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Krambeer, newlyweds, were given a right joyous post-nuptial surprise and parcel shower last Friday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Livingood. Mrs. Fred Hager and son Arthur furnished music for the occasion and Donald Kneeskern did his bit by singing a few songs. The young couple were the recipients of numerous useful and beautiful gifts that will work in right handily when they establish their new home. At a late hour the guests departed homeward, wishing Mr. and Mrs. Krambeer an abundance of happiness and prosperity. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Lou Krambeer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Livingood and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Moose and family, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Winters and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Krambeer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Goeke and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight DeWitt, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Stegen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Livingood and daughter Ilene, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Livingood and daughter Iva Nell, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Henning and son Edgar, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hilmer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hager and son Keith, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hager and son Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hager and family, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hager and family, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Henning and family, Otto Evans, Donald and Leo Kneeskern, Gary Koopman, Vivian and Charles Letchford.

Gathering of Kin.
On Friday, Sept. 19th, there was a large and happy gathering of relatives held at beautiful McGregor Heights in honor of Ernest Ruckdaschel, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Pozehl and sons of Staplehurst, Nebr., and Mrs. Louisa Fehlhafer of Utica, Nebr. The day was spent most agreeably to all in picnicking and visiting and to say that it was a delightful occasion is putting it all too mildly. Aside from the guests in whose honor the gathering was held those present were Mr. and Mrs. Christ Ruckdaschel, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ruckdaschel and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ruckdaschel, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Oldag and daughter, Mrs. Wm. Kluss, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Welzel and daughters, John Ruckdaschel Sr. and Lenora, Mr. and Mrs. Erni Ruckdaschel, Mr. and Mrs. John Ruckdaschel and son, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Thoma and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. John Bareis and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Dickman and son, all of Postville. Mrs. Levi Schultz of Luana; William Dickman, Amanda, Melinda and Othmar, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wirkler, of Garnavillo. Mrs. Wm. Fuelling, Mrs. Fred Vogt and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Glave of Farmersburg; Mrs. Katie Buckheim, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Seeland and family, of Clayton Center.

Miss Cora Wheeler Passes.
On Friday night, September 19th, Miss Cora Wheeler, passed away at Postville Hospital in this city, her demise following a protracted period of failing health, and by a strange coincidence her passing occurred on the seventy-third anniversary of her birth. There are no family records from which to glean the facts necessary to compile an obituary of this woman who for 59 years has been a resident of Postville, other than what may be gleaned from those who have known her longerst and closest. She was the daughter of Elliot and Elizabeth Green-Wheeler, and is said to have been born in the region between Hardin and Cherry Valley on Sept. 19, 1857, her parents being farmers. When she was fourteen yars of age the husband and father died and Cora and her mother moved to Postville, Cora living with and caring for her mother until her death, some years ago. During her earlier years Cora followed the occupation of dressmaker, but for many years past has been engaged in the sale of plants and flowers. She was widely known throughout this section, and while she may perhaps have had her faults, she also had her good qualities, and he who doeth all things well will judge her according to her merits. Her later days have been beset with much of ill health, and being without kindred here numerous old acquaintances have ministered to her care at times and a cousin has contributed to her comfort faithfully and well. She is survived by two brothers, Orville of Waverly and Hugh, whose address is unknown. The funeral was held from the Schutte funeral home last Sunday afternoon at 2:30, conducted by Rev. R.F. Galloway of the Community Presbyterian church, the room being filled with old friends, many of whom brought floral offerings to place upon the bier of their long time friend. Interment was made in the Minert cemetery by the side of her mother. The only relative present at the funeral was Dr. H.O. Green of Spencer.

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Allamakee County