Iowa Old Press

Postville Herald
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
January 2, 1930

Auto Leaps From Bridge Into Creek Bed.
Luck and lots of it sure was with at least one Allamakee county Lizzie last Sunday afternoon, when a model A Ford roadster, with three occupants plunged through a bridge railing on highway No. 9, about three miles this side of Lansing without hardly so much as scratching the car and none of the occupants were seriously hurt, though they got some bad bumps, fractures and dislocations. The occupants of the car were three young men, Elmer Hanson of Waukon, Ora Smith, a son of Mrs. and Mrs. Erni Smith, and Clarence Webster, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Webster, both from this part of the county. The boys were returning from a trip to Lansing and in endeavoring to negotiate a bridge the car plunged through the railing of the structure and made a sheer leap of twelve feet into the bed of a creek, where it came to a halt with such a jolt that it nearly jarred the teeth loose in the boys' mouths. Dr. Flynn of Lansing was summoned to the scene, who gave the boys emergency relief and then picked them up and brought them to their desired destinations for getting fixed up. The Hanson boy was left at his mone in Waukon, while Smith and Webster were brought on to Postville Hospital to have their injuries cared for. Here it was found Ora Smith had suffered a fractured left forearm, while Clarence Webster had sustained a dislocated shoulder, and were otherwise bruised and battered and sore. The boys are getting along nicely, but have no desire to any further experience with a Leaping Lena.

Fred Martens Injured.
Fred Martens of this city met with a very sorry mishap the day after Christmas while assisting in felling trees on the Lester Martens farm northwest of Postville. As we hear it the tree he was cutting down suddenly side slipped off its stump and struck Fred a fearful blow, crushing him to the frozen ground beneath it. He was brought to the Kelleher hospital in this city where his injuries consisting of several broken ribs, a [remainder cut off]

Barbara Brainard, daughter of Nathaniel and Mary McWilliams, was born in Pitsligo, Scotland, Jan. 21, 1860, and died Dec. 26, 1929. When seven years of age she came with her parents to Iowa. They located near Postville, in the vicinity of Bethel, and the remainder of her life was spent in this locality. She was married to Edgar Brainard, Sept. 22, 1879. To them were born eight children. Those living are Mrs. May Simons of Marengo, Ill.; Mrs. Millie Vickery of Postville, Mrs. Arvilla Harris of Castalia, Nellie, George, Ralph and Genevieve of Postville. The husband and eldest son, James, preceded her in death. She is survived by twenty-two grandchildren, three brothers and three sisters -- James, William and Aleck McWilliams, Mrs. James Brainard, Mrs. Ellen Enyart and Mrs. Annie Lawson. Also the following half-sisters and one half-brother -- Mrs. Margaret TAylor, Mrs. Eliza Swenson, Mrs. Mary Wickham, Mrs. Catherine Gibson and John McWilliams. When a young girl she joined the Congregational church at McGregor, later transferring her membership to the Bethel U.B. church. Funeral services, which were largely attended, were held at the Bethel U.B. church last Saturday afternoon, conducted by Rev. R.F. GAlloway, pastor of the Postville Community Presbyterian church. Mrs. Brainard was held in highest esteem by a large circle of friends during all the years of her residence in this locality, where she was known to all as a splendid christian woman, a devoted wife, kind mother, good neighbor and firm friend, and all who came within the circle of her acquaintance will learn of her passing with regret and extend tenderest sympathy to those bound to her by closer ties. Relatives and friends from a distance in attendance were James McWilliams and son Earl of Minneapolis; Mrs. May Simons of Marengo, Ill.; Mrs. Irene Raymon, Hormel, Minn.; John McWilliams, Mr. and Mrs. Will McWilliams and daughter Irene of Waukon; Will Brainard and Roy Rasheim of McGregor; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Knuppe, Decorah; Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Klepper and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stockon, of WAukon; Mr. and Mrs. John Ehde of Dorchester. Six nephews of the deceased acted as pall bearers: James and Hollis Enyart, William and Elmer Brainard, Earl McWilliams and Elwood Lawson.

Card of Thanks
We desire to express our thanks to neighbors and friends for words of sympathy and acts of kindness during our recent bereavement, the death of our mother, Mrs. Barbara Brainard. The Children.

Henry Miller was given quite a postcard shower on New Year's day by a goodly number of his Masonic brethren.

[transcribed by S.F., Aug 2004]


Postville Herald
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
January 9, 1930

A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Thoma last Saturday.

A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brainard, Dec. 31st.

Mr. and Mrs. Perlie Cook of route 2 have been entertaining a new boy since Dec. 26th.

An 8 lb. baby girl was born Monday at the Kelleher hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Smith.

We are sorry to report that J.R. Laughlin of route 2, Postville, is sick with pneumonia.

Miss Elsa Schultz entertained the Skylarks at her home last Thursday evening.

Coies Capper has had a Jamesway incubator installed in his Allamakee Hatchery.

Edward Schuler is back on the job again at the yard of the Postville Lumber Co.

Dr. G.F. Kelleher, physician and surgeon. Office over Luhman & Sanders' store.

"Bobbie" Sebastian's barber shop is located next to Kohlmann Bros.

Earl Miller of route 2, Postville, has been under the weather of late, but is better at present.

Mrs. Erni Ruckdaschel and son Curtis are staying for the present at the Chris Harnack home.

Virginia Neilly returned Saturday from a holiday visit to her grandfather, Thomas Neilly of Anamosa.

Mrs. E.J. Lennon and Mrs. Ed Nelson and son Edgar visited relatives and friends in Decorah Tuesday of last week.

Miss Betty Shaw of the Postville Farmers Telephone central, returned Saturday from a visit with home folks at Heron Lake, Minn.

After his annual holiday visit here to relatives and friends, D.E. Harrington left Tuesday morning for the soldiers home at Marshalltown.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gulsvig of Gunder and Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Hathaway were supper guests Sunday at the home of Mrs. B.F. Schroeder.

Miss Lulu Leet spent Sunday afternoon with her friend, Miss Elizabeth Helgerson.

Supervisor Chas. Fay of Postville has been elected chairman of the Clayton county board.

Ethel Scheidemantel of Ossian was operated at Postville Hospital last Friday for appendicitis.

Mrs. Florence Musser was at West Union over the week-end visiting with her daughter Margot.

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ellis and family were Sunday visitors at the Herb Genz home on the S.A. Harris farm.

Mr. and Mrs. J.H.W. Schroeder drove to Elkader Sunday and visited in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Krogman.

Mrs. Ethel Marsh returned to Chicago New Year's day after a visit here to her mother, Mrs. James McEwen, during the holidays.

Mrs. May Simons returned Saturday night to Marengo, Ill., after a several weeks visit here during the last illness of her mother, Mrs. B. Brainard.

Mr. and Mrs. Vern Sires of Preston and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Riser of Postville were dinner guests in the F.L. Sires home Saturday evening -- Elgin Echo.

James Fisher returned Monday evening from his holiday visit in Des Moines and reports a most enjoyable time.

Mr. and Mrs. John Falb were dinner guests in the Fred C. Schultz home at Postville Friday evening. -- Elgin Echo.

Victor J. Meyer on Saturday purchased a 16-acre tract of timber from his mother, Mrs. Sophia Meyer. This land is located near Gunder.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hecker drove to Dubuque Saturday to take Jack Thill and his sons Robert and Jack Jr. relatives. Jean Horgan accompanied them.

Myra Gray accompanied Mary Gray to Oelwein Saturday, from which point the latter left for her home in Des Moines after a holiday visit here.

H.D. Yack was a Sunday visitor with home folks in Elgin.

Miss Elizabet Helgerson spent Sunday with home folks.

Mr. and Mrs. L.F. Schroeder and family were Monona visitors Sunday afternoon.

The following have bought the Advance Marshall Oil Tank Heater from Louis L. Hill, Heating-Hardward-Plumbing (The Winchester Store) in the past month:
Glenn Meyer
Theo. Klemme
Elmer Kugel
Warner Harris
Henry Larson
Mort Deering
Lester Smith
Ed McNeil (2)
Dan Smitker
Fred Kugel
Bert Waters
Kenneth Kerr (2)
Wm. A. Nelson

[transcribed by S.F., August 2004]


Postville Herald
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
January 16, 1930

County Clerk Wm. F. Shafer was out in Ludlow township Tuesday and gave his time and strength along with residents of the south part of the township, who are graveling the old Postville, Waukon road. The county furnishes trucks and necessary machinery and the labor is donated. It is estimated that 100 or more days of free labor will be given by those interested in having this road made passable.

The Postville Lumber company has purchased from Charles Hoth what was formerly the husking shed of the old canning factory here and will move it onto the southeast corner of their property for use as a shed in which to display farm machinery, this company having taken over the Postville agency for the International Harvester company.

The weather wise guys tell us we are to have some mighty cold winter weather on tap this week-end. Let 'er come. The highway snow plows have pulled into Postville on two different days this week, and are keeping the primary roads so nicely clear of snow that little difficulty in traveling is being experienced by autoists.

A deal was closed this week whereby A.E. Schwab purchased of Wm. Kozelka of Postville the lot on center street formerly occupied by the old Arlington hotel building, Mr. Kozelka having removed the building last fall. -- Monona Leader.

Miss Orella Thomas entertained a party of friends at a seven o'clock dinner Thursday evening. The out-of-town guests consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Eaton Waters and Milo Gericke of Postville; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Klees, Waterville, and Claudius Johnson, Decorah. -- Waukon Democrat.

Mrs. John Leui spent last weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Dittmer in Elkader.

Mrs. E.P. Durno entertained the Bridge Whist Club at her home on Tuesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Poesch were Saturday afternoon visitors at the Walter Kaiser home in Monona.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schultz, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Hein and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hein and daughter were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Poesch of this city. The evening was pleasantly passed at sheepshead and in sociability.

John Swenson of Kansas City was an over Sunday visitor here in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Evan Swenson.

Miss Anna Neilly and Virginia and Miss Emma Heins were supper guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan McNeil Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Oliver and baby, the first named being here engaged in work on the water softening plant, are occupying rooms in the home of Mr. and Mrs. T.H. Burns.

Miss Iva May Burns of Catalia, a Postville high school graduate, was a business visitor here last Saturday. Miss Burns is now engaged in teaching school in her home district.

We were in error in our item last week telling of the Gulsvig barber shop moving to the Fred Schara soft drink parlor. Mr. Schara tells us his own business requires all the space he has.

Ralph Bachtell had the misfortune last Saturday while working around a stock watering tank to fall and fracture a bone in his foot, which he allows don't help him a bit in getting around.

Harvey Roberts is in receipt of a letter from Seattle, Wash., telling of the death in that city on Dec. 24th of Miss Alice Tetherly. Miss Tetherly was in the days of the long ago principal of the Postville schools for a number of years.

Otto Duball of McGregor was in town Monday looking sort of fagged out [remainder cut off]

Gladys Erickson of Ossian is at Postville Hospital for treatment.

Mrs. R.M. Hecker will entertain the Croquet Club at her home this evening.

Warren Harrington is in Waterloo this week attending a tractor school being put on by the John Deere co.

Gilbert Saunders - special agent for the New York Life Insurance co.

Mrs. Helen Moon of Monona was the guest last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Hathaway of this city.

Miss Florence Sebastian was an over Sunday visitor in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Sebastian.

Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Ellis and Kenneth Ellis returned last Wednesday from a visit to the Ellis farm near Marshfield, Wis.

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Taylor are rejoicing over the arrival of the first radio in their home, having had L.F. Putnam install an all electric Brunswick.

Mrs. O.C. Entwistle and daughter Mary spent Saturday at Postville visiting Mrs. Ann Steele and daughter, Mrs. Neiling Thoma. -- Monona Leader.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Severn have found comfortable living quarters in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Roberts. Mr. Severn is one of the gentlemen in charge of the state highway garage here.

Mr. and Mrs. Eaton Waters and Mrs. Geo. Waters are again up at Rochester, Minn., where Eaton is again in the hospital, he not having gotten along at all well since a recent operation there.

Chas. Schopp of Castalia came down from Castalia Wednesday morning with 1200 pounds of meat for the Dean market and reported no trouble at all in getting through the light snow that comvered No. 55.

Dr. and Mrs. R.V. Brandt and Dr. and Mrs. L.L. Carr were guests on New Year's day at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Schmidt at Postville. They enjoyed both dinner and supper with Postville folks. -- Clermont American.

John Fahney, who is spending the winter in Pensacola, Florida, writes: "Having fine weather here, sunshine every day and the mercury from 60 to 70 degrees above zero. No rain here since I arrived. Best regards to all."

Clarence Helgerson visited home folks Sunday.

Mrs. A.A. Schmidt entertained the Cozy Club at her home last Friday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Meyer and family have moved into the living rooms over their Four-County hatchery.

Dr. R.F. Topliff was in Chicago several days the first of the week attending the Chicago Dental Society convention.

H.M. Sebastian has the contract for the electrical wiring at the water works plant made necessary by the water softening equipment now being installed there.

Frank Schmitz, our new butcher, and his family, who are moving here from Castalia, will occupy the residence near the school house just vacated by Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Meyer.

Gaddes Brooks returned Friday from Brittain, D.S. where he had been called by the illness of his brother Will, whom he reports somewhat improved, but far from a well man.

Mr. and Mrs. F.A. Smith and son Richard and Miss Valentine, all of Fort Atkinson, were Sunday visitors here in the home of Mr. and Mrs. T.H. Burns. The two gentlemen arte both Milwaukee station agents.

[transcribed by S.F., August 2004 and M.D., March 2010]


Postville Herald
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
January 30, 1930

Thermometers in this locality took a little exercise during last Saturday night and on Sunday morning they had rambled twenty degrees below the bunghole.

Miss Stella Cook requests us to change the address of her paper from Kansas City, Mo., to Mason City, as "I can't get along without the home news."

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bowers, formerly of this city, are now located in Winnebago, Minn., where they have charge of the electric office for the Interstate Power Co.

In remitting for their Herald, Mr. and Mrs. F. Schara of Prairie du Sac, Wis., say: "Always glad when the paper comes so we can get the news. We are all well and hope it is the same with Postville folks. We are having quite a snug winter."

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Welzel and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hangartner, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wilke, Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Wilke, Mrs. Wm. Schweinefus, Chas. Schultz and Miss Ora Schroeder were entertained at dinner last Sunday at the home of Mrs. Fred Renzman.

Mrs. Hazel M. Cass-Davidson of Sumner and Clem J. McNally of Emmetsburg were married in Cedar Rapids on January 15 by Justice of the Peace Lightner. Mr. McNally is manager of tent shows operated by the Cass company of this place. -- Sumner Cor. Oelwein Register.

The O'Rourke Construction co. of Des Moines was the lowest bidder for the paving on No. 9, at the letting at Ames yesterday. This company laid the Calmar-Decorah pavement and has a lease on the gravel pit of Mrs. Ella Marlow Hicks south of the fair grounds. The paving on No. 9 in 17.067 miles from the Howard county line to No. 55 southwest of Decorah -- Decorah Journal.

F.W. Pliester of Decorah was a Postville business visitor Wednesday.

Mrs. J.K. Sanders returned today from a visit to home folks and friends in St. Paul.

Mrs. John L. Gregg was at home to a company of lady friends last Saturday evening.

The Quiet Quartet was entertained last evening at the home of Mrs. H.J. Schuette.

Mrs. Helen Koevenig and baby returned to Dubuque Monday after a visit here to relatives.

The E.J. Lennon family have moved into the former Harvey French home in north Postivlle.

Mis Irene Meier will go to Chicago next week to pick up some bargains for the Irene Shop.

The Good Times Club was entertained last Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L.F. Schroeder.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kohlmann and Elizabeth were Sunday evening visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Durno.

Landlord Reincke has been adding to the nice appearance of the Commercial Hotel dining room by the laying of linoleum.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Falb and daughter spent Sunday in the A.J. Phillips home in Postville. -- Elgin Echo.

Wendel Wagner has rearranged the front part of his meat market and the improvement is quite noticeable.

Cy Harrington changed his business headquarters Tuesday when he moved his barber shop to the rooms next to the postoffice.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Topel and son Paul motored over to Decorah Sunday and spent the day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dotseth.

Mrs. Dr. King of West Union, enroute to Washing, D.C., stopped in Postville last Friday to visit Mrs. J.A. Steele at the Neiling Thoma home.

Miss Melinda Casten, who has been absent from her post in the Citizens State bank the past two weeks on account of sickness, is reported on the gain.

Miss Irene Meier and Mrs. A.J. Phillips were hosts Tuesday evening to a company of ladies at the Phillips home, whree a six-thirty dinner was followed by a season at Bridge.

Miss Lillian Kiesau went to Sioux City last Wednesday, where she is visiting in the home of her sister, Mrs. Paul Bowlin, and family.

Mrs. Harold Hangartner of Clermont and Mrs. Edgar Riser of Postville spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Anna DeSart. -- Elgin Echo.

[transcribed by S.F., August 2004]

Iowa Old Press Home
Allamakee County