Iowa Old Press

Allamakee Journal
Lansing, Allamakee co. Iowa
December 10, 1930

I.C. juniors presented a program which included a piano solo by Anna Bresnahan, a vocal solo, “In Colorado,” by Cecilia Logas, and “President Hoover's Message,” by John Dunlevy.

- Oscar Kerndt has rented his farm north of Lansing to Roy Sires and will move to town.
- A. P. Bock, veteran printer and publisher, fell near the Ed Thomson home and suffered a severe head injury.
- Eaton and Jones will receive three cars of high grade Pocahontas coal this week.
- Tom Kelleher and son Reuben and Katherine Strub drove to Sioux City Sunday and visited with the former’s son, Elmer.
- New Albin high school students with an average of B or better are Gladys Thimmesch, Marjorie Healy, Arvella Woods, Raymond Sires, Arlene Panzer and Edna Welper.
- Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Meyer became the parents of a boy on Dec. 4 at the M.E. Donovan home.
- Royal Neighbors Hall was the scene of a shower attended by about 70 persons honoring the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Sires.
- The Model Clothing Store has neckties on sale for prices of 48 cents to $1.

Peoples State Bank held its annual meeting, declaring an eight percent dividend (the 18th consecutive dividend) and re-electing these officers: President, A.M. Fellows; Vice President, J.A. Decker; Cashier, J.H. Thompson; and Asst. Cashier, Harold Englehorn.

[transcribed by E.W., February 2013]


Allamakee Journal & Lansing Mirror
Lansing, Allamakee co. Iowa
Wednesday, December 31, 1930

BLACK HAWK HIGH BRIDGE - First Shipment of Steel for the Bridge

Chicago, Ill., Dec.29, 1930. 4:52 PM
Iowa-Wisconsin Bridge Co.
1000Phoenix Building
Minneapolis, Minn.

Two cars of steel left Chicago for Lansing today. Final shipment 90 foot span Wednesday.McClintic Marshal Company.

The above is a copy of a telegram phoned the Journal from Minneapolis about 5 o’clock Monday afternoon by Mr. O. R. Thorson, Treasurer of the Iowa-Wisconsin Bridge Company and speaks for itself. Workmen are busily engaged since Monday on both sides of the river, preparing for its erection, and the big drag-line is operating night and day on the last stretch of the dyke, in plain view of town.

V. W. O’Connor, Chm. Board of Directors, St. Paul, and John W. Shaffer and J. W. Dempsey, Directors, of Minneapolis and Lansing, respectively, were in consultation at De Soto, Monday, relative to some important matters. Mr. Shaffer’s little daughters, Betty and Lucille, accompanied him and enjoyed their first sight of Black Hawk Bridge, Chris Peterson taking them in charge and showing them around.

--The crew of Jansen & Russell, who have been putting in the dike across the bottoms, left Tuesday for Olivia, Minn., where they will spend the holidays. On their return they expect to stay at Lansing as they have about a week’s work on that side and it is too far for them to travel back and forth from here. When they finish that piece they probably will not be able to do any more until next spring when they will have some finishing work to do.—DeSoto, Argus.

LaCrosse Tribune, Dec. 29.
DeSoto, Wis., --(Special)—Concrete work on the three quarter million dollar bridge across the Mississippi river two miles south of here is completed, and the laying of steel is soon to be in full swing. A representative of the Iowa-Wisconsin Bridge Company, promoters and builders of the bridge, is in Chicago supervising and inspecting the steel fabrication. A number of cars from the steel company containing heavy tools, derricks and material have arrived.

The laying of the steel this winter will be more or less routine, it is said, as each piece of steel comes from the factory cut, marked, and ready to be fitted into place by the steel workers. The present low price of steel is reported to have saved the builders thousands of dollars.

A grading crew is rushing work on a dirt dike two and one half miles long across the bottomlands from the main channel to the Wisconsin shore. The men are working in three shifts day and night, seven days in the week to get the work done before severe cold freezing the ground too hard. About two weeks more will be required, it is said. The dike is to run from the east end of the bridge to Wisconsin state highway 35, the main artery of travel between LaCrosse and Dubuque. An overpass above the Burlington railway tracks just west of the intersection with 35 is to be a part of this approach and is under construction.

The structure is of the cantilever type and will have an elevation at high water of 55 feet above the channel. Nine concrete piers now rise white and impressive, seven on the east side of the channel, two on the Iowa side. The seven east piers graduate in height, one after the other from the island into the channel, the last and tallest one being 75 feet above the Mississippi at the river’s present level. A pier of this same height towers at the Iowa shore, and another one is on the Iowa hillside. The main bridge span is 650 feet long.

The whole bridge from the west end on the Iowa hill at Lansing to the Wisconsin bottomlands will measure 1,300 feet.

It is to be a toll bridge and is being entirely financed by the sale of stock. The number of stockholders at the present time is given as well over 300. Stock, according to T. H. Bakewell of Lansing, often called the “father of the Black Hawk Bridge,” has been taken in large blocks in Minneapolis, considerable has been sold in Chicago, Waterloo and Mason City, and large amounts in the aggregate have been taken in Waukon, Decorah, Lansing and other Iowa towns which expect to directly benefit from the bridge.

Headquarters of the company are in Minneapolis. John Thompson, Des Moines, is president; T. H. Bakewell, vice president; M. E. Lockhart, Minneapolis, secretary and treasurer. Vernon W. O’Connor, Minneapolis, is chairman of the board of directors. Associated with him on the board, besides the officers are: J. W. Dempsey, Lansing; Edward O’Connor, Sacred Heart, Minn.; C. H. Young, Minneapolis; William Ellsbury, Minneapolis; H. T. Wagner, Waterloo and A. B. Wilder, Minneapolis.

In speaking of the important services to be rendered the Iowa and Wisconsin motoring public by the new bridge, Mr. Bakewell emphasized that there is no highway bridge at this time spanning the Mississippi between LaCrosse and Dubuque, a distance of 131 miles. It will link tourist and commercial travel routes of the four states, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Illinois, he pointed out, and afford a short motor route from Minneapolis and St. Paul to Madison, Milwaukee and Chicago. On the Iowa side the bridge is to connect with primary road No. 9, the most northern of the five main east and west Iowa highways. No. 9 from Waukon to Lansing has been called “the road of a thousand curves.’ It goes winding down a lovely valley, between rolling fields past woodlands to Lansing, thence down its sloping main street to the very edge of the Mississippi. Two blocks north the bridge is located.

The name of Black Hawk has been chosen for the bridge, because it was at the Battle Island just north of Lansing and De Soto that the great Indian chief, Black Hawk, and his braves made their stand against the white man and went down to defeat, bringing to an end Indian occupation of Wisconsin and opening eastern Iowa to settlement.

The toll house of the bridge will carry out this Black Hawk memorial idea. It is to be in the form of an Indian fort enclosed in a stockade. On the signs leading to the bridge it is planned to have an Indian with drawn bow and arrow.

Funeral of Father Laffan.
Funeral services were held Tuesday morning, Dec. 23, at 10 o’clock for Rev. Thomas Laffan, retired priest, who died at this home in Waukon Saturday morning. A pontifical requiem mass was celebrated by His Grace, Archbishop Francis J. Beckman, of Dubuque. Deacons of honor were Rev. L. Hayes, New Albin; Rev. McNamara, Lycurgus; deacon of the mass, Rev. R. M. Nolan, Harpers Ferry; sub-deacon, Rev. D. O’Sullivian, Wexford; master of ceremonies, Rev. J. Theobald, and Jas. Cramer, Columbia College, Dubuque; acolytes, Rev. D. Keffeler, Watkins, Iowa and Rev. J. F. McCaffrey, West Ridge; book and candle bearer, Rev. H. Ginter, Norway, Ia.; mitre bearer, Rev. P. Reynolds, Hanover; thurifier, Rev. Claire Drummy, Waukon; assistant acolytes, Donald Steele and Walter Howe. Interment was made in the cemetery at Wexford, where he served as pastor for more than 30 years. The casket bearers were six former parishioners, Michael Mooney, Thos. Kernan, J. J. Hawes, Michael Madden, Henry O’Neill and M. J. Mullarkey. Father Laffan was much beloved by his former Wexford parishioners, many of whom went to Waukon to pay their respects to his remains and attend his funeral. They desire in this connection to have us publicly return thanks to the good ladies of Waukon parish, who at the suggestion of the pastor, Father John C. Stuart, served the Wexford people a find dinner the day of the funeral. It was a gracious, neighborly act, which will long be remembered.

-Agnes Conway was a Lansing caller Saturday.
-Ed Delphy spent Christmas with friends at LaCrosse.
-Mrs. John Quillin was at Lansing Monday having dental work done.
-Mr. and Mrs. Will Cota and son Leo were LaCrosse visitors Tuesday of last week.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Powers and son James of Lansing visited here last Friday.
-Mary Nolan of Hazleton, Iowa, is a holiday guest at the home of her uncle, Father Nolan.
-Marguerite O’Donnell of Chicago came last Wednesday to spend the holidays with her mother.
-Mrs. Charles Lane and daughter Mamie were guests of the J. J. Rellihan family Christmas Day.
-Ethel Hogan went to Dubuque on Tuesday for a visit at the home of her sister, Mrs. Dr. Bassler.
-Lawrence Lucas and little son of Prairie du Chien visited Saturday at the Charles Traversey home.
-Laurayne Houlihan of Chicago spent Christmas Day with home folks, the T. A. Houlihan family.
-Chas. Hogan visited his sister Mildred at St. Francis Hospital, LaCrosse, Wednesday of last week.
-Mrs. B. Mullarkey of Wexford visited a few days at the Michael Corcoran home and attended Devotions.
-Florence Mullaney and Mary and Josephine Collins visited at the Mary O’Donnell home during the Devotions.
-Frank Delaney of St. Paul spent Christmas at the homes of his sisters, Mesdames John Markwardt and M. Mack.
-New Year’s Dance, at Princess Hall, Lansing, Wednesday, Dec. 31st. Music by Sunset Troubadours, a fine band.
-Violet Boardman and friend, Edw. Knudtson, motored here from LaCrosse and spent Christmas Day at the D. G. Boardman home.
-Mrs. N. F. Ryan, who has been at the home of her brother, Jas. Mahony, in Wexford, for some time, was home Monday for the day.
-Mrs. E. A. Guthneck, Isadore, Gerald and Lois Janette motored to Lansing Saturday afternoon and visited at the Mrs. J. Lechtenberg home.
-Claudette Bassler, who had been taking care of Cletus Valley, returned to her home at Dubuque (on) Christmas Day, leaving her patient convalescing.
-Mildred Hogan recovered sufficiently from her recent operation at a LaCrosse hospital to come home last Saturday and is getting along nicely.
-Anna Clark, who spent the holidays at the A. E. Damon home, returned to Waukon Tuesday. Anna Damon accompanied her for a visit at the John Hart home.
-Edith Robinson, who has a good position in a store at Austin, Minn., came home last Wednesday for the Christmas vacation. Her gentleman friend drove down for her Sunday.
-We wish you a healthy New Year and thank you for your contribution to the Christmas Seal Sale. If you have not yet made your seal sale returns, please do so at this time. Mrs. L. L. Boardman, sub-chairman.
-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meyer left Friday for a visit at Bellevue and Dubuque. From Dubuque Frank went to Bucyrus, Ohio, where he was called to inspect the new drivers which the Milwaukee Ry. is purchasing.
-Mrs. T. W. Melaven entertained the boys of the 1929-30 class and a few others at her home at 6 o’clock dinner Tuesday evening. Those present were Luverne Valley, Joseph Calvey, Harry Boardman, Lawrence Kelly, Domingo Collizo, Leo Weidner, Leo Livingston, Isadore Guthneck, Angelo Cavanaugh and Francis Kernan.
-Christmas morning high mass was celebrated at St. Ann’s church at 6 o’clock and at St. Joseph’s Paint Rock, at 8 o’clock, the entire congregations receiving Holy Communion. The altars looked beautiful with decorations of poinsettias, carnations, ferns, candles and vigil lights, and the choir rendered special music for the occasion.
-Forty Hours Adoration at St. Ann’s church, Harper’s Ferry, opened Sunday morning with high mass and came to a solemn close Tuesday morning. Father Nolan was assisted by Father O’Sullivan of Wexford and Father Doyle of Highland, Wis. Practically the entire congregation received Holy Communion every morning and the church was thronged with adorers during the day. Father Doyle preached the sermons and his wonderful expounding of Catholic doctrine cannot fail to make a lasting impression on his hearers. Father Doyle is a classmate of Father Nolan and has conducted devotions here on similar occasions and his coming is always anticipated with delight by the entire congregation.

Golden wedding Anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Barbaras were married 50 years Saturday, Dec. 27, and in honor of the occasion Father Nolan celebrated high mass at 8 o’clock, at which they renewed their vows and received Holy Communion. Their many friends extend congratulations and best wishes to this estimable couple.

School Play Sunday.
The Harpers Ferry High School will render the 3-act comedy, “Poor Father,” at the H. S. Gym, Sunday evening, Jan. 4, 1931. This will be the first play given on the new stage, and following is the cast of characters:
Mr. Hopkins….Leo Livingston
Mrs. Hopkins…Mary Frank
Gladys, a daughter…Inez Easly
Caroline, daughter…Katherine Quillin
Clifford, a son…Harry Boardman
George, a colored servant…Joseph Calvey
Marie, the new maid…Fern Boardman
Harold, a suitor…William Frank
Dummel, who forgets…Herbert Easly
Vivian, an actress…Theresa Livingston
Police Sergeant…Angelo Cavanaugh
Poor father thinks he knows how to juggle the truth, but the colored servant outdistances him and causes a peck of trouble.

-Joe Hinchon of Prairie du Chien came up the past week and spent Christmas with his other and brothers.
-Cora Hagen of Madison, Wis., is making home folks, the Albert Hagen family, a visit.
-C. H. Hagen is unloading a carload of flour and feed this week.
-M. J. Kelly and family were royally entertained at the Wm. Schultz home Sunday.
-Vic Anderson and family of Rockwell, Iowa, drove here Sunday for a visit with friends.
-Glen Hagen and son James of Elkader were week-end visitors at the C. H. Hagen home, little Jimmie staying over for a longer visit with his uncle Clarence.
-Mrs. Wm. Heffernan entertained company the past week from her old home at Prairie du Chien.
-Mr. and Mrs. Leo Anderson of Mason City were here last week for a visit at the Joe Tysland home.
-Dr. Norbert Kelly of Harlan, Iowa, came Christmas Eve for a couple of days visit with home folks. The Dr. is looking fine and prospering in his new location.
-Miss Ruth Pederson, R. N., of Chicago, who spent the holidays with her parents here, returned to her work in the Windy City, Saturday.
-Jas. Wyse, Victor Pederson and Alton Erickson drove to Milwaukee the past week and ate Christmas dinner with the W. H. Wyse family, whom they report hale and hearty.
-Joe Johnson and family drove to Lansing, Saturday, for a visit with home folks, the John D. Johnson family.
-A sister of Mrs. I. O. Halverson was a Christmas visitor here with the Halvorson folks. She came here from Rochester, where she recently submitted to an operation for goiter.
-C. H. Hagen and wife were Sunday visitors at the John Heffern home in Paint Rock.
-Don Ellefson and wife of Chicago spent a couple of days with home folks the past week, as well as his brother John of Durant, Iowa. The former holds a government job in Chicago and the latter has worked the past couple of years as assistant buttermaker at Durant.
-News was received here the past week of the death of Mrs. Carl Hanson of Rock Springs, Wyoming, who passed away at her home recently. Carl will be remembered as one of Paint Creek township’s good boys who drifted west several years ago. She leaves one daughter, about eight years old.
-Melvin Larson, son of Louis Larson, came home Saturday for an over New Year’s visit with his parents and old home friends hereabouts, after an absence of seven years. He has been working out of Chicago for the Midland publications and has visited most of the states of the Southwest, coming here from Oklahoma.
A Happy and Prosperous New Year to our readers one and all.
-Julius Boeckh, attorney J. W. Dempsey, and son George, had business at LaCrosse and other points in Wisconsin, Monday, driving up by car.
-A. J. Mathis has contracted to furnish 1100 white oak posts for use on the island road by the Bridge Co., nearly half of which have already been delivered.
-The County Ministerial meeting will be held at the Presbyterian church, Waukon, Monday, Jan. 5, at 10:30 A. M. Topic, “Helpful Books for Ministers,” by Rev. R. F. Galloway.
-Mrs. Maggie Kern returned to her home in this city yesterday after several weeks’ stay with her sister, Mrs. Jos. Matiak, in LaCrosse. She was accompanied by her niece, Miss Clara Kehr, who is employed in the Gateway City.
-The Juvenile members of the Royal Neighbors were entertained at a Christmas party at the Boeckh parlors yesterday afternoon. They had a beautiful tree and the youngsters exchanged gifts and were royally entertained until 5 o’clock.
-Miss Thelma Roe of Taylor is a guest of the Misses Alice and Evelyn Lenz in this city, during her holiday vacation.
-Askel Haug, of Washington, D. C., favors this office with clippings of several papers containing write-ups of the famous $50,000 party of Miss Helen Doherty there recently.
-Mrs. Matt Ferring and her granddaughter, Adeline Troendle, went to New Vienna, Iowa, Tuesday afternoon to attend the funeral of a cousin, her third relative to die within a year.
-Miss Emma Kurth, the nurse, arrived Monday evening from Hartford, Wis., where she is employed in St. Mary’s hospital, to visit her relatives, the F. J. Nachtway family, until Saturday.
-Beyer & Grunhaupt, of Village Vale farm, on the Village Creek road, plan on establishing a new milk route in Lansing, beginning Jan. 1st. They have a fine herd of T. B. tested Jerseys, and their milk and cream will be obtainable at any time at Wolfe’s Model Café.

By George Gallarno.
Iowa, according to the state census returns of last April, has 5,311 churches, with a membership of 1,126,466, which is practically 50 per cent of the total population of the state.

Iowa has, in its church membership rolls, 287,066 Catholics, and 206,689 Methodists. These two denominations comprise 43 per sent of the total church membership.

Iowa churches and church property have a valuation of $90,000,000 and expends $17,932,305 yearly in carrying forward their religious work.

Iowa has 800,000 automobiles of all kinds, valued at $649,600,000.

Iowa owned automobiles, averaging only at three to a car, could take the entire population of the state on a joy ride at one time and the same time. And by a little crowding to capacity we might have the population of Omaha go along as our guests.

Iowa devotes more than 48 per cent of the total annual expenditures of the state government to the maintenance of its state educational institutions. The total expenditures during the past biennium for the schools at Iowa City, at the state University, at Ames, the State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, at Cedar Falls, at the State Teachers’ College, amounted to $14,045,113.20

Farm For Sale.
158 acre farm in Lansing township, known as the old Ulmer place, for sale cheap if taken soon. Inquire of Thomas Uren, Church, Iowa.

Card of Thanks.
We wish to sincerely thank our neighbors and friends for their sympathy and generosity during the sickness and death of our beloved brother, Father Thomas Laffan.
Ellen Laffan.
Maria Laffan.
Patrick Laffan.


Little Change in Co. Officers.
There will be but little change in the population of the Court House after the first of January. The principal, and about the only change, will be in the Treasurer’s office, where Clarence Hoth succeeds Herman Thompson, and this will not be much of a change, as Mr. Hoth has been employed in the office for a good deal of the time during the past year. Mr. Thompson will be in the office for some time, closing up the business for his term, and the old standby, Mart Woodmansee, will be there also, as Mr. Hoth has not selected a deputy as yet. In the Auditor’s office will be found L. L. Swenson and Deputy Herbert Hanson. Clerk’s office, Wm. Shafer and Deputy Otto Fossum. Recorder’s office, Ella Robbins and Deputy Mrs. Edna Hoag. Sheriff’s office, Leonard Bulman and Deputy John King. There will be no change in the Board of Supervisors for the coming year as John J. Howes was elected to succeed himself and the new member, Michael Mooney, does not take office until Jan. 1, 1932.

-John Kenna was a passenger for Dubuque last Wednesday, going down to spend Christmas at the home of his sister, Mrs. E.C. Daly.
-Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Baumgartner spent Christmas with relatives at Waverly, Iowa, she going Monday of last week and he joining her Wednesday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Ross Miller and little daughter of Cedar Rapids came last Wednesday for a visit with her home folks, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Worley. After Christmas Mr. Miller returned to Cedar Rapids, but the others will remain for a couple of weeks.
-Postville Herald: “Mrs. F. N. Beedy left Wednesday for Waukon to spend Christmas with the Frank Dunnings”…”Marie Miller of Waukon is here on a holiday visit at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lawson.”
-Mrs. Bertha Ney left Wednesday of last week to spend Christmas with her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Madson and family at Wabasha, Minn. Before returning she will visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ernest Granzow at Minneapolis.
-Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Hardon of Chicago left that city in their car at 6:30 p.m. last Wednesday, had the roads all to themselves and arrived in this city at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Barton at 3:30 Christmas morning. They returned to Chicago Sunday.
-A pathetic scene occurred at the Waukon Hospital about 11 o’clock Christmas forenoon. Mrs. Anna Engrav of this city, who has been totally deaf for years and of late nearly blind with cataracts in both eyes, had had the cataract removed from the eye that was totally blind by Dr. Rominger Dec. 11 and the time arrived to take off the bandages to determine the success of the operation. Naturally the nurses and patients who were able gathered around her. When the bandage was taken off she blinked a couple of times and cried “Thank God, I can see!” It brought tears to the eyes of all about her, even the supposed to be callous doctors joining in.
-Mayor and Mrs. A. M. Fellows and son Kenneth drove to Riverside, Ill, Sunday, to spend New Year’s with their daughter Nerma, Mrs. E. H. Wagner.

Matrimonial Matters.

At the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Snitker, in Ludlow township, Tuesday afternoon of last week, took place the marriage of Alfred Kiesau and Miss Gladys Snitker, Rev. Uhden officiating. The attendants were Miss Irma Snitker and Urban Kiesau, sister and brother of the bride and groom. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Kiesau, residing just over the Winneshiek county line. A wedding dinner was served after the ceremony to relatives and close friends. The groom’s parents will come to Waukon to live and the young couple will make their home on the farm formerly occupied by them.

The marriage of Miss Marjorie Glynn and Edwin Narum of Madison, Wis., took place at 5 p. m. last Friday at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Lena Glynn, in this city, Rev. J.F. Kjorlaug, pastor of St. John’s Lutheran church officiating. The ceremony was witnessed by relatives of the contracting parties and was followed by a wedding dinner. The young couple will make their home at Madison, where Mr. Narum is employed, and have the good wishes of friends. [transcriber note: this issue has a second write-up about the wedding, see below]

The marriage of Clyde Kelley and Miss Freda Kelly took place at the parochial residence at Cherry Mound Friday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock, Rev. Father Neenan officiating. The attendants were Gerald Kelly, a brother, and Margaret Heim, a cousin of the bride. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kelly of Paint Creek township. Since attaining young womanhood she has been one of our successful rural school teachers and is at present teaching near Monona. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Kelley of this city. He is an exemplary and industrious young man. For a number of years he has been an employee of the Ludvig Larson cleaning shop in this city and has recently engaged in the business for himself at Melcher, Iowa. After the ceremony the young couple came to Waukon and a wedding dinner was served to relatives at the home of the groom’s brother, Earl Kelley. Sunday they left for Melcher, but will not establish their home for several months as the bride expects to finish her term of school. The Journal joins their large number of friends in wishing them a long and happy married life.

Held Up Near Waukon.
From Decorah Public Opinion.
The Christmas season doesn’t deter highway robbers from plying their nefarious work, as was evidenced late Monday afternoon when a Decorah man, Charles Brouillet, traveling representative for the J. R. Watkins Remedy Co., was held up and robbed on the road near Waukon. Mr. Brouillet was driving our of a farm yard and met a fellow near the mail box, who hailed him, asking if he was going to Waukon, requesting a ride. Brouillet answered in the affirmative, but also told the fellow he was not in the habit of taking strangers. The fellow then pulled a gun, telling Brouillet to get out of the car, which he did. The fellow then relieved him of $12 in a billfold, and disappeared down the road. Charley did not make the trip into Waukon, but came on home to Decorah. He had another pocket book with him which contained about $100 in receipts, and when he got home missed this, and didn’t know whether he had left it at the farm house. He drove out to the house Tuesday to see if he could locate the second book. The fellow who held him up wore a long brown overcoat, reaching to his ankles. His face bore a growth of red whiskers and Mr. Brouillet said he could easily identify him if he saw him again.

Likes English Bench Letter.
Florence Bulman and her sister, Mrs. Arthur Dullum, former English Bench residents, now of Starbuck, Minn., write as follows:
“Enclosed please find check for $2 for which please send the Allamakee Journal for another year to our brother, Frank N. May of Scranton, N. D. We have been sending him the old home paper these last years as a Christmas gift and he seems to enjoy it very much as it keeps him in touch with the old home surroundings.”

Florence Bulman also writes: “Please find enclosed check to pay for my own subscription for another year. Surely enjoy the old home paper and especially the English Bench letter which we always turn to first as that means more than all of the rest of the paper to us, as it used to be our old home. The season’s greetings to you and all the folks back home.

Hurt on Way Home.
Waukon relatives have been informed of an accident which occurred to Mrs. Leonard Hanson at St. Paul a week ago Saturday evening. She was on her way home to Buxton, N. D., accompanied by her mother, after attending the funeral of her father, A. P. Bock, in this city, when she slipped on the car step and injured one of her limbs, which had been hurt in an automobile accident last summer. She was taken to a St. Paul hospital, where we understand she will have to remain for two weeks and her mother proceeded to Buxton without her. There is truth in the old saying, “troubles never come singly.”

Death of Former Allamakee Woman.
JAMESTOWN (N.D.) Sun, Dec. 18.
Funeral services for Mrs. Elizabeth Esther Bowen, widow of the late Thomas Bowen, who passed away Wednesday at noon, will be held Friday morning from St. James Roman Catholic church at 9 o’clock with burial in Calvary cemetery. Mrs. Bowen was born May 1, 1860, in Dubuque, Iowa, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan, who came to Iowa from County Limerick, Ireland, and homesteaded. The deceased went to school in Waukon, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Bowen were married in Waukon and lived on a farm near there for many years, coming to Jamestown 19 years ago and living on a farm near here until Mr. Bowen’s death 16 years ago. They were the parents of nine children, five of these having passed away. Survivors are Mrs. Fred Kennison, John and James Bowen of Jamestown and Miss Pearl Bowen of Los Angeles, California, who was with her mother three weeks ago and who went to her home a week ago, an adopted daughter, Mary Elizabeth, eight years old, seven grandchildren, and a brother, Thomas Hogan, of Decorah, Iowa. Mrs. Hanna Hogan, who was the bridesmaid at her wedding, is still living.

Marriages by Rev. Van Nice.

Bertram D. Moe and Viola A. Knuppe, both of Waukon, were united in marriage by Rev. R. Van Nice at his residence on Dec. 23, 1930.

Dec. 27th, at his residence in this city, Rev. Van Nice performed the marriage ceremony uniting Miss Vera E. Breckler of Marquette, Iowa, with Mr. George T. Peterson of Minneapolis, Minn. The groom is engaged in the lumber business and has interests at Marquette, which causes him to have a residence there for the present.

Winners in Doll Contest.
The doll contest inaugurated Dec. 3 by Carter & Herman, the Rexall Store, closed at 10 p.m. Dec. 24. Fifteen beautiful dolls were to be given to the little folks having the highest number of votes. At the close of the contest fifty contestants were listed. The lucky ones received their dolls Christmas forenoon and all the others were presented with dolls or candy. The following were the “lucky fifteen:”
Agnes Ford, Donna Lou Hanson, Virginia Sadler, Barbara Hausman, Elsie Buege, Esther May, Katherine Hageman, Maxine Merriweather, Mary Lou Haehlen, Anna Link, Jackie Wheat, rose Marie Carpenter, Ruth Long, Mary Louise Hale, Nancy Ney.

A beautiful wedding occurred at the home of Mrs. Lena Glynn of this city when Miss Marjorie Glynn, her daughter, was united in marriage with Edwin Narum, son of Edwin Narum, Sr. of Madison, Wis. Rev. P. F. Kjorlaug, pastor of the St. John’s Lutheran church, performed the ceremony. The bridal party took their places under an arch decorated with white carnations and ferns while the wedding march was played by Mrs. P. F. Kjorlaug. The rooms were decorated in cut flowers and ferns. The color scheme of Nile green and white was beautifully carried out throughout the home. The bride wore a gown of coral georgette and carried a bouquet of pink and white carnations and ferns. Miss Barbara Glynn, a cousin of the bride, of Reno, Minn., and Miss Clarice Leikvold of this city were the bridesmaids and were attired in gowns of pale pink and orchid georgette, respectively, and wore corsages of pink and white carnations and ferns. The groom wore a suit of conventional blue. The best men were Silas Glynn, a brother of the bride of this city, and Allan Krousie of Postville. They wore dark blue and brown suits, respectively. At 6:30 a sumptuous three course dinner was served. The bride is a gracious young lady and has been a successful teacher in this county for the past two years. The groom is the assistant manager of the Peoples Department Store at Madison, where the young couple will make their home.

-Watch repairing a specialty at Kelly’s Watch Shop, Spring Ave.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Leer and two children of Minneapolis were holiday visitors in this city with home folks and friends.
-Mr. Gerald Marker, a dentist from Spirit Lake, Iowa, spent several days last week at the J. H. Hale home, guest of Miss Bess Medary of Providence, R. I.
-The Royal Neighbors will hold a card party at Woodman Hall, Tuesday evening, Jan. 6. Everybody welcome.
-The Cota Theatre entertained a “Wild and Woolly” crowd of about 300 kids at its Christmas party Saturday afternoon for children under twelve years. A free show was given them and all were supplied with rations of candy.
-Frank Campbell, who is employed in Chicago, came last Wednesday for a visit with his father, James Campbell and other relatives and friends, remaining until after New Year’s.
-Dr. Wheat, wife and two children went to Iowa City last Wednesday to spend Christmas with her home folks, returning Saturday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Leonard O’Brien and two children motored to Monona Christmas morning for a visit with her folks, remaining until Sunday.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Flage were hosts to their sons and daughters and their families at dinner Sunday.
-Special admission at Midnight matinee at the Cota Theatre New Year’s Eve at 11:00 o’clock and New Year’s Day 10 and 35 cents.
-Prof. W. L. Peck, who was badly cut and bruised several weeks ago when a reckless driver collided with his car, is able to be out again, though still suffering from his injuries. It took over $700 to make good the damages to his car.
-Miss Helen Sanderson, who teaches in the Davenport schools, spent Christmas with Dr. and Mrs. Svebakken at Decorah and motored here Monday for a visit with Waukon friends. She is a guest at the C. H. Megorden home and will remain until the last of the week.
-Mrs. Ludvig Larson and Mrs. Norbert Roggensack entertained sixteen ladies at the former’s home Saturday evening. A delicious dinner was served at 6:30 followed by bridge. Miss Delinda Roggensack received high score and Miss Lillian Meierkord the consolation.
-Ole H. Monson went along with the Ray Peck family to Lansing on Christmas Day to help Mrs. Peck’s folks dispose of a big goose. All came back to Waukon pretty well filled up with goose.
-Mr. George Patschke of Marion, Iowa, one of our teachers, motored to Chicago Sunday morning with his two sisters, who had been at their home for Christmas. Miss Florence Arnold accompanied him and visited with the Donald Hall family until yesterday.
-Mrs. J. W. Cain presents Gertrude Dravis, the talented little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Dravis, in a piano recital of classic and standard selections at her studio Friday evening, Jan. 2, at 7:30 P. M. This bright little girl will be assisted by Leona Roth, clarinet, Jean Kreuger, Contralto, Lorine Ludeking, reader, and Bernice Sanderman, Anna Beedy and Charlotte Rumph, accompanists.
-Mrs. Sarah Kaveny was hostess to the members of her card club at a potluck supper at her home Monday evening, followed by cards.
-The Normandie Club was entertained Monday evening at the home of the Misses Marion and Isabelle Johnson. The committee in charge, consisting of the hostesses and Mesdames Alexander Drogsett, Frank Hausman, Otto Gleisner and Torenna Swenson, served a 6:30 dinner followed by a Christmas program under the leadership of Mrs. Alfred Smedsrud.
-Mr. and Mrs. Murray Johnson, daughter Lorraine and Mrs. Johnson’s brother, Clarence Amundson of Middletown, Ohio, motored here Wednesday of last week for a visit with home folks, the L. Amundson family, making the trip in eighteen hours driving. They will return home New Year’s Day.
-D. R. Walker, who is convalescing from an operation for hernia which took place two weeks ago at Lutheran Hospital, LaCrosse, was brought to his home in this city Sunday evening. He is pretty weak, but otherwise feeling fine. As Mr. Walker will be 92 years old the 18th of next month, this pretty near establishes a record for quick recovery. From a physical standpoint David is certainly Waukon’s grand old man, and all hope to see him round out the century mark.
-Mrs. A. J. Aelberg of Franklin township underwent an operation for gall stones at the Waukon Hospital several weeks ago. She convalesced all right from the operation, but in the meantime her mind became deranged. Monday she was taken to St. John’s Sanitarium, Dubuque, in the Will Ryan ambulance, accompanied by her husband, her nurse, Miss Rose Manning, and Mrs. Walter Martin, where it is hoped her condition will improve.
-For Sale, Poland China stock hogs and Shorthorn bulls. T. H. McCabe, Waukon, Route 3.
-Alphonse Uppena of Potosi, Wis., came last Wednesday for a Christmas visit in this city with his sister, Mrs. H. C. Pluemer and family, departing Saturday.
-Urban Pratt took his sister, Miss Stella, over to Cresco, Friday, where she will make a week’s visit with her sister, Mrs. Ronald Staebel and family.
-Clayton Larson, who is employed by the Wisconsin Bell Telephone Co. at Eau Claire, Wis., came Christmas Day for a week’s visit with home folks, the L. B. Larson family.
-Patrick Laffan of Cedar Rapids, who was called here by the death of his brother, Rev. Thomas Laffan, last week, remains for a couple of weeks while his sisters become partially reconciled to their loss. Their friends will be pleased to learn that they expect to continue their residence in this city.
-For Sale, three pure bred Short Horn bulls, T. B. tested. Apply to Wm. Becking, Lansing, Route 2.
-For sale, registered Aberdeen Angus bull, 10 months old. John Byrne, Waukon, Route 3.
-Leo M. Fahey, Nashville, Tenn., a civil engineer, came Monday of last week for a Christmas visit with his mother, Mrs. Joe Fahey of Union Prairie township.
-F. J. Luther went to Des Moines by bus Sunday to appear Monday before the United States Medical Bureau for examination in regard to injuries received in the World War.
-The Waukon Cardinals and the McGregor Independent basketball teams played before a good sized audience at the Opera House Friday evening. The visitors carried off the honors with a score of 18 to 13. The Waterloo Independents will play the Cardinals at the Opera House next Friday evening.
-Miss Mary Lee, employed in Milwaukee, and Tom Lee, Jr., employed in Minneapolis, came last Wednesday for a holiday visit at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lee of this city. Tom, Jr., returned to his work Sunday and Mary remains until after New Year’s.
-Clarence Link of Washington, D. C., came Monday of last week for a Christmas visit at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Link, in Jefferson township and with his brothers, Harlan and Ambrose and their families in this city. Mr. Link is a clerk in the engineering department of the U. S. Navy, a position which he has held for the past year and a half.
-We hear of a party here in Waukon who sent a calendar as a Christmas gift to an absent member of his family. He isn’t a Scotchman either.
-R. N. Mackey, who preceded Mr. Kaster as Receiver of State Banks in this county, now in the same line of work at Campaign, Ill., was a brief holiday visitor with his Waukon friends, coming Saturday. A number of them entertained him with a turkey dinner and party Sunday evening at the Len Herman summer cottage on the island opposite Waukon Junction and he returned to his work Monday.
-Judge H. E. Taylor and Reporter E. F. Dougherty motored to Decorah and West Union Monday, where the Judge had court business to look after.
-Miss Alice Grimm and brother, Howard, departed Monday for Los Angeles, Calif., where they will spend the rest of the winter.
-Sunday’s train took out 13 cars of livestock. Waukon Equity shipped two cars of hogs, M. W. Eaton three cars of hogs, J. J. Arnold three cars of cattle and the Allamakee County Farmers’ Union Shipping Association two cars of hogs.
-Leonard M. Schukei, Chief Clerk, Erie Railroad Company, Kansas City, Mo., made a brief holiday visit with home folks, the Emil Schukei family, in this city, coming last Friday and leaving Sunday.
-The grand total of taxes paid in Allamakee county for 1930 was $636,129.51. This was $73,062.22 more than was paid in 1929, the grand total for that year being $563,067.29.
-Ben Peterson, who has been employed by the Hart Parr Company in Charles City for the past month, spent Christmas with his family and on Saturday they returned with him to Charles City, where they will make their home for the present.
-Postmaster B. W. Smith and his clerks fully realize that Christmas went over big at the Post Office this year. On Monday, Dec. 23, which was the big day, the amount received from the sale of postage stamps alone was $354.44. The canceling machine on that day registered 12,000 cards and letters, besides which many of the largest ones had to be cancelled by the hand stamp.
-Miss Marion Ahlstrom was hostess to twelve young ladies and gentlemen at The Model Café at 6:30 dinner Saturday, following which they adjourned to her home and spent the evening at cards.
-Carl Meierkord of Louisville, Ky., was an arrival Christmas Day for a visit with his mother, Mrs. Simon Meierkord, and sisters’ Lillian and Esther. He may remain for some time as business is bad in his line, building, and he will stay here until he has a prospect of work.
Ad: “ELITE CAFÉ, Quality Food Served”
-Mrs. Fred Gunderson and son Millard of Minneapolis were Christmas visitors with Waukon friends.
-Mr. and Mrs. James Ingles of Wyoming, Iowa, motored here Wednesday of last week for a Christmas visit with their daughter and husband, Dr. and Mrs. R. R. Jeffries.
-Charles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Intlekofer, went to Village Creek Tuesday of last week to spend the holiday vacation with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Doehler.
-Mrs. M. C. Stoneberg was taken seriously ill with gall stone trouble Monday of last week. Accompanied by her husband and nurse Mary Regan, she was taken to Rochester in the Will Ryan ambulance Wednesday evening and was to undergo an operation the latter part of the week.
-Miss Emily Williams, teaching at LeMars, Iowa, is spending the holiday vacation in this city at the home of her mother, Mrs. Anna Williams.
-Misses Agnes and Teresa Marooney went to Dubuque Tuesday of last week to spend Christmas with their sister, Mrs. Fred Boyd and family.
-Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zell went to St. Paul Tuesday of last week for a Christmas visit at the home of their son, Joe.
-Mr. and Mrs. Al. Roder of St. Paul came Tuesday of last week to spend Christmas at the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Cain.
-Miss Anna Clark went to Harpers Ferry Tuesday of last week to spend Christmas with her sister, Mrs. Damon and family.
-Harlan Magnusson, employed in the Marshall Field store, Chicago, came Thursday morning for a visit with home folks, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Magnusson, returning Saturday.
-Miss Catherine Tierney of this city was a Christmas visitor at the home of her sister, Mrs. John Schimming, at Decorah.
-Merle Baxter employed in the Gildner Bros. clothing store at Clarion, Iowa, was a Christmas visitor in this city at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Baxter.
-Miss Francis Molumby, who is employed in Chicago, came last Wednesday for a Christmas visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Molumby.
-Clyde Kelly, conducting a clothes cleaning establishment at Melcher, Iowa, came Christmas Day for a visit with his mother, Mrs. F. E. Kelly and other relatives and friends, remaining until Sunday. He likes his new location and reports his business prospering.
-Mrs. Nan Roschek and two children, who have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Raymond, in this city since before Thanksgiving Day, departed last Friday on her way to her home at Cheyenne, Wyoming.
-The Journal family had a very pleasant and satisfactory Christmas. Friends replenished the larder with a goose and two ducks and all three members of the family received Christmas gifts galore from friends here and at other points. The season’s greetings and thanks to all.
-Last week we stated that George Brady, helper at the depot, had been “bumped” by Michael O’Brien from Dubuque. Later we added to the item that the “bump” had not taken place and it becomes necessary to say this week that it did. Mr. O’Brien, the new man, returned Tuesday of last week and with his credentials straightened out took over the job last Wednesday.
-The following are the newly appointed township directors of the Allamakee County Farm bureau: Harney Schultz, Post; Charles Hirichs, French Creek; Gus Gruber, Union Prairie; Ben J. Schulte, Waterloo; George J. Stirn, Lansing; Ben Hartley, Union city; Otto Knuppe, Makee; Sever Severson, Hanover; John P. Ferring, Center; Eugene Mooney, Lafayette; Paul F. Meier, Ludlow; Fred Renne, Jefferson; Theodore Jacobson, Paint Creek; August Laufer, Taylor; Harva O. Miller, Franklin; John Moses, Linton; Joe P. Larkin, Fairview.
-Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bender, all the way from Texas, are holiday visitors at the home of her mother Mrs. Martin Ryan, in Union Prairie township.
-Mrs. T. F. Dunlevy entertains the members of her bridge club this evening. They have 6:30 dinner at The Model Café and spend the evening with her at bridge.
-Mr. and Mrs. Art O’Brien of Scranton, N. D., and her sister, Miss Margaret Collins, who is employed in Minneapolis, arrived for a Christmas visit with the ladies’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Collins of Lycurgus. Mr. and Mrs. O’Brien will remain here until spring.
-Miss Lida Hewitt, teaching in the Iowa School for the Blind at Vinton, spent the holiday vacation in this city with her relatives, the James Markley family.
-A baby daughter, their first child, was born Tuesday of last week to Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Woodmansee of this city. The baby makes grandparents out of Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Woodmansee and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Robey.
-Miss Grace Purdy, teaching in the Minneapolis schools, is spending her holiday vacation in this city with her sister, Mrs. Otto Ney and family.
-Miss Mary Teeling, who is employed in Chicago, came Christmas Day for a visit with home folks, the Edward Teeling family of French Creek.
-Mr. and Mrs. F. Kueny and little son of Danbury, Iowa, came last week for a Christmas visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Kelly.
-Raymond Kibbey, proprietor of the oil station opposite the Fair ground, went to Chicago Wednesday of last week for a Christmas visit with his mother, Mrs. James Kibbey, and other relatives and friends.
-Mrs. J. D. Cowan was hostess to the members of the Monday night bridge club at her home Monday. A potluck supper was served and the evening pleasantly spent at bridge.
-Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Howe and daughter Helen motored to Rochester Wednesday of last week and spent Christmas Day with their daughter, husband and little granddaughter, Dr. and Mrs. Moorhead, returning Friday.
-Miss Carolyn Helming, teaching at West Frankford, Ill., came last Wednesday to spend the holiday vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Helming in Union Prairie township.
-Miss Grace Bergh of Red Wing, Minn., was a holiday visitor with home folks, the Alfred Bergh family in Jefferson township.
-Jerry Casey, Waukon “old timer,” now of Seattle, Wash., in renewing his subscription writes as follows: “Enclosed check for $2.25 for Journal. Say, Tom, this Republican prosperity looks to me like Democratic panic. Wishing you a merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.” So you have it out there, too, eh Jerry.
-AD: Lee Café! Waukon, Iowa The home of dependable food and courteous service extends to you a HAPPY NEW Year. We would be pleased to have you call and see our new Café. Located first door north of Hale’s store on Allamakee street.

At the Cota Theatre.
Thursday, New Year’s Day, Maurice Chevalier in “The Playboy of Paris.” An enjoyable bit of foolery. Just a lot of fun. Matinee New Year’s Day at 2:30. Fox news. Comedy, “School’s Out.”
Friday and Saturday, “The Last of the Duanes.” Far ahead of the ordinary western. Thrills, splendid performances, gorgeous background. Whether or not you’re a western fan you’ll like this. Boy Friend Comedy, “Ladies Last.”
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, Jan. 4, 5 and 6, Harold Lloyd in “Feet First.” Brim full of laugh situations. The most exciting things ever given the talking screen. Novelty, “Swing You Sinners.” Matinee Monday at 4 o’clock.
Coming, “Common Clay” with Constance Bennett. One of the most discussed pictures of the season.

E. O. LENZ, Local Representative.
-Miss Amy Rice was a passenger to Dubuque last Monday.
-Used Radio battery sets for sale. Inquire of C. D. Hartley, New Albin.
-Men’s work shirts at 68 cents each, 3 for $2 while they last at the Lenz Harness & Shoe Store.
-For Sale, a quantity of good yellow corn. Inquire of Leo V. Humphrey, New Albin, Ia.
-Lyle Smith and family of Viola, Wis., spent Christmas at the A. F. Kuehn home.
-Frank Harm of LaCrosse visited relatives here over the week-end.
-Mrs. Sylvester LaTronch of Dubuque was a guest last Wednesday between trains at the John LaTronch home.
_V.E. Dotzenrud and family motored to Preston, Minn., Thursday and spent the day with relatives, they being former residents of that place.
-Mrs. Mary Cutting and daughter returned to their home at LaCrosse, Saturday, after a few days’ visit with relatives here.
-To the readers and publishers of the Allamakee Journal we wish to express our best wishes that they may all enjoy a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Deters and daughter Viola of Caledonia were here Friday visiting at the K. C. Dierksen home.
-Chas. Leiser of Reno was a caller in our city last Saturday.
-Walter Fetkatter and family returned home Saturday from Dubuque, where they had been visiting relatives.
-Frank Brennan and daughter, Mrs. Marie Vichlach and son Steve were at Dubuque last week visiting at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Wm. A. Sauk.
-Miss Florence Waters, the popular Clear Creek school teacher, is taking her vacation and left Saturday to visit relatives and friends at St. Paul and points in Wisconsin.
-Mrs. Eva Copeland returned to Milwaukee Saturday of last week after a visit with home folks, the E. S. Rice family.
-Miss Cecelia Welsh, who teaches school at Eitzen, is spending the holiday vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Welsh.
-Mr. and Mrs. Chas. B. Young of Marquette were here Thursday to enjoy Christmas dinner at the home of the lady’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Hayes.
-The Misses Belva Higgins and Helen McCormack returned to their employment at LaCrosse last Friday after having spent Christmas here with home folks. The formers mother, Mrs. J. J. Higgins, accompanied them to the Gateway City.
-William Meier of the Irish Hollow was a passenger for Brownsville, Friday, where he visited at the home of his brother.
-Among the many nice gifts received by Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Rippe from their children was a beautiful all electric Warner Radio from H. S. Lower and wife of Omaha. Mrs. L. will be remembered as Miss Susan Rippe before her marriage.
-Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Reburn were at Gary, Ind., last week visiting at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Fred H. Schuster.
-Miss Katherine Metzdorf of LaCrosse spent Christmas with home folks here.
-Mrs. Minerva Ross and son George were at LaCrosse Christmas Day visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Casper Johnson.
-Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Medicus and daughter arrived last week from Milwaukee for a two weeks’ visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Medicus.
-Miss Ruth Gerling returned home Saturday from Dubuque, where she spent Christmas at the home of her sister, Mrs. Chas. Buelow. Miss Mae Sires assisted at the post office during her absence.
-Mrs. Frank Maxwell of Flint, Mich., who has been visiting relatives at LaCrosse and Lansing, was here Friday between trains visiting at the Joe Seigfreid home, the ladies being cousins.
-Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Robinson were the recipients Saturday of a box of fine oranges from the lady’s sister, Mrs. J. H. Enright of Lorba Linda, a suburb of Los Angeles, California, where they operate a fruit farm. The new year bids fair to prosper Mr. and Mrs. Enright, as oil has been struck on land adjoining theirs, which will be good news to the lady’s many New Albin friends.
-Dr. R. J. Eischeid was a business caller at LaCrosse, last Saturday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hurley of LaCrescent, Minn., visited relatives and friends here last Sunday.
-Colby Podwitz of Victory, Wis., was a local caller last Saturday, also visiting at the A. F. Kuehn home.
-Don’t miss seeing Will Rogers in “So This Is London” Saturday and Sunday at Princess Hall, Lansing.
-Kelly’s restaurant will serve an oyster supper at the New Year’s dance on Thursday evening, Jan. 1st.
-New Year’s Dance, at Princess Hall, Lansing, Wednesday, Dec. 31st. Music by the Sunset Troubadours, a fine band.
-Mr. and Mrs. James Dayton and children of LaCrosse spent Christmas here at the home of the lady’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Metzdorf.

The entire community was saddened on Christmas night when Mrs. Sarah Reburn peacefully passed away after a lingering illness of several months. Deceased was born in New Albin, Iowa, August 24, 1883, and was the daughter of the late John and Bridget Smith, who, with one brother, preceded her in death. She was united in marriage to Leo Reburn on July 22, 1912, who with one daughter, Gertrude, at home, a sister, Mrs. Wm. McMillian of Elbow, Canada, and a brother Louis at home are left to mourn her death. Mrs. Reburn’s genial disposition and kind heartedness won for her many friends, who will keenly feel the loss of a kind and loving friend and neighbor. The largely attended funeral was held Monday morning at 9:00 o’clock at St. Joseph’s Catholic church, Rev, Father Hayes, the pastor, officiating, interment being made in the Catholic cemetery. The pall bearers were Earl Welsh, Albert Meyer, Dr. R. J. Eischeid, John W. Kelly, P. F. Ryan and D. J. Higgins.

-A Happy New Year.
-Ed. And Ben Bunge were noticed in these parts on their way home to Eitzen.
-Miss Lucille Snow, Preston, Minn., high school girl, came by bus to Waukon in time to spend the holidays with her two sisters, Mrs. John Sadler and Miss Florence Snow.
-Maurice O’Regan is spending the holidays with relatives at Waukon.
-Floyd Beardmore is caring for a very severe sore finger the past week.
-Mrs. Fred Bulman received a new Alladin lamp as a Christmas present.
-Will McKenna put up a mail box on Route 1, Saturday. He expects to visit relatives at Spring Valley, Minn., after New Year’s.
-Rob Weymiller is trucking hay from his other farm near New Albin.
-Miss Violet Shefelbine spent Sunday with Bernice Somermeyer.
-Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bulman of Mays Prairie were among our Sunday callers.
-Mrs. J. T. Bulman returned home the fore part of the week from a ten days’ stay at the home of her son Alton and family in Center township.
-Mr. and Mrs. Joe Welter returned Saturday from visiting their daughter at Dubuque. The young lady is a registered nurse.
-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thies, Elmer and Ruby spent Christmas at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Charley Beardmore.
-Mr. and Mrs. J. Bulman, Geraldine Purrington and the Bert Bulman family were Christmas dinner guests at the Gus Wilde home.
-Clyde Sadler and family of Waukon, the Ed. Sadler family of Preston, Minn., Earl Beardmore and family, Myron Ishiam, John Sadler and family, Lucille Snow, William Sadler and Mrs. J. T. Bulman were entertained Christmas Day at the Alton Bulman home.
-Delbert Bulman spent Sunday with Jackie Sadler.
-Frank Beardmore and lady friend were Sunday night supper guests at the George Weber home.
-Miss Florence Snow is spending her Christmas vacation with her sister, Mrs. John Sadler and family.
-Miss Jessie Howes has been visiting friends at Waukon the past few days.

To all Creditors, Claimants and Other Persons Interested in State Bank of Lansing, Iowa.
You, and each of you are hereby notified that there is on file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Allamakee County, Iowa, a petition of L. A. Andrew, Receiver of State Bank of Lansing, Lansing, Iowa, asking for an order authorizing him to sell the following described real estate to-wit: The West One-half (W1/2) of Lot One, (1) in block Twenty-six (26) in the city of Lansing, Iowa, together with all improvements thereon, to Mary T. Dempsey for the cash consideration of Three Thousand ($3000.00) Dollars and she to pay the taxes on the same for 1930 due in 1931, and this Receiver to reserve every thing else in the building along with the large Electric Clock attached to same, with the exception of the old vault door and some old linoleum on the floor to go to the said purchaser as part of the purchase price. This Receiver further asks to be authorized to pay a commission of $50.00 for selling this building to J. Boeckh. That the 7th day of January, 1931, has been fixed as the date of hearing on said application, and unless you appear thereto and file objections on or before said date at 10:00 o’clock A. M., said order will be granted as prayed for By this Receiver in this petition.
For further details you are referred to the said application now on file.
L. A. ANDREW, Receiver of State Bank of Lansing, Iowa.

-Some from here attended midnight mass at Waukon and McGregor on Christmas Day.
-Carl Busness returned Friday from LaCrosse, where he submitted to an operation for appendicitis the week previous.
-Mrs. Anna Brady bought some land from C. A. Palmer a short while ago, consideration $600.
-John Molitor left Monday for Duluth, Minn., after a few weeks visit with his brother Henry and family.
-Dr. N. E. Kelly of Harlan, Iowa, arrived Christmas morning for a short visit under the parental roof. He returned to Harlan Sunday.
-The T. W. Maloney and Ray Ryan families visited Sunday at the J. M. Slattery home.
-Leona Gavin, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Slattery and Will and Allie Larkin were Sunday dinner guests at the John McGeough home.
-Freda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kelly of Cherry Mound, and Clyde, son of Mrs. Frank Kelly of Waukon, sprung a surprise on their friends by being married by Father Neenan, Friday. The attendants were Margaret Heim and Carl Kelly, cousin and brother, respectively, of the bride. Mrs. Kelly has been teaching and will continue, in a school near Monona, Mr. K. leaving Sunday evening for Melcher, Iowa, where he is engaged in the dry cleaning business. Congratulations.
-Irene McGeough was the recipient of a new Singer sewing machine, a Christmas gift from her parents.
-Geraldine and Cletus Kelly were over Christmas visitors at the J. M. Dougherty home in Waukon.
-Tim Egan and J. M. Slattery have invested in a Chevrolet and Star cars respectively.
-Lawrence Kelly and his guest, Domingo Collazo, were over from Harpers Ferry, Saturday, for a visit with relatives and friends.
-The J. M. Dougherty family of Waukon and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kelly, the newlyweds, were entertained Sunday at the Francis Kelly home.
-The Snitker family and Mrs. John Elliott visited Sunday at the Frank Snitker home at Ion.
-John Elliott, accompanied by his brother Cyril of Waukon, motored to Osage early Christmas morning for a few days visit with home folks, the R. J. Elliott family.
-Henry Hanson was notified Christmas Day of the death of his brother, Carl’s, wife which took place that morning in a hospital in Salt Lake City.
-Mike Tynan of Sisters, Oregon, who is a student at Fayette, has been a guest at theR. Dillon home in Waukon the past week, and with Miss Helen came down Saturday for a few days’ visit with their numerous relatives here. Mr. T.’s mother was formerly Miss Minnie Whitty of Detroit, who visited at the Kelly home several years ago.

To all whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that an instrument purporting to be the last Will and Testament of THOMAS LAFFAN. Deceased, late of Allamakee County, Iowa, has been opened and read in the office of the Clerk of District Court of Iowa, in and for Allamakee County, and that Jan. 20th, 1931, has been set for hearing the proof of said Will in said Court. Witness my hand and the seal of said Court this 8th day of December, 1930.
WM. F. SHAFER, Clerk of district Court.

Advertisement: THE MODEL BAKERY, B. H. WELLENDORF, Proprietor

-For Sale, a few Shorthorn cows and heifers, to freshen soon. Otto Wurtzel, Harpers Ferry, Ia.
-For Sale, green cord wood at $5.00 per cord delivered to any part of the city. Julius Boeckh.
-About 100 couples enjoyed a pleasant Christmas dance at Princess Hall, Lansing, last Friday night, a LaCrosse orchestra furnishing the music.
-Leo Hurm was a passenger for Green Island, Iowa, Wednesday, where he spent Christmas with the P. J. Rachor family, returning home Friday.
-Tom Calvey, Mrs. John Quillin and little son of Harpers Ferry were Lansing shoppers between trains Monday.
-H. J. Wagner of Brownsville, Minn., was visiting Lansing home folks and friends on Monday. Henry’s many acquaintances are always glad to meet him.
-The Clarence Gonier family of North LaCrosse were among arrivals Saturday for a visit with home folks and friends here.
-Jack, Bob and Ray Sweeney went to Dubuque on Christmas Day to spend part of their vacation with numerous relatives in that city.
-For sale, all electric 6-tube Amplex radio. Fine condition, $40. Inquire at this office.
-Mrs. Clara Lape and daughter Mamie spent Christmas at Harpers Ferry with her daughter, Mrs. J. J. Rellihan and family.
-Mrs. Oliver Damon and two children of LaCrosse arrived Saturday evening and are guests of the Joe Damon family in this city over New Year’s.
-Mr. and Mrs. Peter Verdon and daughter, Rita Mary went to Fountain City, Wis., for a holiday visit home folks. In 28 years of married life, this was Mrs. Verdon’s second Christmas spent at home.
-Miss Virginia Nichols of Marquette, a former student at I. C. High School here and who now attends St. Mary’s College at Prairie du Chien, was a week-end guest of her friend and former classmate, Miss Kathleen Weipert, in this township.
-New signs on the Lansing-New Albin road, now designated by the State Highway Commission as No. 182, have been placed in position and stop signs on the several streets running up to North Second street.
-Miss Lena Schlampp, who has been a patient at St. Francis hospital, LaCrosse, for some time and afterwards visiting at the Mrs. J. B. Funke home, was able to return home last Wednesday.
-Weather outlook for the period December 29-Jan. 3, inclusive. For Upper Mississippi and Lower Missouri Valleys and Northern and Central Great Plains, mostly fair, no extremes of temperature indicated.
-Old Time Dance at Forester Hall, Harpers Ferry, Friday evening, Jan. 2. Music by Con Spinner’s orchestra. Tickets 75 cents. Managers, Jack Brennan, Bernard Valley, Bernard Houlihan, Mike Mooney and Mike Gavin.
-Father Clarence Ferring of Dubuque, who assisted Msgr. G. L. Haxmeier with the Christmas services at I. C. church this year, is a second cousin of the Ferring families here about and has the distinction of being one of the youngest priests in the archdiocese, being only 27 years of age. He returned home on the noon train Christmas Day.
-For Sale, a good Duroc Jersey stock hog. Frank Murphy, Route 1, Lansing, Iowa.
-For Sale, 2-year old thoroughbred Poland China stock hog, prize winner in 1928 at Waukon Fair. Priced to sell. Inquire of A. J. Mathis, Route 1, Lansing, Iowa.
-Miss Marcella Stirn arrived on Christmas morning for a visit with home folks, the George Stirn family, and enjoyed a delicious goose dinner. She returned Saturday to her work at Finley Hospital, Dubuque.
-Harold Gruber of Lansing township shipped a carload and a half of hogs to Chicago last Wednesday. They sure were a fine bunch of hogs, averaging 210 pounds apiece.
-Farm Wanted—I want farms for cash buyers. Describe, give price. R. McNown, 488 Wilkinson, Omaha, Nebraska.
-Charles Fleenor, in charge of the State Bank of Lansing receivership here, drove to Monroe, Iowa, last Wednesday to spend the holidays with home folks.
-Ben Hurley and little daughter Diana Marie, of Lafayette township, left Wednesday for Milwaukee, Wis., where he joined his wife for a holiday visit at the home of her brother, Joe Hurm, and family, and to form the acquaintance of a new son, born there last Saturday. We join in extending congratulations.
-Miss Fern Trayer of Mason city was an arrival Saturday, coming via Postville, for a holiday visit with her numerous Lansing relatives and young friends.
-John Bechtel has purchased the summer kitchen and laundry on the old Thomas-Kerndt lot from the Iowa-Wisconsin Bridge Co. and will move it to one of his vacant lots in the west part of town. With the addition of a couple of rooms, he figures it will make a cozy cottage and rent readily.
-J. M. Reddin, sales manager for Lansing Button Co., returned Saturday after having spent Christmas vacation at his home at Manitowoc, Wisconsin.
-Tade Bechtel drove to LaCrosse last Wednesday and brought home his brother Matt, who is nicely recuperating from his recent appendicitis operation.
-Joseph H. Wagner and wife of Lafayette drove with Mrs. Leo Tully to Dubuque Saturday, and were guests of relatives there over the week-end, returning home by train Monday.
-Mrs. Joseph Bechtel of the Church neighborhood has been on the sick list with an attack of flu, and does not recover as fast as her friends would wish.
-Lyle Webb, former night man at the Lansing depot and for several years lately at Dubuque, has been shifted to Marquette and will make his home at McGregor.
-Mrs. Harry Short, Jr., and her mother, Mrs. Frank Luke, came up from Dubuque Wednesday to spend Christmas Eve with Mrs. Nellie Short, Harry driving back with them next day.
-Mrs. Ben Mullarkey and new baby daughter returned home Sunday from Mrs. Joe Lechtenberg’s in this city, where the little one was born and mother and child cared for the past two weeks.
-Moritz Kerndt, son James and Clarence Stirn were LaCrosse visitors Saturday, driving up by car. The former and latter returned Sunday, James remaining for a few days visit with his young friend, George Funke.
-Mrs. Geo. Pease returned Monday from Lewiston, Minn., where she spent the past couple months at the home of her daughter Georgia, Mrs. Howard Slatterlee, and will spend the balance of the winter with another daughter, Mrs. Clarence Feurhelm of Mays Prairie.
-The Lycurgus Court of Foresters held a card party and social in the church basement Sunday evening which was much enjoyed by a large crowd. Several from St. George Court of Lansing, as well as other courts in the county, were present.
-Mrs. Douglas, deputy for the M. B. A. lodge, who broke a leg several weeks ago in her room at the Dudley Hotel, was able to return home to Sanborn, landlord Asay driving her to Postville to take the train. Mrs. Douglas was the recipient while here of flowers and gifts from her fellow members of the Eastern Star.
-Leonard Mulholland, right hand man at the P. E. Rethwisch lumber yard, met with a serious auto accident last Friday while returning from New Albin. The “wishbone” on his ford car broke, and it crashed into the bank near the McKee place north of town. Leonard sustained a dislocated kneecap, had several teeth knocked loose and was otherwise badly bruised up.
-The senior was pleased to meet on Sunday last an old time friend in the person of Phil Maher, who accompanied his neighbor, Fred Selberg, over to see black Hawk bridge. Both are from Jefferson, one of Allamakee’s best townships. It was Phil’s first sight of the bridge but Mr. Selberg had been over several times since its construction started. In the old days Mr. Maher was a frequent visitor to Lansing but his visit of Sunday last was the first in forty-two years. Mr. Selberg assured us that it would not be that long before they came again and promised, if possible, to attend the dedication when ever that takes place.
-Winter one–third gone today.
-Mr. and Mrs. Joe Welter, who are employed on the Alton Bulman farm in Center, returned here Monday after having spent Christmas in Dubuque with their daughter Susanne.
-Mrs. Wm. Young, Sr., who makes her home with her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Greiser, left Monday evening for an extended visit with her son Richard and family at Asher, Okla. Her granddaughter, Miss Lucille Greiser, accompanied her as far as Buena Vista, where she visits a friend for a few days.
-Among LaCrosse visitors the past week were Section foreman Arne Helle and daughters Mildred and Nina, who visited Santa Claus in the Park Store basement; John Moller, who visited his wife at St. Francis hospital, also her sister, Miss Fern Pugh; Henry Riek; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Young; Miss Maggie Ryan, who went to see an eye specialist, and was accompanied by her cousin, Mrs. Otto Wurtzel and daughter Margaret of Thompson’s Corner; Sisters Amabilis and Borromea, of the local convent; Mrs. Frank Tully and daughter Rita, this city; Matt Hurm and Frank Murphy, Lafayette township; Manager L. T. Hufschmidt, of the Lansing Button Co.; Mrs. M. J. McCormick, of Cherry Mound, who went to consult her physician; Misses Elsie and Clara Hefty, this city; Miss Juliette Reed, this township, who returned to her work as nurse at Grandview hospital.
-R. W. Carroll, the restaurant man, was laid up last week with an attack of flu, but was able to be downtown for a while on Monday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wille of Guttenberg with their two grandchildren, and their daughter, Miss Anna, are holiday guests of their daughter, Mrs. John Wendler and family in this city.
-Miss Leone Geisler of Prairie du Chien, Wis., a former employee in the Carroll Café, was an arrival Monday for a visit with her young friends in this city.
-Mrs. P. J. Rachor and daughter Louise, of Green Island, Iowa, and little Miss Mary Adelle Whalen, of Dubuque, were arrivals Monday for a visit with home folks, the Martin Whalen family, and other relatives.

Additional Holiday Visitors.
Many holiday home comers arrived last Wednesday, both by train and cars, some remaining only a few days others going home this week. Those whom our reporters noticed are as follows:
-The Misses Kathryn Casey, Lila Healy and Margaret Fitzgerald, all employed in Chicago.
-Dan Holmes, Detroit, and Con Holmes, Springfield, Ill., both traveling men. The boys, as usual, made a fine window display in father D. A. Holmes’ store.
-Misses Selma and Beth Thompson, of Des Moines, who joined their sister here at mother, Mrs. A. Thompson’s. Selma is secretary to L. A. Andrew, state superintendent of banking, the other two girls trained nurses.
-George Strong, Dubuque, who stopped off here while his family visited home folks in Minneapolis.
-T. J. Ryan, the Preston, Iowa stock buyer.
-Miss Susie Hemenway, teaching in Chicago, and Miss Fanny Hemenway, Cedar Falls.
-Alva Altizer, from some point in Wisconsin, to visit his mother, Mrs. Sever Olson.
-Miss Jeannette Bohrer, employed in Milwaukee, and a gentleman friend, Mr. Erwin Langer.
-Miss Meta Fritz, stenographer, Dubuque.
-Miss Dorothy Bechtel, teacher in the Minneapolis city schools.
-Miss Veronica Beck, in the office of a big utility company, Moline, Ill.
-Clair Hilkin and wife, Chicago, who drove out Christmas Eve
-Dr. P. F. Dempsey and wife; Ray Peck and family, of Waukon.
-T. J. Kelleher, Chicago, who left his family with home folks in Dubuque.
-Ferris Cooper, Misses Helen Aschom and Marcella Stirn, all employed in Dubuque.
-Joseph Fitzpatrick, Chicago.
-Mrs. J. B. Funke, LaCrosse.
-Miss Mary Sullivan and a lady friend, Dubuque.
-Misses Hazel and Mildred Spinner, and sister, Mrs. Marion Rosecrans and son Keith; and Miss Florence Guider, all of Minneapolis.
-Joseph Gerkey, relief railroad man, Waukon.
-L. L. Wittbecker and wife, St. Paul.
-Alfred Ferring and wife, now located in Dubuque county.
-Leo Tully and wife, of Dubuque, who drove up Christmas morning.
-Miss Frances Brophy, of the Iowa Health Department, Des Moines, who did not arrive until Saturday, having spent Christmas with her sister, Miss Cecille Brophy at Oakdale, Iowa.
-Lyle Swingle, LaCrosse, who visited home folks, the A. M. Duty family.
-Father Raymond Bohrer, Spillville, Iowa, who arrived Christmas afternoon.
-Miss Leona Teff, stenographer in the Power Co. office at Mineral Point, Wisconsin.
-Peter Spinner, employed in his cousin Esther’s store at Waterville.
-Miss Esther Saam, student at Grinnell College.
-Clifford Aird, son of Mrs. Charles Aird, a student at Chicago University.
-Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Boeckh, Burlington, Iowa.
-The Alois Weiland family, of LaCrosse.
-Miss Mildred Marti, Minneapolis.
-The S. M. Rowland family, Houston, Minn.
-Thomas Manton, Cedar Rapids; and Martin Manton, Marquette.
-Mrs. Joe Cunningham, Hurd, N. D., who visited home folks, the Wm. Zoll family, of French Creek.
-Miss Elsie Gruber and aunt, Mrs. Ashbaugh and little daughter, Ruth, of Dubuque.
-Miss Martha Byrne, one of the Doerflinger Co’s best salesladies; Miss Ethel Ferring, stenographer; one of the Slinde boys; Marion Valentine, wife and family; Paul Hefty; Leon Bechtel, office man in one of the big stores; all of LaCrosse.
-The H. C. Nielander family, Spring Valley, Minn.
-The Joe Lucy family, Ferryville, Wisconsin.
-Donald Fellows, employed by the Iowa fish and Game Dept., at one of the western stations.
-Everett E. Gruber, the salesman, who now makes his headquarters at Cresco.
-Trainmaster W. J. Whalen, Dubuque.
-Miss Alice Thompson, teacher in the city schools at Robinson, Illinois.
-Miss Agnes Ericson, stenographer for a company making stop and go signs, at Moline, Ill. Her firm has been dickering with Waukon to install their signs.
-The Edward Frankhausen family, of Fredericksburg, Iowa, with home folks, the Matt Bechtel family.

Death of Mrs. M. V. Matteson.
Following closely upon the death of a brother, James T. Metcalf, an account of which appeared in this newspaper in October, Mrs. M. V. Matteson, passed away at her home in Boston, Mass., Dec. 23, 1930, aged about 79 years. She was born at St. Clairsville, Ohio, Oct. 19, 1850, and was the youngest daughter of Enoch and Abigail Metcalf, pioneer residents of Belmont county. Her marriage to M. V. Matteson occurred at Fond du Lac, Wis., May 5, 1873. One son, Hobert M., now residing in Boston, was born to them. The family lived for some time in Wilmette, Ill., and Milwaukee, Wis., and later removed to Boston. The husband and father died at Wilmette in 1903. Interment took place in Boston on Friday morning last. Mrs. Matteson visited in Lansing in 1924 on the occasion of the golden wedding of her brother, Geo. W. Metcalf, who is the sole survivor of the family.

Lumber Yard Improvements.
P.E. Rethwisch, proprietor of Lansing’s up to date lumber yard, is constantly improving his plant, lately adding another large storage shed on the east side of the big main building. Mr. R. has enjoyed a busy year, and now handles all lines of building materials needed for any purpose. His service shop department is equipped to turn out special orders of any kind on short notice, sending out many fine pieces of cabinet work the past year. In addition to all his other business he furnished about 40 carloads of cement for the big piers, walls, etc. for Black Hawk Bridge.

Community Christmas Tree a Success.
The paper went to press so early last week that only a brief mention of the community Christmas tree doings was possible. The evening was clear and cold and a big crowd assembled for the exercises. The “kids” were all treated to candies, fruit and nuts by Santa Claus, well impersonated by Harry Short, Jr. The band rendered a couple of selections and a choir of men, directed by C. O. Rud, sang a couple of Christmas hymns. An appropriate talk for the occasion was given by Rev. E. R. Walter, of Calvary Evangelical church.

Advertisement: Dry Goods, Groceries-Wishing you Happiness and Good Luck in the year just dawning and thanking one and all for their patronage in 1930, which was most successful for us, we hope to merit a continuance of the friendship and favors of the public. Thanks, once more. ASCHOM BROS. “Gossard Line of Beauty” “LeNore Underwear”

Princess Theatre Program.
Thursday and Friday, Joan Crawford, Dorothy Sebastian and Benny Reuben in “Montana Moon”, one of Metro’s outstanding pictures.
Saturday and Sunday, Will Rogers in “So This Is London”; also 2-reel comedy.
Coming next week, “The Sea Wolf,” Milton Sill’s last picture. On account of the dance at Princess Hall Wednesday night the picture “Montana Moon” will be shown on Thursday and Friday.

LANSING Council Proceedings. The City Council of the City of Lansing, Iowa, met in regular session this Monday, December 1st, 1930 at 7 o’clock P. M., at the council room. Mayor Fellows presided and all Councilmen present.
The minutes of the last regular session were read and approved.
The reports of officers were presented, read, examined and ordered placed on file.
The report of the Weighmaster shows receipts from the City Scales for November, 1930, to be the sum of $72.53.
The report of the City Clerk of receipts from all sources for November, 1930, to be the sum of $143.09.
The report of the Treasurer shows net cash in the treasury on November 30th, 1930, to be the sum of $3,331.63.
The following bills were presented, read, and referred to the respective committees:
* Stewart Cooper, salary Marshal and telephone service …..$ 84.84
* W. H. Guider, salary Weighmaster……………………….. 55.00
* August Breuchert, salary Night Police …………………... 65.00
* M. Fellows, salary Mayor ………………………………… 12.50
* J. W. Dempsey, salary Solicitor ………………………….. 12.50
* F. L. May, salary City Clerk ……………………………… 18.75
* C. M. Kerndt, salary Treasurer ……………………………. 6.25
* W. H. Aschom, salary Councilman ……………………….. 3.00
* Martin Kohlstad, salary Councilman ……………………… 3.00
* P. E. Rethwisch, salary Councilman ……………………… 3.00
* George V. Scholtes, salary councilman …………………... 3.00
* J. W. Wagner, salary Councilman ………………………… 3.00
* F. L. May, salary Clerk of Water Works ………………….. 5.00
* A. C. Gaunitz, supplies for Fire-Department ……………… 2.90
* Standard Oil Co., gas ……………………………………… 8.30
* Robt. Hufschmidt, coal for City Hall …………………… 13.07
* August Breuchert, labor on Water works ………………… 32.80
* Frank Strong, labor on chemical tanks ……………………. 1.20
* P. E. Rethwisch, material for reservoir ……………………. 101.20
* W. H. Derr, street work and labor on sewers ……………… 13.20
* Theo. Hoerer, street work …………………………………. 8.40
* Joe P. Weipert, street work ………………………………… 3.00
* John Weipert, special police duty …………………………. 12.00
* W. E. Robertson, meals for tramps ………………………… 2.50
* Interstate Power Co., electric lighting ……………………… 161.37
* Interstate Power Co., pumping water ………………………. 95.85
* Total ……………………… 800.63
The committee reported favorably on all bills presented.
Rule 8 was suspended and the ordinance was declared duly passed as Appropriating Ordinance No. 749 in the sum of $800.63.
An ordinance providing for vacating that portion of Ballou Street located between Lot No. 1 in Block No. 8 and Lot No. 5 in Block No. 9, City of Lansing, Iowa, was presented and read for the third time.
A vote being had, the ordinance was declared duly passed on its third reading.
The City Clerk reported that assessments had been certified to the County Auditor for snow shoveling for the winter of 1929-1930.
A communication from the Iowa Road Oil Company and a contract for road oil were presented and read.
On motion the Mayor was instructed to sign the contract with the Iowa Road Oil Company for road oil to be spread on the streets during the year of 1931.
On motion Council adjourned.
A. M. FELLOWS, Mayor.
Attest: F. L. MAY, City Clerk.

From Sunny California.
Los Angeles, Dec. 15, 1930.
Please advance my subscription date as am inclosing $5.00. Will say we like to get the paper but do not find much Church or Dorchester news. Even the English Bench news does not seem to run like it did. Seems like it does not have the snap it did when W. S. was younger. Expect am getting older and do not feel like I did when there 30 years ago. Time seems to slip away and as I am writing this letter outside, wonder how the weather is in Iowa. We see more people from Iowa every year. Looks as if half the state will be here after awhile. We have people from every state in the union and lots from Canada, some that own homes in Florida. They all seem to like California best so it looks like California will be next to New York within the next 10 years. We had so much faith that we started our second store the 13th of June this year at 2400 W. Santa Barbara Ave. Expect you hear a lot from out here. There is only one thing that hurts California. The slump has hit it some and people can not get work. If there was plenty of work everything would be O.K. Yours respectfully, George Coppersmith.

Upper Mississippi River Pork Barrel.
Vernon County (Wis.) Censor. By William Koch
The U. S. government is appropriating about $150,000,000 to destroy the beauties of the bottoms of the upper Mississippi river valley, which the people and the Isaac Walton League fought so hard from being drained in 1922-23 and now we have to fight to save them from being flooded. This proposed nine-foot channel will flood about 75 per cent of our island land, which at present time is our wild life refuge, bought by the U. S. government for our outdoor recreation. Now if this proposed nine-foot channel is finished we will have nothing but dead trees and snags extending above the water as you see around Prairie du Sac and Sauk City, in the Wisconsin River above the dam, and as you see above the dam at Fort Madison, Iowa.

This would also mean that it would be several years before we would have good fishing, in fact it would never make good game fishing for pike, croppies, bass and sunfish do not thrive in such stagnant water as we would have in the summer months, this then would be of no benefit to the commercial or sport fisherman, trapper or hunter. All hunters know that mallards want shallow water where they can reach the bottom, nor do I believe it would be very good for deep water ducks. The government has carried on this river work for 50 years or more. I’ve seen the time when it might have been necessary. Say if business had continued as it was 30 or 40 years ago, when there were 35 or 40 raft boats towing logs. Then there was the Diamond Joe packet line which stopped at many towns up and down the river. But from then on the logging industry gradually decreased until in 1914 we saw our last raft of logs.

Since then the government has still maintained the river by spending hundreds of thousands of dollars for just a few excursion boats as the J. S., Capitol and a few others. In the years 1925-26 a new pork barrel looms up in the upper Mississippi inland water way barge line. I have been informed that the first two or three years they operated at a loss, but even so they built new steamboats and barges. This past summer they continued to operate in spite of the low water. Now if they could run those boats up and down the river this past summer, when we had the lowest water that history has any record of, there is no reason why they should be asking for a nine-foot channel.

You must understand these boats only make one round trip a week from Dubuque to St. Paul, and they run not more than three boats a week. I am told that part of the time those barges carry no load or loaded very light. Their argument is, “We can haul freight so much cheaper by water than by rail.” Now this may all be true, but you know the government maintains the river for those boats and the taxpayer foots the bill, while the railroad companies must maintain their own roads. Those boats pay no license and a very small tax in proportion to the tax that the railroad companies pay. Furthermore those boats cannot operate for about five months of the year.

This then gives us much more reason to wonder why such an amount of money should be spent on the river to benefit such a few individuals, when we have the best of railroads on both sides of the river. There could be no argument of cheaper freight by water if the government would maintain the railroads the same as they do the river, and we would have much faster transportation by rail. The railroads enter every city or town along the river, and nearly all inland towns as well, while the barge line could only stop at a few towns along the river., In order to get these barges to stop they ask the cities to build them a freight depot or dock. (The taxpayer foots this bill also.) As I understand it the city of LaCrosse has taken up the matter of building a $125,000 freight dock which they ask for, and it’s questionable whether or not they build this dock or depot.

When the railroad companies come into your town they do not expect you to build their depot. Then, in speaking of the unemployment situation, we know that the channel as it is will not take care of their business, this large amount of money should not be squandered on a deeper channel. We all know that no railroad company would build a double track for one train a day or two or three a week, nor would the state build a concrete highway for two or three cars a week.

The people, especially the farmers, have been so misled by this propaganda of cheaper freight, cheaper coal, and cheaper oil. How it is cheaper when we know that the tax payer maintains the waterway? Just stop and think. What would the farmer do to ship his stock if we had no train service? Could you hold them for five months that there would be no boat service? Or could you afford to ship them by boat during the other months when it would take anywhere from five to ten days to reach market? All this propaganda originates with a few of the larger cities between St. Louis and St. Paul and Minneapolis. They have had one hand in the pork barrel for many, many years and now they want both hands in. I think it is time that the people wake up and see if we can’t keep their other hand out.

I suggest that if the government has so much money to spend, why not spend it where it will benefit the millions and not just a few. Now taxpayers, it’s your money the government is spending to benefit the few. Wake up! Write your senators and congress men protesting against this nine-foot channel.

(1905) Twenty-five Years Ago. (1905)
-John Correll, former Lansing man, died Dec. 29, at Jamestown, N. D. He left a wife and several children.
-The remains of Mrs. Ursula Irle, former Lansing resident, who died Jan. 2 at Plainview, Minn., were brought to Oak Hill cemetery for burial. Two daughters, Mrs. A. Houghton and Mrs. Theo. Saxe, and one son, Andrew, a famous detective, survive her. (Andrew was assistant superintendent of Pinkerton National Detective Agency. His wife died in the Iroquois Theatre fire, Chicago, 1903. -A. G. K.)
-T. C. Smith, a former Dorchester merchant, died recently at Villard, Minn. He was a brother of Jackson Smith and Mrs. Jane Hale.
-Matt Styer, aged 23, of Caledonia, murdered his sweetheart, Pearl Wheaton, and injured her mother and sister, and killed himself, after the girl had rejected his suit.
-Iver Thorsen, of near Waterville, is home after a months trip to North Dakota.
-Chas. Wild is again buying stock at Lansing and Tom Bakewell, horses.
-Cy Harrington won the New Year’s pigeon shoot at Lansing with 21. Denny Hastings and Carl Severson had 20, John Lowe 19 and Peter Hanson 17.
-Chicago printers won their strike for an eight hour day.
-Wm. Sweeney has moved his pool hall in Lansing to the Roenisch building on lower Main street.
-Miss Alice Hegg entertained Friday for Miss Klara Aschom, who soon leaves for Canada.
-E. Y. Arnold has been appointed assistant cashier of the State Bank of Lansing.
-Lansing visitors: Carl Widmeier, Minneapolis; Agent John Rellihan, Harpers Ferry;
George and Fred Kumpf, Dorchester; Edward Whalen and wife, Ramsey, Minn.; Miss Ida Dee, Rock Valley, Iowa; Wm. Kerstein, Jr., who came from Canada.
-Nels Smedsrud of Lansing celebrated his 80th birthday Jan. 1st.
-George Bammert opened school at English Bench.
-Will Elliott and Cy Harrington are visiting in Waukon; J. L. Dahley family at Paint Creek; Miss Hilda Severson on Columbus Ridge; J. D. Johnson and wife, Geo. Aschom and wife, Ole Moe and Chris Smedsrud spent New Year’s at Hans Swensons in Taylor.
-Fred Peacock has retired as salesman for Capoli Button Works and Dick McGarrity has a similar job with Turner’s button factory.
-Uncle Herman Kerndt of Lansing Ridge celebrated his 82nd birthday Friday.
-J. H. Hale, well known Waukon merchant, was run down by a train while walking on the track, Sunday, and his right arm crushed so badly that amputation was necessary. Being deaf, Mr. hale did not hear the train.
-George Lang is back from North Dakota; Mame Zerbis, of the Mirror, visited in LaCrosse; Mrs. Margaret Tully was called to Dubuque by her son Mart’s illness.
-The Capt. Turner, R. Hufschmidt and H. C. Nielander families were visiting Chas W. of the Dousman House, Prairie du Chien.
-Miss Mary Keffeler has gone to Dubuque to take up trained nursing.
-C. A. Hildebrand and wife of Lyle, Minn., and Mr. Saxon of Worthington are visiting Elon relatives.
-Tom Beardmore of the Bench has returned to school at Iowa City.
-Fred Harlow, orphan boy at Mrs. J. B. Sadler’s, is said to have inherited quite a sum of money.
-Ben Bakewell of Mays Prairie is visiting in Chicago and Henry Frahm at Davenport.
-Sophia Englehorn of Church is visiting in Davenport; Lucy Becker and Will Marti in Dubuque; and Jacob Marti, Jr. has gone to Des Moines.
-M. D. Kelly and Katie Mullaney of Harpers Ferry visited in Waukon; Kate Fitzpatrick and Mabel Hirth of Lansing Sundayed in Harpers Ferry.
-New Albin holiday visitors; Tom Welsh, Freeburg; Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. W. Cutting, LaCrosse; Mrs. Pfoender, Frank May and wife, Lansing; L. Gallagher and wife, Edward Bellows, Arlie Bock, Fayette; Fred Price, St. Louis, James Price, Rock Island; Mrs. L. F. Bock, Dubuque; Miss M. Michelson, Postville.
-Eddie Pohlman of New Albin has returned to school at Minneapolis, and Mabel Fretz and Coral Bellows to Normae School at Winona.

(1895) Thirty-five Years Ago. (1895)
-Lansing lodge officers: Mt. Hosmer Lodge, Workmen—W. W., A. M. Fellows; Treasurer, H. Bensch; Recorder, H. W. Riser; Financier, Jas. Ruth; Humboldt Lodge—M. W., Matt Gruber; Overseer, Emil Peters; Recorder, August Nieppel; Sec’y, J. Rieth; Legion of Honor—Pres., R. Hufschmidt; V. P., F. W. Wagner; Treasurer, H. Bensch; Sec’y, N. A. Nelson; Chaplain, Hans Haug.
-Mrs. G. W. Whitney, aged 71, of south Lansing, died Christmas Day after a long illness. Her husband, two daughters, Mrs. Nellie Norris, Chicago; Mrs. J. J. Gerber, Minneapolis; and son, Grant of Los Angeles, Calif., survive her.
-Married, Dec. 21, at Dubuque, Mr. A. C. Siewers of Decorah, and Miss Mary Lyons, former Lansing girl and popular school teacher. They will live at Spring Grove, where the groom is a pharmacist.
-Lansing holiday visitors: George Sullivan, Chicago; Miss Josie Coard, LaCrosse; R. Stafford, Charles City; Mrs. J. Chrischelles, Algona; John Tully, Dubuque; John Downs, LaCrosse; John Kelleher and wife, Brownsville; Dan F. Ryan, Chicago; P. J. Miles and wife, Oelwein.
-A. M. Fellows and wife spent Christmas at Madison; F. Bartheld is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Eells, in Dubuque; John H. Hirt left for a trip to the south.
-Miss Alberta Hale is visiting her brothers at Norton, Kansas.
-John Intlekofer, clerk in the Lansing post office, will enter the railway mail service.
-John F. Wiehe is the new alderman in the 4th ward of Lansing.
-Carl, Theo. And Bernie Brockhausen received a new set of Encyclopedia from their father, Dr. B. Erp-Brockhausen.
-Alderman J. C. Brophy of South Lansing is figuring on going into the hotel business at North McGregor.
-Charley Knight has purchased the Schunk restaurant in Union block, Waukon.
-J. W. Hartley is the new member of the Board of Supervisors. Treas. Geo. Helming, Sheriff McKee and Sup’t Smith started their second terms.
-Assessor Andrew Williams of French Creek has called a meeting of Assessors at the County Auditor’s office Jan. 18.
-Corn is being laid down in Postville at 21 cents per bushel.
-Slayton’s Jubilee singers play at Waukon Jan. 15.
-Mrs. Gibbs new music store in Waukon is doing a big business.
-The work on Waukon’s new well for the water works is progressing nicely. Sometimes the water is clear and other times it looks like milk.
-Allie McMichael of Minneapolis was a Lansing visitor last week.
-Dr. Nachtwey has a new coon skin coat, a gift of his step-daughter, Miss Selma Berdel.
-Julius Kehrberg, former Lansing boy, has been appointed Postmaster at Sanborn.
-Johnson and Haas report the best Christmas business in their history.
-Hog prices in Waukon boomed up to #3.20 per cwt. this week.
-George Hewit of the Decorah Public Opinion spent Christmas at home in Waukon; also Ed Duffy of Garner, Iowa; and George Schrody, Lansing.
-Misses Duffy, Lewis, Spaulding and Hartley of Waukon attended the State Teachers meeting at Des Moines.
-Miss Luna Hewit of Waukon is home from Riceville.
-The Catholic Festival in Waukon last week netted the church over $200.00.

[transcribed by A.K., December 2008]

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