Iowa Old Press

Allamakee Journal
Lansing, Allamakee co. Iowa
July 3, 1928

Ken Fellows went to La Crosse Saturday to meet the Wagners, who were driving from Chicago to a fishing resort in Minnesota. They spent Sunday with the Mitt Fellows family in Minneapolis.

- Louisa Elsheimer and William Richard were married on June 26 at the Evangelical parsonage in Eitzen.
- Joe Beardmore played with an orchestra for a dance at the Courthouse in Lansing.
- Percy Buckendahl consulted a La Crosse doctor on Saturday.

Mrs. Sarah Kaveny is enjoying a visit with her grand nephew, Charles Cosgrove, of Dubuque, who came up Monday to spend some of his school vacation with her.

At Lansing’s Economy Store some prices: 100 pounds of sugar for $6.95; Silver Leaf flour at $2.15 for 49 pounds; Blue Band coffee at 37 cents a pound.

[transcribed by E.W., February 2013]


Allamakee Journal
Lansing, Allamakee co. Iowa
July 11, 1928

- Angeline Wagner and Kathleen Dunlevy accompanied Wayne Robertson to Dubuque Sunday for a short visit with relatives.
- Dates for Lansing's Chautaqua this year are August 6 through 9.
- Charles Bergeler, a native of Germany and a Civil War veteran, died at Lutheran Hospital in La Crosse.
- Billy Sadler, accompanied by his nephew, Artie Sadler, and Raymond Johnson, visited Lansing on the Fourth, and Mr. Johnson got his first glimpse of a steamboat.
- State Bank of Harpers Ferry shows assets amounting to $164,861.70.
- As a part of its program of civic betterment, New Albin is sponsoring a movement to get an appropriation from Congress for the purpose of creating a public park around the famous old iron post at the edge of town.
- The Misses Alice and Lora Fruechte and Ruth Meyer of Eitzen left Monday for Yellowstone National Park, expecting to be gone several weeks.
- Mr. and Mrs. Noel Robey are now at Savannah, Ga. where Mr. Robey has become a member of the famous Billy Hamilton Orchestra.
- Mrs. John C. Schroeder of Postville died of injuries received when she was trampled by a cow during milking time.

- Miss Lillian Avery returned home Saturday from Minneapolis where she attended the Teacher's National Education Meeting.

- Mr. and Mrs. E.O. Lenz and Miss Pearl Hayes of Milwaukee, Wisc., were entertained at a 6 o'clock dinner at the Miss Verona Hausman home near town.

- Mrs. J. Eberle and two children returned Monday to their home in La Crosse, Wisc. after a short visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tippery.

- Frank Beardmore was a Waukon caller Saturday.

- Forrest Sadler spent the Fourth with relatives here and at Dorchester.

- Mr. and Mrs. John Sadler and son Jackie were Waukon callers Saturday.

- Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hahn and baby of Dorchester are spending this week at the Dan Sires home.

- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wiemerslage and family spent Sunday at the Joe Reeder home near Rossville.

- Although it rained in the morning, all enjoyed the different celebrations in this vicinity on the Fourth.

- Waukon is a busy place Saturday evenings, parking places at a premium and stores open until 12 o'clock.

- Levi Sires was called to the bedside of his brother Tom last Tuesday. The latter has since passed away.

- Miss Gladys Martin is spending a week at the home of her sister, Mrs. George Leidahl, at Preston, Minn.

- Mr. and Mrs. John Shefelbine and daughter, Mrs. Sidney Hartley and baby, were Waukon shoppers Saturday.

- Mr. and Mrs. George Leidahl and son Kenneth of Preston, Minn., spent the Fourth at the Mrs. Ada Martin home.

- William Sadler spent the Fourth at Lycurgus, New Albin and Dorchester, Billy being in all three places.

[transcribed by E.W., March 2007 & February 2013]


Allamakee Journal
Lansing, Allamakee co., Iowa
July 18,1928

- Roy Erickson will pitch for the Winneshiek Giants against the BaysideCubs in a game during Lansing’s Homecoming.

- Odean Sandry has gone to work as a delivery man at Gaunitz Market.

- Mrs. Leo Jarvis and daughter Ann and son David returned to their home in Minneapolis after a visit with the J.J. Dunlevy family.

- Ruth Krzbietke returned home Thursday from a week’s visit at the Leslie Steiber home near Lansing.

- Rites were held at Dorchester for Thomas Sires. He was 56.

- Gene Bellows and son Garth and wife motored here from Milwaukee and are visiting at the home of his mother, Mrs., Hannah Bellows.

- Vernon Darling fractured three ribs while unloading a paint spraying machine at Lansing.

- Max Niblock took a few days vacation from his work at Waukon Lumber Co. and with his wife and her mother, Mrs. Kernan, visited relatives in Lafayette twp.

- Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Ludeman became the parents of their first born, a boy, on Sunday.

- Mr. and Mrs. Gene Bellows and son, Garth, motored here from Milwaukee and are visiting at the home of his mother, Mrs. Hannah Bellows, and with other relatives.

- Dr. R.J. Eischeid departed Friday to resume his hospital work at Manhattan, Montana, and winding up his business there. He exprects to be back here permanently in about a month.

- Vernon Darling, who is employed with the Milwaukee Railroad painting crew, is taking a forced vacation on account of fracturing three ribs while unloading a paint spraying machine at Lansing.

- Word has been received here by the committee that the Honorable G.N. Haugen of Northwood, Iowa, will be here to give the address at the meeting to be held Monday evening by the Interstate Iron Post Park Association.

- County Supervisor John Rouster, Jr., accompanied by T.F. Hannafin, Jake Rouster, E.E. Cook and D.J. Kely, motored to Winona, Minnesota last Friday afternoon, where they attended a booster meeting of Highway No. 3 Association. Several others from neighboring towns were also present.

- Jordan's Pavilion north of town was the scene of a happy gathering last Tuesday evening, July 10th, through the courtesy of Otto Grann and Edward Middendorf. The evening was spent dancing to the music of Hanke's old-time dance orchestra of Brownsville, Minnesota. At midnight a delicious luncheon was served and a fine time was reported by the guests.

- Complete arrangements have been made for the big Creamery Picnic to be held here Sunday, July 22nd. Foot races, tug-of-war, and all sorts of sports have been provided for, and the Eitzen Band will furnish music. The main attraction of the afternoon will be a double-header base ball game, beginning at 2 o'clock, between Eitzen, Minnesota and New Albin, and Iowa River and New Albin. The admission for both games will be 10 and 25 cents.

[transcribed by E.W., March 2007 & February 2013]

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