Iowa Old Press

Postville Herald
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
April 5, 1928

-Henry Hager has quit sawing wood until after seeding.
-Mrs. W.F. Snitker, who was operated at the Decorah hospital last week, is recovering as rapidly as is possible.
-Wm. Adam, who has a large setting of logs on his farm in southeast Ludlow, has been very busy sawing during the past week.
-Gertrude Snitker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Snitker, who was very sice last week, following an attack of mumps, we are pleased to report is improving.
-Henry Klepper, who started on a large lumber sawing job 3 miles east of Waukon a week or more ago, will be kept busy there for some time, as he has several large jobs yet to saw aside from the setting on his own farm.
-The Ludlow store bulding is now occupied by Leo Kiesau with a new stock of groceries, which is a great convenience to the people of this locality. This is the store in which F.W. Krueger conducted a general store until a year ago.
-In Salem church Rev. Stuebbe confirmed a class of eleven - Milton Krumme, Willard Kiesau, Merlin Duvel, Edgar Henning, Ralph Klepper, Valma Schmeiderkamp, Esther Stuebbe, Mildred Snitker, Leona Setberg, Dorothy Hansmeier and Alma Krumme.
-At the Bethlehem church the Rev. Wiedemeyer confirmed the following: Vernon Krueger, Elmer Adam, Robert Goeke, Mindert Nagel, Arthur Fiet, Esther Flage, Marion Nagel, Minnie and Esther Schafer.
-At the Salamona [sic Zalmona] church Rev. Zissler confirmed Walter Winke, Reuben Hager, Reuben Krueger, Ralph Krueger, Edward Opfer and Emma Meier.

A quiet wedding took place April 4th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krumme, when their daughter Lora, was united in marriage with Elmer Kugel, son of Fred Kugel of Ludlow, Rev. Stuebbe performing the ceremony. They will go to housekeeping on the farm of Mrs. Carl Depping, which they have rented. The best wishes off all are extended them.

Gottlieb Kugel
Gottlieb Kugel died on his farm in Ludlow township, at the home of his son-in-law, H. Siebert, on Thursday, March 29th, at the age of 72 years, his death following an attack of pneumonia. He was born in Germany but came to this country when still a young man. He was married to Sophia Hager in the eighties, she having preceded him in death about 15 years ago. Three children were the fruit of this union, Henry of near Minneapolis, Mrs. Minnie Siebert of Ludlow and Mrs. Sophia Andrews of San Jose, Calif., who with two brothers, August of Postville and Fred of Ludlow, and one sister in Oklahoma, survive him. The funeral was held from the Salamona church* in Ludlow township, conducted by Rev. Sizzler. Interment in the Salamona cemetery*.

Frankville [Winneshiek co.]
-Melvin Ewing and family, Mrs. Henry Hager SR., and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grotegut went to Ludlow to attend the funeral of Mr. Kugel.
-Glen Letchford and Vivian and Vern Letchford went to Postville Tuesday for medical aid for Vern who had the misfortune to get a peice of steel in his eye while assisting in the blacksmith shop.
-Halver Myren was at Decorah on Saturday evening, called there by the death of his son Hartley.
-Albert Depping enjoyed a visit from his brother, Rev. August Depping of Weisgeck, N.D., Thursday.

Hartley Myren
Mr. and Mrs. Halver Myren are called to mourn the loss of their son Hartley, who passed away on Saturday afternoon at 5:30 at Decorah hospital. He wa born April 9, 1927, and was nearly one year old. The little one was taken ill about the middle of December when pneumonia developed, from which he never fully recovered. Three weeks ago he suffered another attack and everything that medical skill or loving hands could do proved of no avail and the little spirit winged its flight back to God who gave it. The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved ones. The funeral service was held Tuesday afternoon at the Lutheran church conducted by Rev. Koren.

[transcribed by S.F., August 2010]

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