Iowa Old Press

Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror
Lansing, Allamakee co. Iowa
November 9, 1927

DANCE at Foresters Hall, Harpers Ferry, Friday evening, Nov. 11th. Music by Faustina Club Orchestra.

DANCE - masquerade dance at the Old Court House, South Lansing, Saturday evening, Nov. 12th. Prizes for best dressed man and woman. Music by Riley's Orchestra.

DANCE - at Kelly's Pavilion, New Albin, Wednesday evening, Nov. 16th. Music by Bendell's Orchestra of LaCrosse.

Obituary - Mrs. Herman Kurk, Sr.
Katherina Lisette Koebbemann was born Nov. 25, 1854, in Schale, Germany, where she grew to womanhood. On April 4, 1880, she was united in marriage to Herman Kurk, Sr., and came to this country the same year, settling on a farm in Union City township, which they later bought and have since resided on.

The deceased always enjoyed good health until last spring, when her heart started to fail her, but she was able to do her housework until the last week, when she suffered a severe attack, but remained conscious until the last hour came, peacefully passing to a highter reward on Friday, Oct. 21st, at 7 p.m., aged 72 years, 10 months and 26 days.

She leaves to mourn her loss her bereaved husband, five sons and three daughters, namely: A.H. Kurk, New Albin; Herman, Jr., Eitzen, Minn.; Otto, Henry and Paul at home; Mrs. William Renke, Mrs. H.W. Renk and Mrs. August Renk, all of Union City township; also one sister, Mrs. L. John of Waukon, Iowa, ten grandchildren and a host of other relatives and friends.

She was a kind mother and a loving wife. A good neighbor has finished her work with faith in God and love to her great Savior and has passed out of the earthly home to the blessed life beyond the sorrows of earth. The largely attended funeral services were held Monday afternoon, Oct. 24th, from her home and at St. John's Evangelical church of Union City, Rev. Zielensky officiating. Burial was made in the cemetery nearby.

Card of Thanks.
We wish to kindly thank all those who assisted us during our recent bereavement. H. Kurk, Sr., and Children.

Lansing Local.
-Ed. Fuerhelm of Trent, S.D. came last week for a visit with his many relatives hereabouts.
-Ed. Langford, the ferry man, has moved from the stone house on 2nd street into a houseboat, which he purchased at LaCrosse a couple weeks ago. Mrs. O.H. Olson and daughter Hilma will occupy the place he vacated.
-Mr. and Mrs. Julius Feuerhelm of this city were pleasantly entertained at a family reunion at the home of their son, Harvey, last Sunday. It was held in honor of the lady's 75th birthday and a sumptous dinner was served. Thirty-six members of the immediate family were present.
-Miss Florence Beck, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Beck, Jr., of this city, and Clearence Strub, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Strub of Route 3, were married in Dubuque Saturday morning. Both are popular young people of this locality. They stole a surprise on their many friends here, driving down early that morning and returning yesterday. Congratulations!

New Albin News
-Irma Strumpel returned Thursday from a few days visit at LaCrosse.
-O.H. Duball, of McGregor, a representative of the Dubuque Telegraph Herald, was here last week on business.
-Mrs. Abe Meiners went to Minneapolis Thursday morning to attend the funeral of her niece, who died suddenly.
-Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Eischeid motored here Sunday from Cresco for a visit with his brother, Dr. R.J. Eischeid and family.
-Leonard Moore of the Sand Cove is the owner of a fine new six cylinder Nash Sedan, which he purchased last week from a Waukon dealer.
-Mrs. Lizzie Verse departed Thursday last for her home at Spokane, Wash., after a three weeks visit here with her aged mother, Mrs. Julia Kuehn, and other relatives.
-D.S. Sandry returned home Sunday by car from the Dakotas, where he has been employed the past summer.
-A.F. Kuehn left Sunday by auto for an extended stay at Viola, Wis., where he will look after his farming interests.
-The Fire Company was called Monday evening to put out a small blaze at the warehouse near the City Meat Market, owned by A.H. Freiberg.

New Albin Cemetery Association Report
The Ladies Cemetery Association wish to make the following report for the season's work, and also publish the name of those who paid dues this year. One mistake we wish to correct in last year's report, that of Mrs. Geo. Mittendorf, who paid two dollars instead of one. Dues collected this season:

Mrs. F. Weymiller, $2.00
Mrs. Chas. Bellows, $2.00
Carl Raddatz, $2.00
Mrs. Hausman, $2.00
L.H. Martin, $5.00
Mrs. D. Gotschaull, $3.00
F.C. Meyer, $1.25
Mrs. R.H. Thomson, Sr., $1.00
Mrs. Chas. Jordan, $1.00
Mrs. Minnie Pohlman, $1.00
Mrs. Chas. Irons, $1.00
S.S. Worley, $1.00
R.C. May, $1.00
Chas. Straka, $1.00
Mrs. Gus Weymiller, $1.00
Mrs. O. Smerud, $1.00
J.S. Ferris, $1.00
Mrs. Geo. Reburn, $1.00
Mrs. C. Kriebitzke, $1.00
Mrs. E. Randall, $1.00
Mrs. Chas. Kubitz, $1.00
Daisy Robinson, $1.00
Wm. Thomson, $1.00
John Schuldt, $1.00
Mrs. Minnie Schultz, $1.00
Mrs. John Haugh, $1.00
Mrs. E. Jarvis, $1.00
Mrs. R. Harvey, $1.00
Mrs. L.F. May, $1.00
August Sommermeyer, $1.00
Mrs. John Pohlman, $1.00
Mrs. E. Rice, $1.00
Mrs. C. Baldwin, $1.00
Mrs. N. Colsch, $1.00
Mrs. H. Rippe, $1.00
R.F. Jordan, $1.00
Mrs. Gus Welper, $1.00
M. Yeoman, $1.00
Caroline Pohlman, $1.00
George Meyer, $1.00
Carver Gantenbein, $1.00
Mrs. A. McDonald, $1.00
Mrs. N. Fitschen, $1.00
Abner Love, $1.00
Mrs. Lillian McMasters, $1.00
Mrs. A. Ferris, $1.00
Mrs. H. Reiser, $1.00
Mrs. D. Freuchte, $1.00
Mrs. Ernestine Brennan, $1.00
Mrs. Gus Gerling, $1.00
Mrs. Ruth Tuft, $1.00
Mrs. A. Bjorklund, 50 cents

Expenses: H. Welper, caretaker, $65.00; Niclai Hdw. Store, lawn mower and clipper, $15.35; H. Welper, extra labor, $2.25; Porter Bellows, 6 loads dirt, $6.00; M. Bloomquist, flags, $1.50; stationery & stamps, 25 cents; Brenner Hdw. Store, repairing, 50 cents; Herman Kurk, repairing, 50 cents

The deficiency of $29.70 was paid out of the reserve fund which the Association is trying to keep on hand for cemetery improvements and if ever lot owner paid the dues of only $1.00 a year all regular expenses could be met out of the yearly payment of dues and the reserve fund kept for other purposes which will come up in the course of time. Cora L. Thomson, Secretary-Treasurer.

Waterville News
-Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Slattery were Sunday evening visitors at the M.J. Kelly home.
-Will Spinner and son Vincent of Village Creek were Sunday visitors at the C.A. Spinner home.
-Ben Rogsted and John Anderson drove to LaCrosse to see M.J. Hart at St. Francis Hospital. Their report was not encouraging.
-Mr. and Mrs. Otto Nelson are the proud parents of a bouncing baby boy since last week. Of course Otto is stepping rather high these days.
-Kathryn Wiedenman was absent from school two days last week on account if illness.
-Mr. Lenhart and Albert Hanson went on a coon hunt one night last week and succeeded in getting two young coons.

Cherry Mound News
-Mark Horan recently purchased 40 acres of land from John McNally.
-C. McCoy and son have finished painting the M.F. Horan residence.
-Mrs. L. McDonald is visiting with friends here, coming from Jamestown, N.D.
-Mrs. Ben Brady was a visitor Saturday at the home of her brother, M.F. Horan.
-Mary Brady left Sunday for a short visit with Waukon relatives before leaving for Denver Colorado.
-Mrs. Mullaney and daughters, Florence and Mrs. Ray Ryan, were recent visitors at the J.M. Slattery home.
-Frank Moore of Waukon was a recent visitor at the home of his daughter, Mrs. John McGeough and family.
-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vickery will soon move back to Cherry Mound, having rented the Blum farm near the cross roads for the next year.
-John Lloyd has bought the Hart school house and moved it to his farm, where it will be used as a dwelling house for the family.
-The newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Will Ryder, have returned from their honeymoon and are now at home to their many friends on the groon's farm in Paint Creek.
-Marie Ryder and the Ed. Kobbe family left Wednesday a week ago for Des Moines and Boone, respectively, having been here to attend the Ryan-Ryder wedding.
-Mr. John Heim of Dubuque, Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Elliott of Monona and others from Harpers Ferry, Paint Rock and Waukon attended the funeral of Mrs. Heim here Oct. 28th.

The following children made their First Holy Communion at St. Pius' church November 1st: Irene Hermanson, Gertrude McGeough, Helen Jones, Raphoella Unterberger, John Walsh, Charles Walsh, Francis Molitor, Paschal Slattery, Raymond McGeough and Roy Cahalan.

English Bench News.
-Irvin Bellows is now a truck driver between here and New Albin.
-Mrs. Arthur Beardmore spent part of last week at the Jesse Rush home near Waukon.
-Allen Hartley, Frank Beardmore and Marvin Spiegler autoed to LaCrosse Sunday.
-Henry King had one of his best work horses afflicted with spinal disease last week.
-Sylvia Sires assisted with the housework at the Wm. Spiegler home during lumber sawing.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kumph were guests last Thursday at the Norman Lueck home in Lansing.
-J.C. Bulman and son Gene and the Truman Wenig family spent last week with relatives at Iowa City.
-Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bulman returned last week from an all summer's stay on their farm at Leeds, N.D.
-Mrs. Elsie Sommermeyer entertained a houseful of friends Nov. 5th, complimentary to her sister-in-law, Miss Hattie Arndt.
-The new barn on the Charley Wild farm was completed Saturday and is a fine improvement. There are seven different kinds of lumber in the building, from walnut to willow.
-Fred Harlow autoed to Postville Sunday to meet Mrs. A.E. Beardmore, who spent the past couple of weeks in Charles City at the home of her son, Attorney T.A. Beardmore.
-Mrs. Theodore Welper was the victim of a painful accident Friday, when a coffee pot overturned, scalding her quite badly.
-Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hartley motored to Waukon Sunday to form the acquaintance of a little grandson, born to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Pottratz at the Hall Maternity Hospital. They now have a boy and a girl.

French Creek News.
-Grandma Wild returned home after a pleasant weeks visit with her daughter Mrs. Oscar Smerud and family at New Albin.
-Milton Ashbacher had the misfortune to sprain his ankle quite badly one day last week.
-Mrs. O.E. Buntrock and Mrs. Wm. Bublitz assisted Mrs. Walter Fedkatter with the shredders one day last week.
-Mrs. John Buntrock has been on the sick list the past week.
-Leroy Phipps of near Thompsons Corner was a business caller at the U.J. Ashbacher home last Wednesday.
-The Wm. Bublitz family visited Sunday afternoon at the Cecil Livinggood home on Silver Creek.

Waukon News.
-Ed. Colvin left yesterday for Nobleton, Florida, where he will spend the winter.
-Mrs. Emil Eddy and daughter, Miss Bertha, leave next Tuesday for their winter home at Mount Dora, Florida.
-Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Staebel and baby of Cresco were Sunday visitors in this city at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Royal Pratt.
-Mrs. Matt Rodenkirk, formerly Miss Rosa Reid of Lycurgus, died Sunday at her home in Castalia, Winneshiek county. We are without further particulars.
-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Doehler of Milwaukee, who were on their honeymoon trip, spent the week end at the home ofhis sister, Mrs. Fred Intlekofer, in this city.
-John Hennessey, living near the West Ridge church, was kicked in the right breast by one of his horses Saturday and painfully injured. He says the plug is eighteen years old and he didn't think he had a kick left in him.
-Relatives living over the line in Winneshiek county were notified this week of the death of Rudolph Ruen, which took place at Madison, S.D., from appendicitis. The remains were brought home for burial Monday and the funeral held yesterday.
-The soldier in uniform who came up on the train last Wednesday was Wm. B. Vieth, Seventeenth U.S. Infantry, stationed at Fort Crook, Neb., who came here on a month's furlough for a visit with his sister, Mrs. Julius Rissman, living in the Church neighborhood.
-Judge Reed returned Monday and resumed work in the District Court.
-George Todd and son Wayne have bought the Roy Gleisner garage west of the City Park and are now in charge of it. We understand that Mr. Gleisner will make an auto trip to Floriday, leaving this week.
-Mr. and Mrs. Leonard O'Brien became the happy parents of a fine baby boy, their first child, born at the Hall Maternity Hospital Monday. The mother and child are getting along nicely and the proud papa is receiving the congratulations of friends.
-C.W. Bender and his concrete crew, J.C. Beedy, Emmet Burgess, Al Beedy, Leo Connor, Knudt Quandahl, George Walker and the cook, Charley Flanders, who have been engaged since last July building culverts in Dubuque county, returned the latter part of last week, having finished their contract.

Looking Backward Twenty-five Years Ago (1902)
-Mrs. Amelia Baquette died Monday at the home of Mrs. M.A. Gadsby in Lansing, with whom she resided since the death of her husband. She was born in Germany in 1820. She married Edward Streikern there and came to America, where he enlisted and was killed in the Civil War in 1860. Burial was in Oak Hill.
-James Regan of New Albin has started up in the barber business at Ridgeway.
-Miss Lillian Bellows has succeeded Margaret Gabbett as assistant postmistress at New Albin.
-Wednesday at noon, took place the marriage of Miss Lettia Luther of New Albin to M.L. Gardner, a prosperous young merchant of Wolstock, Iowa, where they will make their home.
-U.S. Jurors for December term of court at Dubuque are: Grand, M.J. Hart; Pettit, M. Whalen, Lansing; A.B. Cook Postville and John White, Waukon.
-Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Tyler, a girl; and to M. Winn and wife, a boy; to Mose Verdon and wife, a boy.
-D.R. Lee, a former resident of Lansing, died last week at Aitkin, Minn., where the family removed to some years ago. A wife and five children survive him.

Looking Backward Thirty-five Years Ago (1892)
-Mrs. Theresa Mueller, a former Lansing resident, died suddenly at the home of her only surviving daughter, Mrs. Sahley, in Minneapolis, Sunday. She was aged about 80 years and the remains were brought to Lansing for burial beside her husband and two daughters, who preceded her in death.
-At the Norwegian Lutheran church last evening took place the marriage of Miss Nora Camph to Lauritz Moe, Rev. H.A. Hartman officiating. The attendants were Misses Martha Nelson and Belle Hanson and Messrs. Ole Moe and Martin Simonson. They are among Lansing's most popular young people, and the band, of which the groom is a member, gave them a serenade.
-The wedding of Miss Mary Knudtson to Mr. Allen Tollefson took place Nov. 9, Rev. Hartman officiating.
-Albert Spencer found a pocketbook on the street Saturday containing $150, and returned it to the owner, Mr. L.O. Rud.
-At his home in Center township Sunday took place the death of Thor Iverson, father of Iver Thorson, aged 75 years. He is survived by his aged widow, two sons and three daughters.
-John Johnson, teamster for the Lumber Co., will farm the Gilbertson place in Lansing township next year.
-Jurors at the U.S. court at Dubuque for this term are John Thom, New Albin; R.J. Alexander, Waukon; G.H. Markley & George Rice, Lansing; T.C. Tartt, Dorchester.
-C.L. Poole of New Albin, aged 107 years, was taken to the polls in a wheel chair Tuesday by Pat Callahan and cast his vote for the first time under the now Australian ballot system, put into use this year.
-Frank Stirn and wife of Lansing township celebrated their silver wedding last week with a big party of friends.
-Richard Cassidy's new residence near Thompsons Corner was the scene of a big housewarming party on the 6th.

[transcribed by S.F., January 2010]

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