Iowa Old Press

Postville Herald
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
Thursday, June 16, 1927

Thirty-four Years at Same Stand
It was thirty-four years ago June 8 that J.P. Ellis took up the blacksmithing work and in all these years he has been working in the same location. "Pearl," as he is known to his many friends, served his apprenticeship under Tom Shortreed and after seven years purchased a half interest in the business and in 1907 acquired control of the entire shop.

Although the motor vehicle has displaced the horse, J.P. is still kept busy at the old stand, at times requiring three and four assistants to keep up with the work coming in.

Unity Chapter Boys Go to Cresco Last Week
Fifteen members of Unity Chapter No. 62, R.A.M., motored to Cresco last Wednesday evening to confer degree work for their Howard county brethren, and all of them are glad they did so. The Cresco boys gave them a right hearty welcome and after the work took them out to the Country Club for a fine feed and smoker. Those going up from here were:
L.L. Hill, R.F. Topliff, Fred J. Miller, A.S. Burdick, Henry Miller, W.G. Bulman, H.N. Hanks, Adolph Koevenig, A.L. Peterson, Arbe Behrens, J.T. Melvold, R.C. Huebner, O.A. Kinsel, J.L. Gregg & R.M. Hecker.

Local Happenings

Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Clark drove to Waukon Sunday for a little visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Ryan. On the return trip they were accompanied by Mrs. Thomas Clark, who had been there visiting her parents.

Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Corson of LeRoy, Minn., visited Postville relatives from last Wednesday until Friday. They have just sold out their general merchndise business in LeRoy and plan to move to California to reside some time this fall.

Mrs. A.J. Phillips entertains the Cozy Club this afternoon.

J.L. Lien was a Postville visitor a short time on Wednesday.

The Kohrs family enjoyed a reunion and picnic at Decorah Wednesday.

Frank D. Rounds and Sons will finish the brick work on the Herald office today.

Dr. and Mrs. G.F. Kelleher returned Monday from a several days business trip to Chicago.

On Tuesday of this week Lee B. Folsom shipped his seventh car of fox horses to Thiensville, Wis.

Miss Lorraine Powers arrived here this week from Madison, Wis., where she had been attending the University of Wisconsin.

Dr. and Mrs. A.W. Groth complimented Harold C. Groth of Postville, a graduate of the Postville high school, class of 1927, with a dinner at their home in the north part of the city last Sunday. Covers were laid for nine relatives and friends. Harold enters Ames college this fall in furtherance of his agricultural education. - West Union Union

Louis Benjegerdes left on Friday morning's Rock Island for a trip to the Pacific coast, stopping at several points along the way to visit relatives. Among the places of interest he is to visit is Yellowstone National Park. He will go via the northern route with Seattle, Wash., as his objective. Should he find the right sort of an opening he may locate in the coast country.

Miss Viola Weihe is home from the Carthage, Ill., college to spend her summer vacation.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kellogg of Hutchinson, Kansas, were here Tuesday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bowers.

Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Sanders returned last Wednesday evening from a business trip up in the vicinity of Aberdeen, S.D.

H.C. Lawson and Gary Harris have been busy rebuilding a culvert in the Fritz Baltz neighborhood.

Dr. Amos Sherbon, physician and surgeon. Office in the Mrs. George Redhead house, Postville.

Arthur Swenson and son George, started work with the grader Monday on Post township roads.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Groth were visitors Sunday at the Ernest Groth home northwest of Postville.

Mrs. Lydia McQuilkin went to Alpha Tuesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Mattie Davis, her cousin.

Mrs. Julia McConnell of Washington, Iowa, is here visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A.L. Peterson.

W.C. McNeil left Sunday for Britt, where he has been attending to business matters pertaining to the settlement of the estate of the late J.F. Smith.

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Clark arrived in Postville from Chicago last week on a brief vacation visit to relatives and friends here and in Waukon. Early in July the doctor will go to Des Moines to begin a year's work as interne in Mercy Hospital in that city.

Mrs. Ed Stone of Daytona, Florida, arrived in Postville Wednesday evening on a visit in the home of her son, H.H. Stone and family, and with many friends in the old home town. She reports that Ed expects to join her here sometime in July.

Mr. and Mrs. L.J. Masonhall and family were viewing Volney Sunday by automobile.

D.E. Harrington left Monday for Marshalltown, where he will remain for a time and then return to Postville to celebrate his birthday anniversary.

Miss Esther Groth is home from Sioux City, where she has been teaching the past five years, to spend her summer vacation.

County Seat Items

W.J. Holahan of Mason City was a Waukon visitor last week coming over to visit his mother who was quite ill for a few days but has recovered very nicely. - Wauon R. & S.

Noel Robey, who has been engaged with traveling dance orchestras for the past few years, has discontinued that work and gone into partnership with his father, B.L. Robey, in the manufacture of soft drinks in this city. - Waukon Journal

Ben Huey has established a bus service to Postville and return every night, which will prove handy for travelers in case the train service on this branch is reduced. Ben will take mail along also which will gain a lot of time by being mailed on the night train at Postville. - Waukon Democrat

Obituary - E.D. Purdy of Waukon, who enjoyed a wide acquaintance throughout Allamakee county, passed away at his home in that city June 3rd, in his 83rd year. He served as county recorder for eight terms, secretary of the school board for 30 years and was a member of county board of collateral inheritance tax appraisers. He had been a resident of this county since the early fifties.

Married - The marriage of two well known young people took place Wednesday at the Salem Reformed church in Ludlow when Miss Mable G. Grotegut and Victor F. Heins were united in marriage, Rev. K.J. Stuebbe officiating at the ceremony. The attendants were Miss Rudy Luebke and Albert Grotegut. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grotegut residing near Frankville, while the groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Heins living near Postville. Following the marriage ceremony the guests repaired to the Grotegut home where they enjoyed a wedding dinner, after which the young people left for a honeymoon trip of seveeral days to various parts. - Waukon R. & S.

[transcribed by S.F., January 2019]

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