Iowa Old Press

Postville Herald
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
December 29, 1927

Local Happenings
-Leonard Melvin of Harpers Ferry shot a large timber wolf last Sunday as it was about to escape from a trap.
-The death of Edward Decker occurred at his home in Franklin township on Dec. 17, 1927. Deceased was born in Erie county, N.Y., Oct. 26, 1842, and was 85 years of age. He had been a resident of Franklin township for many years.
-Chas. Freitag was at Luana briefly on Monday to visit his sister, Mrs. H.J. Schultz
-Mr. and Mrs. James Brainard of Detroit, Mich., are home visiting relatives and friends over the holidays.
-The crank of a bucking Buick hit Jack Horgan a horrible wallop on the hand Monday while he was trying to wind it up.
-Mr. and Mrs. Hall Swenson of Elkader, Mr. and Mrs. Darius Orr and Mr. and Mrs. Art Dresser were Christmas guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Evan Swenson.
-We acknowledge receipt of a Christmas greeting from Pvt. Louis H. Benjegerdes of Postland, Oregon, who says: "Have been receiving the Herald regularly and it keeps me in touch with good old Postville."
-On Wednesday last, Mrs. A.C. Harris received the sorry news from Watsonville, Calif. that her sister had died of heart trouble. Within the year just closing Mrs. Harris has been called upon to mourn the loss of two sisters.
-The sloppy weather Tuesday caused D.E. Harrington to recall the fact that sixty-four years ago that date he and his compatriots of the Civil War were down in the southern swamps with Gen. Sherman's army getting ready for a battle with the rebs. He celebrated his 84th Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Cy Harrington and family and says he is still able to get a big kick out of the day Santa Claus made famous.
-A son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Helgerson of route two had the misfortune last Saturday to fracture his right arm while cranking a car.
-Ruben Shafer, a son of Carl Shafer of Ludlow, was taken to the Cresco hospital last Friday for blood transfusion and is reported getting along nicely.
-Roy Schultz came home from Lombard, Ill., to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Schultz. Roy is another of the Postville boys who is making good, being manager of a lumber yard in his new home town.
-Glenn Harris of Gary, Indiana, arrived last Monday on a holiday visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Harris.
-Mr. and Mrs. Chet Pearson and family enjoyed a big Christmas day feast with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Christofferson.
-Miss Anna M. Neilly went to Monticello last Wednesday in response to a message announcing the death of her brother following a protracted period of failing health.
-The H.H. and R.R. Douglass homes were the happier over Christmas by the coming of their sister, Miss Ruth Douglass of Denton, Texas, who came Saturday and left on the return trip Wednesday morning.
-Father Clune of Lawler visited his Postville friends several days this week.
-A dandy Christmas present, a baby girl, arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Meine on Monday.
-Mrs. Henry Kamaus called and informed us that a 9-lb baby daughter was born Dec 21 to Mr. and Mrs. Allen Davis of McGregor, and she was grandma again. The mother will be remembered as Elsa Reinhardt.
-Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wyckoff of Pittsburg, Pa., arrived in Postville last Friday on a Christmas visit in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miller. They left Tuesday night on the return trip.
-Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Walter of Chicago arrived in Postville Christmas morning and made it a happy day for her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Laughlin, and it was all the merrier because it was a complete surprise. They returned to the Windy City on the Sioux the same night.
-The home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Groth, northwest of Postville, was the scene of a happy family gathering on Christmas day, the festivities consisting of big feasts and joyous sociability. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Groth of this city, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Groth of St. Cloud, Minn., Esther Groth of Sioux City and Dr. and Mrs. A.W. Groth of West Union and a number of little folks.
-E.E. Owen and Geo. W. Fay drove to Nora Springs Monday to attend the funeral of a cousin, Will Elliott, aged about 65 years. They were accompanied by Edward Neff.

From our Exchanges
-L.A. Grimes is West Union's new mayor, having been appointed to fill a vacancy caused by the resignation of Mayor Ocker.
-The young people of the Hawkeye vicinity are quite numerously afflicted, with scarlet fever, mumps and pneumonia predominating.
-Frank Lesser, 32, of Clermont, has been missing since Dec. 8th, when he left for West Union to join the linemen's gang for the N.E.I. Power Co. He is a married man.

[transcribed by S.F., January 2011]

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