Iowa Old Press

Postville Herald
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
May 21, 1925

The graduating class of 1925:
Florence Pilgrim, Florence Swenson, Catherine Staadt, Elsie Schultz, Sarah Lennon, Walter Rosa, Milton Kiesau, Clinton Smith, Cloy Schultz, Harold Turner, Oliver Schultz, Robert Boehm & Elrie Ruckdaschel

Mrs. F.W. HUGHES is in Des Moines this week enjoying the honor of being the delegate of the Postville Monday Club to the sixteenth biennial convention of the Iowa Federation of Women's Clubs in session in Iowa's capitol city from May 19 to 22.

Dr. F.W. KIESAU returned Friday evening from Des Moines where he attended the Iowa State Medical society, and reports about 400 doctors in attendance at one of the best meetings in the history of the society.

Ninety-five numbers were sold to Turner dance Saturday night in spite of the bad roads and weather and as usual everbody had a good time. Next Saturday night Swaney and his Swanee River Entertainers will furnish music for another dancing party at the same hall.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl ABERNETHY and family, Mrs. Anna SHEEHY and Mrs. George J. MEIER were Sunday afternoon visitors at the Stone House.

Mrs. Nora JORGENSON and her Postville and Clermont music pupils will give a joint recital at her home in Clermont on Saturday, May 23, Mrs. JORGENSON is one of he most capable teachers of music in this section of Iowa, and those fortunate enough to attend one of her recitals are assured in advance of something considerably above the average in merit.

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