Iowa Old Press

Allamakee Journal
Lansing, Allamakee co. Iowa
July 8, 1925

Wolfe's Model Cafe advertised a spring chicken dinner for Sunday last by a 3-line local in this paper and served seventy dinners. Who says advertising doesn't pay.

On account of the show on the river boat Saturday night the Princess Theatre will show on Friday night only. Feature picture, "Sinners in Heaven" and 3rd Chapter of "Galloping Hoofs".

A deal was consummated last week whereby F. Asay, present landlord, becomes the owner of the New Dudley House property. The consideration was about $11,000. Mr. Asay has been operating the house for about six months and found business warranting its purchase, which we are pleased to note and believe it a wise move on his part.

This scribe had dinner at Lycurgus the 4th and enjoyed an hour or more's stay at St. Mary's, one of the prettiest country church sites in the state. The structure itself and the beautiful grounds surrounding it are a credit to the parish and testify to the zeal and energy of Father McNamara, the pastor, who found an old rock church and a dilapidated cemetery and church yard when he came there thirteen years ago.

Work on the city well was abandoned last week by Louis Knopf and crew, after spending three or four weeks trying to reach the bottom. The well is 752 ft. deep and they could only get down 724 ft. It is thought an old set of tools are at the bottom. The well has been recased 200 feet and the flow of water increased materially but not as much as was hoped for. A new well could probably have been drilled cheaper than repairing the old one.

The 4th of July celebration at Jordan's Pavilion, 2-1/2 miles north of New Albin, was a grand success, so far as numbers participating are concerned. Over 2,000 people visited the grounds during the day, 535 cars being parked there at one time and 300 dance tickets being sold both afternoon and evening.

[transcribed by E.W., March 2007]


Allamakee Journal
Lansing, Allamakee co., Iowa
July 15, 1925

Federal Raid at New Albin
E.V. Baldwin, federal prohibition agent for fourteen Iowa counties with headquarters at Dubuque, came to New Albin July 9, and with the assistance of City Marshal Irons and Constable Eugene Kerrigan, arrested the following parties for violating the prohibition laws: Allen Crowley, Willard Inman, William Tippery and Fred Pohlman.

Approximately four gallons of hootch, thirty gallons of wine, and about two hundred bottles of home brew were seized in the raid and brought to Waukon for evidence.

All violators were placed under arrest and brought to Waukon and will be bound over to the grand jury. Federal charges have not been preferred.

[transcribed by E.W., November 2016]

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