Iowa Old Press

Postville Herald
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
December 10, 1925

Humboldt co. Farmer Seriously Injured
His kindness to an animal will probably cost the life of Lee Erhardt, 23 years old, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Erhardt, Humboldt county farmers. Leo and his brother Raymond were driving to Humboldt when they saw a horse which had become entangled in a wire fence. Stopping the car at the intersection of two roads, Leodescended from the car to assist the horse just as a car driven by Fred DeMoy, a neighbor, swung around the corner, the fender striking his head and fracturing his skull. He was rushed to a hospital where he remains unconscious. Physicians say he has little chance of recovery.

Iowa Physicians
A complete check up of all lists of physicians in the state show there are 3,058 practicing doctors in Iowa, Dr. D.M. Griswood, state health commissioner said. Worth county has the fewest physicians, 6; while Polk county leads all others with 271 and Woodbury comes next with 140. A law passed by a recent general assembly requires all physicians to register with the state board of health. This figure indicates there is about one doctor for each 800 inhabitants.

Masonic Address
Masons should not forget the Masonic address at the lodge hall next Tuesday evening, by Rev. Dibble of Mason City. Each member of the local lodge is entitled to bring a guest with him. Following the address refreshments were be served and a social season worth while will be indulged in. Rev. Dibble is an interesting talker and will have something to say you will be glad to listen to.

Last Wednesday marked the fifth anniversary of the birth of Winfield Masonhall, and to commemorate the event his mother entertained fifteen of his little boy and girl friends and at the proper time provided just such a feed as would please them most, and it goes without saying it was a perfectly delightful affair.

1926 Auto Licenses
The 1926 auto licenses are now being issued at the county treasurer's office and 76 were called for the first two days, says the Waukon Democrat. No. 1 was again secured by Mrs. J.G. Minert, No. 2 by Alfred Dravis, No. 3 by F.G. Worley, No. 4 by Geo. W. Fay and No. 5 by Hans Vold.

- Mrs. E. Read and daughter Opal have moved into the M.S. Luhman home.
-The Misses Ludeking, Seitz and Walke, teachers in the Luana schools, were Postville shoppers Saturday afternoon.
- The Red Ball highway, a ten mile stretch of road between Charles City and Nashua, will be paved next year.
- For sale - lots of nice new plants for Christmas gifts. Cora Wheeler.
- For sale or trade - 32-42 volt generator, belt driven. H.J. Schuette.
- Lost - Balloon tire chain 29-440. Leave at F.C. Ruckdaschel garage.
- For sale - Cabinet phonograph, library table and lounge. Inquire at this office.
- Modern equipped home in east Postville, with five ots. Priced to sell. C.F. Gordon.
- For sale - Ford roadster, corduroy cord tires. Walter Imholt, at Art Dresser's, Postville.
- John Waters, Agent, Winneshiek County Mutual Insurance and Iowa Mutual Tornado. Let me show you figures that will surprise you in insurance.
- For sale - quarters of beef or pork; will deliver in quantities of fifty pounds or over; or if you will call at the place you can get any amount desired. C.P. Schopp, Castalia.

Grand and Trial Jurors Drawn for Allamakee
County clerk Shafer sends us the following jury lists recently drawn for Allamakee county:

Grand Jurors for 1926 - jurors are cited to appear at Waukon, January 4th, at 10 a.m.
J.H. Kelly, Waukon
R.E. Blackwell, Harpers Ferry
J.H. Anderson, Waterville
William Schwartzhoff, Dorchester
James FArley, Waukon
L.F. Moore, New Albin
C.H. Meier, Postville
James Cass, Harpers Ferry
Fred Kumph, Dorchester
Herman Hermanson, Harpers Ferry
George Olson, Waterville
James O'Kearn, Waukon

Trial Jurors, January Term - jurors are cited to appear at Waukon, January 11th, at 10 a.m.
Mattie Ludeking, Waukon
Tom Ahearn, Waukon
Wallace Glynn, Lansing
Paul Sonnkalb, Postville
Anna Byrnes, Harpers Ferry
Gertrude Williams, Waukon
Alvin Brandt, Waukon
E.H. Hefner, Monona
I. Imhoff, New Albin
C.C. Kelley, Waukon
Edward Haas, Waukon
John Sanderman, Waukon
J.R. Laughlin, Postville
James Finnegan Jr., Harpers Ferry
August Sunderman, Waukon
Paul C. Bakke, Waukon
Velma Schultz, Postville
Ed Waldron, Waukon
H.H. Kelly, Waterville
Ole Nelson, Locust
A.E. Pratt, Waukon
Meta Fuese, Waukon
Arthur Grinager, Spring Grove
Martin Ripple, New Albin
Marcus Haugen, Waterville
Clyde Knudtson, Waukon
Cleo Kuehne, Waukon
J.E. Sadd, Lansing
Charles Schlitter, Monona
John B. Laroon, Waukon
Peter Whlen, Church
William Martin, Jr., Lansing
W.C. Oehring, Postville
Kathryn Fitzgerald, Waukon
Urban Healey, Lansing
Steve Thornton, Lansing
Sylvia Bailey, Waukon
John A. Walsh, Waukon
Mrs. W.H. Wise, Waukon Junction
James McGuire, Harpers Ferry
George Winke, Waukon
Frank McDermott, Waukon
E.R. Smith, Waukon
Francis Organ, New Albin
L. Vangraven, Dorchester

[transcribed by S.F., February 2008]


Postville Herald
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
December 24, 1925

Respected Luana Man Called to Reward
Our departed brother, Henry Krueger, was born in Germany on the 9th day of November 1857. On the 29th of November he experienced the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost for on that day his Christian parents brought him to holy baptism. Here he was translated from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of the Son. Knowing that their child was a child of God they also performed their God imposed duty toward it by bringing it up in accordance with the instructions laid down by God in His hold Word. Later they had it confirmed as a member of our dear Lutheran church. In 1881 our now departed brother came to America. His first employment he found on a farm near Guttenberg, Iowa. Here he was also united in marriage to Miss Caroline Kregel. The first three years they lived in Germany, then they returned to America and lived on a farm near Garnavillo. Six years later they they bought the farm south of Luana. The union was blessed with seven children, all of these survive the father with the exception of Arthur who had followed the call of his country during the last war and died in France. Our departed brother was made to feel extended suffering when one ill would leave another would take its place. Since last year his heart has been so weak that medical skill surrendered. On the 25th of June he received a stroke and today we need not wonder that his body became racked and distorted. He passed away on Wednesday morning, Dec. 16th and was thus 68 years, 1 month and 7 days of age. Funeral services were held on Friday afternoon from the home to St. John's Lutheran church, Rev. H.P. Kumpf officiating. He is survived by his grieved widow, six children: Rudolf, Alvin and Edgar of Giard; Mrs. Reinholt Foels of Farmersburg, and Paul and Fredina at home; 2 grand-children and two brothers Fred and William.

Card of Thanks
We are thankful to our relatives, neighbors and friends for kindness shown us during our recent bereavement, the death of our husband and father, Henry Krueger. We also gratefully acknowledge the floral and spiritual tributes given in his memory.
Mrs. Henry Kruger and children.

United Brethren Church
-Castalia Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Sermon by Pastor 11:00. W.M.A. meeting at home of Mrs. Ernest Baltz Wednesday afternoon Dec. 30.
-Bethel Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Class meeting led by Mrs. A.C. Harris 11:30. Ladies' Aid meets for dinner at the home of Mrs. M.C. Doerring Friday, January 1, 1926.
-Forest Mills Sunday School 2 p.m. Preaching service 3:00 p.m. Junior meeting 3:00 p.m. Evening service for the purpose of organizing a Senior Christian Endeavor 7:30 p.m. A special invitation is given to all the young people of Forest Mills. Chas. W. Harris, Pastor.

Successful Social
The program and basket social held Tuesday evening in the Woodland school, of which Miss Florence Hoth is teacher, proved to be a very successful one. Those who took part in the program were: Arnold and Mildred Klemme; Delbert, Silas and Donald Kohrs; Lois Lawson; Harland and Robert Sebastian; Ennen, Raymond [remainder cut off my copy]

Clara Gordon's Pupils in Fine Recital
Mrs. Clara Gordon presented a group of music pupils in recital at Staadt's hall Friday evening, Dec. 18. The following program was given:
Orchestra Selection "Just Right March", violins - Luella and Harvey Krogman; trombone - Lenora Heins; cornets - Ora Dahms and Mabel Meyer; clarinet - Rolinda Lammert.
Piano "Ribbon Dance", Amanda Block
Violin "Marche", Helen Connor
Piano "Fond Thoughts of Home", Velma Sheppard, Marie Blaha
Piano "Indians", Mary Gray
Piano "Gold Medal", Ella Pannecke
Violin "Spring Sone", Harvey Krogman
Piano "Waltz", Mildred Brewer
Piano "Pearly Dewdrops", Aurelia Heins
Piano Duet "Boys Brigade", Lorene and Arthur Baltz
Violin "America, the Beautiful", Harland Webster
Piano "Man in the Moon", Virginia Finck
Violin "Tramp, Tramp, Tramp", Robert Clark
Recitation, Mary Gray
Piano "Star of Paradise", Lorene Baltz
Harmonica Solo "Silent Night", Arthur Baltz
Piano "Shepherd Boy", Esther Block
Violin "Listen to the Micking Bird", Luelia Krogman
Cornet "Cavalier Polka", Harry Gordon
Piano "Homeymoon Dance", Celia Duwe
Piano Duet "Dance of the Butterflies", Ora Dahms and Mrs. Gordon
Piano "Rustic Dance", Arthur Baltz
Piano "Sunshine on the Lea", Ora Dahms
Trombone "Love's Old Sweet Song", Lenora Heins
Piano, Saxaphone and Violin "Indian Summer", Amanda, Gertrude and Ruby Luebka
Piano "My Wild Irish Rose", Hazel Luebka
Piano "Water Nymphs", Amanda Block
Violin and Piano "Old Black Joe", Luella Krogman and Clara Gordon
Every member on the program was heartily enjoyed by the large assemblage of parents and friends who had been invited. After the program followed a social season, during which games of various kinds were enjoyed, gathered around the prettily decorated Christmas tree. A fishing pond was great fun for young and old whereby the gifts were distributed, some were big, some were small, others useful and some were funny, all shapes and sizes too, were found. Mrs. Gordon served lots of Christmas candies and apples; a big picnic cafeteria supper was spread on a long table, so many good things to eat. Mrs. Gordon served ice cream, coffee and cream, and how we did eat! Everybody had a most delightful evening and at a late hour we bid our hostess goodnight voting her a royal entertainer.
By "One Who Was There"

-Miss Anna Neilly leaves Christmas eve for Anamosa on a holiday visit to home folks.
-Mr. and Mrs. Arbe Behrens will be hosts on Christmas day to a large company of relatives.
-Mr. and Mrs. H.V. Steele entertained a company of friends at their hospitable home last Sunday.
-Henry Schuette, Sr., provided the Christmas tree for the Lutheran congregation this year, and it is a fine one.
-Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Benjegerdes were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Behrens.
-Ben Erickson was up from Gunder Monday helping break the roads so Santa Claus could get through on time.
-Clarence Hoth will be here from Waukon Christmas day to eat some of those pies like mother used to make.
-Mrs. R.E. Topliff entertained the members of the Croquet Club and the husbands at a picnic supper Thursday evening.
-Leo Samek will be over from West Union to spend Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Samek of this city.
-Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Melvold were Cresco visitors Sunday. The latter remaining for a little longer sojourn with relatives.
-R.E. Johnson will go over to Lansing to spend Christmas, fearing that Santa Claus might not have learned he had moved to Postville.
-Mr. and Mrs. Dan McNeil Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. H.M. Sebastian will be Christmas day guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Palas.
-Miss Agnes Schuler is home from Streator, Ill., to spend the holiday season in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Schuler.
-Miss Jeannette Sanders came this morning from South Bend, Ind., to spend Christmas at the home of her mother, Mrs. Jessie Sanders.
-Miss Helen M. Tuttle came this morning from Canton, Ill., to spend her holiday vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert E. Tuttle.
-Harvey Cornell of Minneapolis is spending a three weeks holiday vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Cornell in Los Angeles, Calif.
-Miss Esther Groth, who is teaching in the Sioux City schools, arrived here Saturday night on a holiday visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Groth.
-Jay Marston left last Friday for Long Beach, Calif., where his wife had preceded him, and expects to locate permanently in southern Calif.
-Mr. and Mrs. Dick Weighner will celebrate Christmas in the Dell Harvey home at Castalia.
-Clarence Hoth of Waukon spent Sunday in Mason City at the home of his brother Elmer and wife.
-Mr. and Mrs. Helmuth Meyer will occupy the Mrs. Wm. Simpson residence after march first next.
-Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hoth will be here from Mason City to help home folks have a Merry Christmas.
-Dr. F.W. Kiesau was a professional visitor Monday in Waukon, his son Milton accompanying him.
-Mr. and Mrs. Chas M. Kerr will spend Christmas in Cherokee at the home of his sister, Mrs. J.A. Henderson.
-Mrs. John Hecker came home from Greene Thursday evening to spend the holiday vacation with her husband.
-Rudy Sander and Miss Celia Sander of Waukon will spend Christmas in Postville with Mr. and Mrs. Lou Thoma.
-Mrs. B.C. Farrington of this city will spend Christmas in Fayette at the home of her father, Dr. A.B. Curran.
-Miss Dasie McConnell of Minneapolis, is here to spend the holidays at the home of her sister, Mrs. A.L. Peterson.
-Mrs. R.N. Douglass and Miss Ruth Douglass of Denton, Texas, will spend the holiday season in Galveston, Texas.
-Mr. and Mrs. R.W. Fett were up from Monona Sunday spending the day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Hinman.
-Miss Elizabeth Sonnkalb is home from Ames to make Christmas merry at th ehome of her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Sonnkalb.
-Miss Vivian Welch was seriously sick with an acute attack of appendicitis last week, but we are glad to report her improving.
-Margot Musser left Saturday for West Union to spend the holiday vacation with her father, Arch Musser, in Auburn township.
-Paul Neff will be home from Cedar Rapids this evening to hang up his socks in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Neff.
-Dr. and Mrs. R.F. Topliff will go to Decorah to meet Santa Claus and spend the glad Christmas day with home folks and friends.
-A.L. Meier, Miss Amy Meier, C.W. Meier and Miss Irene Meier will be guests on Christmas day of Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Philips.
-Edward Staadt came Saturday from Emporia, Kansas, to spend the holiday vacation at the home of his mother, Mrs. Anna Staadt.
-David Bloxham is looking forward to a merry Christmas occasioned by the homecoming of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Marston and Bernice from Sioux City.
-Mr. and Mrs. F.L. Broadgate of Washington, Iowa, will be here for a holiday visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Peterson. The ladies are sisters.
-Mr. and Mrs. E.P. Durno go to Dubuque today to have a Merry Christmas wih relatives and friends.
-Miss Bertha Thoma returned last week from a visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Klingbell in Monroe, Wis.
-Miss Gertrude Meier of Iowa City is here spending her holiday vacation in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Phillips.
-Miss Ruth Gordon is here from Ackley spending the holiday vacation in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Harrington.
-Miss Imo Lamborn of Jasper, Minnesota, is here spending her holiday vacation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mort Deering.
-Miss Alice Phillips will be here from Cedar Rapids to spend Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Phillips.
-Mr. and Mrs. R. Gallagher of Parker, S.D., are here to spend the holidays at the home of her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Sonnkalb.
-Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Bochm and Bob and Mrs. Fred Rosenthal were dinner guests Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.P. Durno.
-Joyce Schmidt arrived Wednesday night from Iowa City to spend the holidays at the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. A.A. Schmidt.
-Miss Delores Thoma came Tuesday evening from Cedar Falls to bing yuletide cheer to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Thoma.
-Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eberling, Mr. and Mrs. C.F. Meier and Helene were dinner guests Sunday in the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Eberling.
-A card from Andy Bock requests the Herald on the exchange list of the paper he is about to establish in Waukon, and we have already complied.
-Miss Ethel Thoma came yesterday from Lansing to spend the Christmas and New Year's holidays in the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Thoma.
-After having spent most of the summer here in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Eberling, Mrs. Archie Mohs left Monday for her home in Denver, Colo.
-The home of Mrs. Anna Schultz of this city will be the scene of a happy family gathering on Christmas day, all of the children and their families being expected to be present to participate in the joyous event.
-Mr. and Mrs. Roy Candee of Volga City, Mr. and Mrs. Lance Candee of Clermont, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jahncke of Route 2 Postville and Lee Candee of West Union will be Christmas guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.M. Candee of this city.
-Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Marston are anticipating a happy family reunion during the holidays. Their son Karl, with his wife and baby are expected home from Sioux City the latter part of the week. Miss Barbara arrived [remainder cut off my copy]

-Ladies, four-buckle overshoes, best grade Jersey cloth, now only $3.50. Wm Kozelka.
-Dr. O.A. Kinsel, naprapathic physician *. Why suffer those aches and pains? Come to Postville, take treatments and be cured. Office over Schutte's furniture store, Postville, Iowa.
-Dr. A.A. Schmidt has his office established in Postville Hospital. Day and night calls will be taken care of promptly.
-Carpenter's Orchestra will play for a Married Folks' Dance at Turner Hall, Saturday, Jan. 2. Don't miss it.

A find Christmas present was left last Friday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carlaus Meyer of Castalia in the shape of a sweet little baby girl.

-Fourteen of the friends of Harold Schroeder assembled at his home on last Saturday evening to assist hom in celebrating his birthday anniversary.
-Wm. Schultz of this city will be 74 years of age on Christmas day, and if all his friends bring him a present he will sure believe there is a Santa Claus. Many happy returns of the day.

[*Naprapathic Medicine is a branch of medicine evaluating and treating persons who have neuro-muscular conditions or connective tissue disorders. Naprapathy was founded by Dr Oakley Smith (Chiropractor), in the early 1900’s. Source: Advanced Center for Health & Pain Management website; transcribed by S.F., October 2007]

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