Iowa Old Press

Postville Herald
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
August 13, 1925

Civil War Veteran Answers Last Call
On Monday evening of this week, following several years of failing health and intense suffering, John Pixler, a veteran of the Civil War and one of Postville's oldest residents, passed away at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey French in this city, where for some months past his needs had been faithfully ministered to, at the ripe old age of ninety years, two months and nine days.

John Pixler, son of Joseph and Margaret Pixler, was born in Smithfield, Pa., May 31, 1835, and as a young man came west to Iowa. On August 9, 1862, he enlisted as a private in Co. A, 27th Iowa Infantry, at Lybrand, Allamakee county, and served his country during three years of the Civil War, being honorably discharged from the service at Clinton, Iowa, August 9, 1865, after having participated in several of the important engagements during that great conflict.

In January, 1864, he came home on a furlough and on the 13th of that month was united in marriage to Chloe Joanna Stull at Lybrand. To this union were born six children, three of whom preceded their father in death. Those surviving are Joseph M. Pixler of Monona; Charles M. Pixler of Triumph, Minn.; and Mrs. Margaret VanMatre of David City, Neb. The wife and mother passed away April 8, 1877.

On January 21, 1888, Mr. Pixler was again united in marriage to Mrs. Hannah French, who died on September 18, 1893.

The greater part of John Pixler's life was spent in Postville, where during his active years he labored faithfully at whatever work his hands found to do, and until failing health confined him indoors he was known to practically ever man, womand and child of this city and community as an honest and industrious citizen, and all who read these lines will regret to learn of the passing of this old citizen, soldier and friend.

The funeral will be held from the Community church at two o'clock this (Thursday) afternoon conducted by Rev. R.F. Galloway and Arthur F. Brandt Post, American Legion. Interment in Postville cemetery.

Ku Klux Klan
Big open meeting, national lady speaker, Thursday evening, August 27th, at Postville ball park. Special night for ladies.

Williams - Gray
The marriage of Miss Amy Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederic L. Williams of Postville, to Mr. Jacques Pierce Gray, son of Dr. and Mrs. Gray of Newton, Iowa, took place Wednesday, August the twelfth at the Roland Park Presbyterian church, in Baltimore, Md., the Rev. W.W. Shaw, D.D. officiating. Following the ceremony a dinner was served at the Hotel Stratford. Among those present were Mrs. Frederic L. Williams, mother of the bride, and Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Ramsey, Grinnell college friends of the bride and groom. Mr. and Mrs. Gray will make their home at Glen Burnie, Maryland.

Local Happenings
-Joseph Peck of R 2 Ossian, returned this morning from a six months' sojourn in England.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Steele and family came over from Nashua Tuesday for a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Steele.
-Mrs. Albert Corson left Tuesday morning for her home in Austin, Minnesota, after spending some time here with her daughter, Mrs. Eugene Read.
-Mr. and Mrs. Alton Harris and daughter Genevieve motored down from Minneapolis Monday to visit home folks and friends in Postville for a week.
-Mrs. Geo. Rice of Dubuque came on Sunday for a visit at the home of her brother, R.F. Hecker.
-Gilbert Sanders was down at the Mrs. Mary Christofferson farm Monday helping thresh.
-Mr. and Mrs. Hall Swenson came up from Elkader last Sunday and in company with his parents visited at the Mrs. Barbara Brainard home on Route 2.
-Merle Dean and Ileta Ruckdaschel spent the past week visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Halvor Halvorson of Clermont.

[transcribed by S.F., April 2011]

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