Iowa Old Press

Postville Herald
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
Thursday, March 10, 1921

Rip Van Winkle Outclassed.
There arrived in Postville on the Milwaukee passenger from the east yesterday morning a man who puts Rip Van Winkle and his sleep of 20 years in the piker class. We refer to Frank Daubenberger, who left this locality thirty-nine years ago, and from that day until yesterday he had not been heard from by members of his family, and by them had been given up for dead. However, he arrived here yesterday, a stranger in a strange land, and inquired if anybody lived hereabouts by the name of George Daubenbeger, and being directed to the residence of the latter in this city, in a few minutes two strangers looked each other in the face, a few words, and brother grasped the right hand of brother in the first greeting of more than a third of a century. Mr. Daubenberger is engaged in ranching up in the vicinity of Duluth, Minn., to which place he will return after a few days visit here.

The State Tramp Law.
"Any male person 16 years of age or over, physically able to perform manual labor, who is wandering about, practicing common begging, or having no visible calling or business to maintain himself, and is unable show reasonable efforts in good faith to secure employment, is a tramp, and any person convicted of being a tramp shall be punished by imprisonment at hard labor in the county jail, not exceeding ten days, or by imprisonment in such jail in solitary confinement not exceeding five days."

Babe's Body Found In Bottle.
Tuesday evening of this week the Tippery boys saw a glass jar floating down stream in the open water in front of town and not far from shore. They secured the jar and brought it to shore when they were amazed to find it contained the body of a small infant. It was taken care of and the authorities notified. How the body came in the river is not known but there are some rumors that would seem to demand prompt investigation. -- Lansing Mirror.

[transcribed by R.R.J., August 2012]


Postville Herald
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
March 24, 1921

Al Ellis in Base Ball Trim
Big, broad-shouldered Al Ellis is in fine physical trim. "I'm about ready for the gong." said Al today. "My legs and arms are all O.K. now. All I need is a few days in which to improve my wind." John D. Logan, president of the Mobile club, says that the Colonols don't realize how lucky they are to have Ellis on their side. "Ellis is a ball player who is too good for the American Association," said Mr. Logan tonight. "He will be in the big league next season. He was a whirlwind in this circuit. No ball game was safe so long as he had a time at bat, and no ball hit anyways near him was a safety." - from the Louisvlle Herald.
Ellis is well known in this city, his wife being a Postville girl (Pauline Prior) and acquaintances and friends here will surely watch the smoke of his team this season.

Easter Menu at Commercial.
The Commercial Hotel will serve the following menu at their Easter dinner, 75 cents per plate. Please make your reservation by Saturday night.
Cream of Tomato, Celery, Olives, Radishes, Green Onions, Chicken, Dressing, Baked Ham, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Crreamed Peas, Egg Salad, Parker House Rolls, Lemon and Cherry Pie, Fruit Sherbert, Cheese, Salted Nuts, Tea, Coffee, Milk.

Florence Kluss-Cook Dead.
The sorry news reached Postvile relatives Monday that Mrs. Dr. Cook had passed away at her home in Dover, New Jersey, Sunday evening. Beyond the bare announcement no further facts are yet known here. Deceased was well known in Postville as Florence Kluss, daughter of Mrs. John Kluss, and many friends here will regret to learn of her deamise and will sincerely sympathise with those who mourn her passing. The remains reached Postville this morning on the early train.

Clayton Co. Farm Bureau.

Four dual orchard and poultry demonstrations were held in the county Monday and Tuesday, March 14 and 15 at the following places: E.M. Gass, Grand Meadow; Frank Schmidt, Giard; Frank Tieden, Cox Creek; John Kuehl, Volga. J.J. Warren, poultry specialist and H.W. Peterson, horticuture specialist, from the extension department of Iowa State College, gave the demonstrations.

The purebred livestock association held its annual meeting Wednesday March 16, at the Court House, Elkader. Prof. Quaife of the Extension department of Iowa State College was present and addressed the meeting on the subject of the importance of livestock feeds and what the breeders association can do. The following business was taken up: The meeting was called to order by Pres. H.H. Diers; report of secretary and treasurer were read and approved. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, H.H. Diers; vice president, Frank Tieden; secretary and treasurer, Roy Combs; Board of Directors - A.C. Storbeck & Chester White hogs; L.J. Kruse, Spotted Poland China hogs; Gust Mentzel, Poland China hogs; Jake Steen, Duroc Jersey hogs; Geo. Hochhaus, Holstein cattle; R.G. Kinsley, Jersey cattle; Frank Nugent, Hereford cattle; [remainder of list is cut off]

Mrs. Jennie M. Shaffer Dead.
Mrs. G.M. Lambert went to Cresco Tuesday to help care for her mother, Mrs. Shaffer, who was ill with pleurisy, which later developed into pleura-pneumonia, and she died Thursday night, March 17th, at 9:30 o'clock. Jennie Shaffer, only daughter of Lorenze and Mary Ann Gibbs, was born in Westport, Essex Co. New York, Nov. 22, 1848, and died in Cresco, Iowa, as above stated, at the age of 72 years. In the year 1870 she came with her parents to Iowa and resided on a farm near Castalia, Winneshiek Co., until August 1875, when she was united in marriage to Edwin Shaffer and went to Clermont, Iowa, to make her home. This union was blessed with two children, Mrs. G.M. Lambert of Luana and Mrs. Fred Walter of Riceville. Besides these she leaves to mourn her departure two brothers, William A. Gibbs of Castalia and Nelson Gibbs of Glendale, Calif., four grandchildren and one great-grandchild. In her girlhood she united with the Baptist church at Westport and never transferred her membership to the home church. She was laid to rest in the Fair View cemetery at Castalia by the side of her husband, who preceeded her in death twenty-four years ago. The services were held from the Castalia U.B. church and were conducted by Rev. Bodenham of Riceville Baptist church, assisted by Rev. Hayes of Castalia.

Chips of News Gathered from the Woodpiles of our Neighbors in This and Other Counties.
-Fayette folks elected a woman on the school board.
-A woman was elected to the school board at Decorah.
-A Bellevue man recently made a shipment of turtles to Chicago.
-While cutting down trees in the timber near Lansing, E. Derr made a mislick and sunk the blade of the ax into one of his feet.
-Webster Bros. of Waucoma recently shipped 2,000 egg cases to the Chinese Empire. These cases will be filled with eggs and reshipped to America.
-While cleaning the gutter in front of the meat market Friday morning, John Rinkert raked out a $10 gold piece which undoubtedly had been buried in the dirt for some time. - Volga News.
- Dr. Guy Potter Benton, president of Upper Iowa University from 1895 to 1902, has just been appointed president of the University of the Philippines with a salary and perquisites of $3,000 pesos ($16,600) per year.
-Iowa is represented in the baseball world by Urban (Red) Faber of Cascade, who for eight seasons has been a pitcher for the White Sox club, Chicago. He is now in Texas where the spring practice games are on Mr. Faber has a very creditable record in the world of sports and has never been accused of any crooked stunts.
-Little Kate Holman, six year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Holman of Mason City, died at the City hospital after her clothing had been entirely burned from her body, when she dared little girl companions to jump in a bonfire behind a drug store. Jumping the fire, her dress caught fire and she ran screaming across a vacant lot, the other little girls running home.

Nearby Correspondence

Castalia [Winneshiek co.]
-Will Buddenburg had a barn raising Friday.
-Merle Stee and Mrs. Joe Kluss are on the sick list.
-Mrs. Roy Owens returned to Monona Wednesday.
-Mrs. Carrie Birdsell returned on Wednesday to Fayette.
-Miss Marie Breitsprecher is visiting relatives at Postville.
-Joe Schultz Jr. is recovereing from an attack of rheumatism.
-The Embroidery Club met with Mrs. Will Albright Friday.
-Mrs. Eliza Green spent the past week with Ossian relatives.
-Lester Meyer of West Union visited at the H.L. Meyer home Friday.
-Miss Hattie Brandt is the new saleslady at the W.H. Haefner store.
-Will Murphy came down from New Hampton Tuesday to visit at the Kearns home.
-T.H. Barrett and Miss Anna Hill arrived home Tuesday from West Palm Beach, Fla.
-Mrs. Wellemeyer of Garner visited at the W.H. Haefner home the latter part of the week.
-Mr. and Mrs. Henry Larsen of Ossian were Sunday visitors at the Chris Schweinefus home.
-Mrs. Harry McClain and baby came down from Decorah Friday to visit at the Ed Green home.
-Roy Hunter and Vern Banning returned Thursday from St. Paul, where they bought a carload of cattle.
-George Scott and daughter Georgiana came down from Minneapolis Monday to visit at the L.S. Bush home.
-The roof of the Fred Wiedo home was badly damaged by fire Tuesday noon. The fire started from the chimney and was extinguished after hard work.
-W.K. Riggs has resigned his position as postmaster and when his successor is appointed he and Mrs. Riggs leave for Brunswick, N.J., where their son Floyd is located. Frank Kneeskern has purchased the drug store and household effects.
-John Russell had a painful accident Friday afternoon when he had part of the little finger of the right hand taken off in a planing machine at Will Buddenburg's. The doctor amputated the remainder of the finger and Mr. Russell is getting along nicely now.
-Mrs. Jennie Shaffer, a former resident of Castalia, passed away Thursday night at Cresco after a few days illness from pneumonia. The body was brought back Saturday afternoon and services were held in the U.B. church. Mrs. Shaffer made her home alternately with her daughters, Mrs. G.M. Lambert of Luana and Mrs. Fred Walter of Riceville, but had been at Cresco taking care of a sick relative when she was stricken. She was in her 73rd year and besides her daughters leaves two brothers, W.A. Gibbs of Castalia and Nelson Gibbs of Los Angeles.
-At a meeting addressed by Supt. Hunt of Postville Tuesday evening a Community Club was organized with the following officers: President, Frank Harvey; vice president, Frank Tehel; secretary, Earl Bachelder; treasurer, D.C. Mallory.

Luana [Clayton co.]
-Mrs. Lewis was at Postville between trains Saturday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Russell were Sunday guests at the W.C. Grosbeck home.
-Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lindroth spent Sunday evening at the Wm. Doerring home.
-Mrs. H.J. Schultz of Postville spent the past week with her duaghter, Mrs. B.F. Overbeck, and family.
-Several of the little folks were out to Henry Kamins Tuesday night to help Viola celebrate her 12th birthday anniversary.
-Mrs. Fred Splies, Mrs. Henry Krambeer, Mrs. John Krambeer Sr., Mrs. C.H. Overbeck, Misses Mary Dunn, Anna Feeney and Amelia Overbeck went to Castalia Saturday to attend the funeral of their friend, Mrs. Jennie Shaffer.

Frankville [Winneshiek co.]
-Elwood Blue was in Ossian Saturday.
-Bert Livingood was in town Sunday.
-Alfred Lundt was in Postvile on Saturday.
-Will Kneeskern was a caller in Waukon Tuesday.
-Roy and Dean Kneeskern were in Decorah Saturday.
-Dr. Kelleher was a professional caller at the Albert Henning home.
-Dr. Folsom of Postville was in this vicinity Saturday.
-Dr. Kiesau was a caller at Fred Lundt's Saturday night.
-Geo. Lundt and Chas Barrett were Waukon callers Saturday.
-Wm. Hubbell was shaking hands with old friends here Wednesday.
-J.A. Peck and Sara Waters Jr were down from Decorah Monday.

[transcribed by S.F., October 2007]

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