Iowa Old Press

Postville Herald
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
July 1921

The old reliable Milwaukee staged a fierce freight wreck in the immediate vicinity of Postville about 12:30 Tuesday night, about midway between the Hoth May Mower factory and the McMaster crossing. Nine cars of the fourteen car fast freight plunged into the ditch off the high embankment and were smashed to smithereens. Fortunately no lives were lost or serious injury suffered by any of the trainmen, and several weary Willies also got out of the mix up without getting their feathers mussed up, which is evidence again that the Lord must have been with them. The train was made up mostly of refrigerator cars loaded with meat and eggs and there was also a car with shelled corn, all of which scattered over the landscape in a most fantastic and haphazard fashion and the track was torn up for several hundred feet.

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