Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
May 7, 1920

Postville Review, A.E. & A.B. BURDICK, Pubs. & Props.
Published every Friday at Postville, Allamakee county, Iowa.
Subscription price, $1.25 per year
Advertising Rate – Business local and poetry, five cents per line. Legal notices at legal rates. Rate for display of advertisements made known on application. Job office in connection.

Ludwig MEIER was born in Westphalen, Germany, April 26, 1835, and died at his home in Postville, Iowa, Monday, May 3, 1920, aged 85 years and 7 days. He was married in Germany in September 1860 and came to America in July 1872, settling first on a farm near Garnavillo, and six years later moved to a farm northeast of Postville which he occupied for 20 years, coming to Postville in 1898 and has resided here continuously since, and where his wife died in October 1907, since which time he has made his home with his daughter, Mrs. Geo. HEIN. Of the nine children born to them, two died in infancy; the remaining severn - Mrs. Louise KAMP, Louis, CHRIS, Henry, C.F., Mrs. Minnie HEIN, and Mrs. Emma HEIN - all are resident of this city and locality and all of whom were present at the funeral which was held on Thursday afternoon at two o'clock from St.Paul's Lutheran church, Rev. E. SCHMIDT officiating. Interment in Postville cemetery.
Mr. MEIER was well and widely known as an upright, honorable and industrious man and good citizen, who during his active years by industry and thrift acquired a competence of this world's goods, which permitted him to spend his declining years in comfort. He was a member of St. Paul's church for a period of forty years, during all of which time until ill health forbade, he took an active part in church affairs, contributing to its upkeep and being a very frequent attendant upon its services.
Mr. MEIER's demise was due more to the infirmities incident to old age than to any specific cause. In his passing the community loses a good citizen and his family a kind and indulgent father, who has fought the good fight, finished his course and his end is peace.

In this connection the family wish to extend their heartfelt thanks to the many friends and neighbors for their solicitous care and kindly acts so generously extended during the last illness and burial of their beloved father.

J. M. HARRIS, Undertaker. Telephone calls sent to residence. Orders taken for flowers.

Fresh Oysters at John THOMA’s.

Shoes for everybody at John H. MEIER’s. Quality and prices are always right when you buy of John H. MEIER.The latest styles in overcoats for men, young men, and boys at John H. MEIER’s. You can’t make a mistake when you buy of John H. MEIER.

The Postville Meat Market pays the highest cash price for eggs. You will lose money if you do not sell your chickens at the Postville Meat Market. We pay high prices.

Dr. A. A. SCHMIDT. Day or nigh call promptly answered. Both phones.

O. J. BLESSIN, physician and surgeon. Specialty of diseases of the eye and fitting glasses.

Mrs. Fred WELZEL and Mrs. George GOETZ were Decorah visitors last Friday.

Mrs. E. S. BLANCHARD returned Wednesday from her visit to her daughter in Chicago.

Chas. SONNKALB left Wednesday afternoon on a business trip to Moline, Ill. and Davenport, Iowa.

Misses Anna and Lizzie REIF returned Saturday from a two weeks visit in Oelwein.

Wanted – A yearly Duroc Jersey boar. Address Paul TOPEL, Postville, Iowa, R.F.D. No. 3

Joy DRESSER has opened a jewelry store and repair shop in the building south of LUHMAN & SANDERS.

Mrs. J. B. MCWILLIAMS and Miss Ethel returned Thursday night last from a visit to the MCWILLIAMS boys in Chester.

Rudolph WILLMAN this week purchased of George SCHULTZ his residence property in west Postville. Considerations $1100; possession given March 1st.

Smith WRIGHT & Sons will open their Postville poultry house soon. The old hens will cackle and the roosters crow, to learn they’ll bring so durn much dough. See the ad.

Rev. F. W. PEASE, James PARKER, and James GREGG returned yesterday from a three day’s fall fishing festival on the Mississippi opposite Harper’s Ferry. Results – PARKER 9, PEASE 3, and GREGG caught an even dozen less than the combined catch of the two previously mentioned.

[transcribed by S.F., August 2003]


Postville Herald
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
May 14, 1920

-Mr. & Mrs. Welmer Funk of Luana have a daughter, born to them last Thursday.
-Melbert Folsom has sold his 80 acre farm in Grand Meadow township to Roy Pixler for $220 per acre.
-Mrs. Eugene Knight, 34, passed away April 30 at her hime in Randalia. The Knight's formerly lived in Postville.
-Castalia high school graduates this year are Helga Martens, Marie, Inez, Florence and Earl Meyer. May 14 is commencement day.
-Mike Clarity, Tom Looney, John Looney and Andrew Schuler were members of a class of 80 who were intitiated into the Knights of Columbus lodge at Waukon last Sunday.
-Roy Combs, the newly appointed Farm Bureau agent for Clayton county will come here Wednesday night of next week to become acquainted with the people of this community.
-Getting married on the sly is becoming a popular pasttime. After thirty days of wedded life, Melvin Brandt and his wife, the former Mabel Dow of Decorah, announce they were married at Farmersburg on April 10, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Walter.
-Prof. G.W. Hunt will be the speaker at the Memorial Day service to be held here May 30.
-A class of 18 seniors will graduate at Postville high school Friday, June 4, the following being members: Florence Thornton, Bernice Phillips, Marion Powers, Hattie Thoma, Malcolm Kerr, Mary Floody, Ross Miller, Pearl Meier, Ethel Allen, Harold Hangartner, George Carpenter, Barbara Marston, Imo Lamborn, Delia Brandt, Elmer Meyer, Pearl Smith, Delylia Bollman, Lucy Miene and Pearl Land.

[transcribed by S.F., July 2008]

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