Iowa Old Press

Waukon Republican
Waukon, Allamakee County
May 14, 1919

Waukon Flour Mill will pay $2.25 for wheat testing 58 or better; $2.20 for testing 56 or better; $2.15 for testing 51 or better.  No dockage.

Dan Sires and family were shopping in town Saturday.

Russell Lane was a business caller in Spring Grove Saturday.

Miss Bessie Smyth is working for Mrs. Geo. P. Kumpf this week.

About a dozen Spring Grove visitors motored to Dorchester Sunday.

If you want your car painted, call on Tom Sires, for he is in that business.

Mr. and Mrs. Earle Beardmore were callers at the Tom Sires home Sunday.

The dance at Sires' Saturday night was well attended and a good time reported.

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Thompson spent part of Sunday at the Olai Langlie home.

Mrs. Will Duffy and her cousin, Miss Mathais spent Friday with Mrs. Joe Schulte.

Emmet Waters has started work on the road for Jim Schwartzhoff.  Good roads in sight.

Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Sadler motored through Dorchester Sunday enroute to Mabel, Minn., accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Edd Wild and family.

This community was shocked at the news of the death of Mrs. H. Styir, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Burroughs of Dorchester.  Mrs. Styir had been sick but a short while, making her death so much harder for us to reconcile ourselves to.  She leaves a bereft husband and an infant child, a mother, father and nine sisters and brothers.  She was interred in Mays Prairie cemetery at ten o'clock Monday forenoon.

Jack Griffin, an old resident of Dorchester, passed away last Monday night at his home two miles northwest of this city.  Mr. Griffin was a well-known farmer of this community and will be missed by his many friends and neighbors.  He leaves to mourn his loss his wife, one daughter, Katherine at home, and two sons, James of Chicago and Johnny at home.  The funeral was held at Dorchester at the St. mary's church and burial took place at the Catholic cemetery on Dutch Hill.  Mr. Griffin had been ailing for some months past.

The marriage of Theodore Henry and Lillian Waters took place at St. Mary's church Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock, Rev. Cramer officiating.  The bride was charmingly dresed in steel grey satin and Georgette with gloves and shoes to match.  She was attended by Miss Kathryn Mathais of Bancroft, Iowa, a cousin of the groom, and the best man was Mr. Emmet Waters, a cousin of the bride.

[transcribed by E.W., December 2006]

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