Iowa Old Press

Allamakee Journal
Lansing, Allamakee County, Iowa
January 1, 1919

- A Happy New Year to all.
- Fred Hammell was a Waukon business caller on Friday.
- The John Mauss family spent Christmas day at the Fred Hammell home.
- Joe O'Malley spent a few days of last week at the James O'Malley home.
- Mrs. William Peters entertained a few friends and relatives at a dinner on Christmas day.
- Lew Aschbacher, wife and daughter, Lois, spent Christmas day at the Walter Ebner home.
- Mrs. John Fink and Mrs. Fred Hammell spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. William Peters.
- The James O'Malley family spent their Christmas holiday at the parental home of Mrs. O'Malley, the Henry Wagner family in Lansing.
- William Buege, who has been working for Ferdinand Haas the past summer, came Tuesday to spend the holidays with relatives and friends in this vicinity and Mays Prairie.

- We are pleased to report that Mrs. Rob Weymiller, who has been very poorly for some time, is much better at this writing. This item will be good news to scores of relatives and friends, who will hope that the lady will soon be herself again.
- Ben Bulman was up in Minnesota last week and while there bought six thoroughbred Duroe sows. Mr. Bulman intends to engage in the stock business hereafter and to begin with got the best that money could buy. His place of business will go by the name of White Oak Stock Farm.
- A jolly bunch of our young folks met at the home of the Rev. and Mrs. Paden on Monday, the occasion being in honor of their daughter Ruth before her departure for Manchester, this state, at which place she is one of the teachers in the high school. Miss Ruth is one of our best young ladies, and as the Paden family is noted for being splendid entertainers, a jolly day was spent.
- Miss Manora Hartley returned home last week from a six months stay at Bristol, South Dakota, to spend the holidays with the home folks. Miss Hartley informed the writer herself that during her absence she held the position of saleslady in a large department store at the above names place. Manora is one of our very best girls, a general favorite among the young people, who are more than pleased to have her spend the glad holiday season amongst us.
- Daniel Long, who has been an inmate of the County Home for the past three years, passed away on December 21, at the age of 81 years. He was an old time resident of these parts and at Dorchester for many years. He was a highly respected old gentleman, always jolly and full of wit, and was well liked by young and old. He is survived by two sons, Wallace of Woodbine, Illinois, and Albert of Waukon; and two daughters, Mrs. Joe Reeder of Rossville, and Mrs. Gus Mohwinkle of Quandahl. Burial took place in the English Bench cemetery beside his wife, Rev. Paden officiating.

- John Mauss and son, Raymond, were New Albin callers Monday.
- Norbert Reburn of Dubuque spent Christmas with home folks.

[transcribed by E.W., June 2006]


Postville Herald
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
January 24, 1919

Paul Schmidt is home from overseas service in the army.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Livingood last Saturday.

Friends of Esther Ruckdaschel gave her a shower Sunday evening, as she is to be married soon to Walter Heins of Luana.

A party was held for Hertha Gass Tuesday night before she departed for St. Louis, Missouri where she will take a nurses' course.

H. T. Roggensack has purchased the Frank Eaton residence in south Postville and will move into it shortly. The Eatons have moved to Cedar Rapids.

On Tuesday occurred the marriage of Miss Senda Gericke, daughter of Mrs. John Gericke and Bennie Mork who recently arrived home from army service.

Frank Kneeskern has bought the Stanley buildings at Castalia and with a crew of men is remodeling them into an up to date store building at present.

Sergt. Harry Beucher writes from France that he recently met up with Rr. R. E. Glew, former Postville veterinarian, who is also with the A. E. F. in France.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gates will soon move to Traer where he has received a position with the power company. He has been the Upper Iowa Power Company resident manager here for several years.

Earl Haefner of Castalia was a Herald caller Monday and informed us that he had recently returned home from the aero school in St. Paul and is now working in the Baltz Bros. garage as repair man.

Louis Henry Knuth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Knuth of Luana passed away at Kansas City where he had gone to ta... [remainder cut off].

[transcribed by S.F., August 2004]

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