Iowa Old Press

Postville Herald
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
August 22, 1919

The home of the Reverend Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Childress at 718 Lincoln street was the scene of a very attractive wedding this morning when Miss Nelle I. Childress was united in marriage to Eli E. Baily at 10:30 o'clock. The home was beautifully decorated in yellow and white and the bride looed charming in her gown of white georgette over white satin. Just before the ceremony took place Miss Ardis Griffin played the wedding march "Sweetheart," and after the short service which was performed by the father of the bride, a simple breakfast was enjoyed by the company present. The bridegroom, Eli E. Baily, is a son of Mr. and Mrs. S.C. Baily of Postville, Iowa, and Mrs. Baily is known to Charleston people as the popular daughter of Rev. and Mrs. J.F. Childress, who has made quite a large circle of friends since taking up her residence in this city. After a camping trip to Denver made in the Childress car and a month's honeymoon spent among the Rockies, the couple will be at home on Mr. Baily's farm near Postville, Iowa.

Especial honor should perhaps be done the bride, as she served for many months as an army nurse in Denver, Colo., and the groom should be congratulated on procuring for his wife such an estimable young lady.

Those who witnessed the marriage were Mr. and Mrs. S.C. Baily of Postville, Ia., Mrs. Mary Hill, Mrs. Nannie Childress of Asmore, Harriet and Preston Baily of Postville, Iowa, Misses Lena and Esther Lutz and Ardis Griffin and Rev. and Mrs. J.F. Childress. -from the Charleston, Illinois Daily Courier.

Visits Friends After Long Absence
Hezekiah Biggs, brother of the late David Biggs of Linton township, was in town last week visiting old comrades of Co. A, 27th Iowa, and others, most of whom he had not seen for more than fifty years, such as Chas. Rumph, Jas. Briar, D.R. Walker, Dr. Earle, Thos. Dowling, G.W. Sherman and possibly some others. His present home is at St. Cloud, Florida, where he spends his winters. He came to Volney in 1853 with his family and is now 82 years old. - Waukon Republican.

Mr. Biggs was a guest of his nephew, Wm. Biggs, northeast of town the past week, and on Sunday they autoed to Postville where they met and enjoyed a visit with Hiram Hawkins, John Pixler, and James McClintock, who were also members of Mr. Biggs' company in the Civil War. Mr. Biggs will go from here to Marshalltown to visit at the Soldiers' Home, before returning to Florida. - Monona Leader

Out at Mason City last Wednesday, August 13, 1919, occurred the marriage of Miss Mattie E. Daubenberger of Postville and Charles F. Stutzman of Battle Creek, Iowa, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. John Clinton, pastor of Olivet M.E. church. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Daubenberger of this city, a young lady of education and refinement and a successful teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Stutzman visited with the bride's parents and friends in tis city from last Saturday until Tuesday, when they left for their home at Battle Creek, where both the groom and bride are employed in the schools, the former as superintendent and the latter as an instructor. The Herald joins with the innumerable friends of the bride in extending her and her's its sincerest well wishes.

Local News
-A baby boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Poesch on last Wednesday.
-The Misses Irene Meier and Luella Casten left on Monday for Washington, D.C., for a visit to Miss Melinda Casten. From there they go to Philadelphia, where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Brandt.
-Drs. Kiesau & Kelleher on Monday operated on the son of Will Schultz who resides near Frankville for appendicitis.
-Miss Bertha Thoma, pianist with Carpenter's orchestra, came home from New Hampton Tuesday for a few days visit.
-Mr. J.H. Dannenbrik returned home Saturday night from Percy, Ill., to where he had been called by the death of his mother who was past 82 years of age.
-Herbert Gass arrived home Tuesday from Camp Dodge, having received his discharge. Herb saw considerable service overseas, leaving Postville about fourteen months ago.

Nearby Correspondence.

Luana [Clayton co.]
-Mrs. Frances Humpke was at Postville Saturday.
-Mildren and Gerald Engelhardt were at Postville Tuesday.
-The Oelke crew began the carpentering on the Fred Kruse home Monday.
-Dewey Cayton and family of Waukon were Sunday visitors at Carey Cayton's.
-John Schultz of Austin, Minn., came Monday to visit his sister, Mrs. B.F. Overbeck.
-Mrs. W. Church and little son of Waukon are visiting her cousins, the Land families.
-Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Benzin are rejoicing over the arrival of their first born, a son, weighing eight lbs.

Farmersburg [Clayton co.]
-Miss Sadie Gappy spent a few days last week at Elkader.
-Mrs. H.W. Harnack spent a few days last week at Dubuque.
-Lanoria Embertson of St. Olaf is visiting with her friend, Florence Henkes.
-Mr. and Mrs. Roy Walter and Leah motored to Cresco Saturday to spend a few days.
-Mrs. Hilton and daughter Harriet of Dubuque are visiting at the Geo. Darrow home.
-Violetta Gossman has been spending a few days at the Seward Henkes home at McGregor.
-Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kruse and their daughter of Montrose, S.D., are visiting relatives here.
-Leslie Brown of Cresco has been visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs. Otto Fuelling, the past week.

Castalia [Winneshiek co.]
-Emery Hanson was at St. Paul last week.
-W.B. Riggs and wife arrived home Saturday.
-Fred Baltz and Archie Caldow arrived Saturday from overseas.
-Mrs. Will Meyer and children of Clear Lake, Minn., are visiting at the McManus home.
-Chas. Birdsill of Des Moines visited his sister, Mrs. L. Woolsey, the fore part of the week.
-An election was held Wednesday to grant Miller & Sons of Clermont a franchise to run their electric light and power line into Castalia. There was no opposition.

Frankville [Winneshiek co.]
-Vern Letchford is on the sick list.
-John Swenson is entertaining his mother and sister from Postville.
-Frank Bulman and family attended the Johnson-Bakke wedding at Waukon on Tuesday.
-Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Spaun, , Sarah Miller and Harry Tillapaugh were Decorah callers Saturday.
-Mrs. Harold Laughlin went to the Postville Hospital on Friday evening where she submitted to an operation Saturday morning. Mrs. Geo. Van Wey is staying at the Laughlin home during Mrs. Laughlin's stay at the hospital.
-J.A. Moellermann of Lansing has purchased the Gene Owens farm of 242 acres for which he paid $233 per acre.

At Waukon on Tuesday, August 12, occurred the marriage of Miss Myrtle Van Wey and Charles Webster, both of this place [Frankville]. Rev. E.T. Gough performed the ceremony that united them for life. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Van Wey and is well and favorably known, while the groom is one of the recently discharged soldier boys having seen several months service at Camp Gordon, Ga. The bride was tastefully dressed in blue georgette crepe with a corsage boquet of pink roses and the groom wore his uniform. The happy couple returned here on Sunday after spending the week with relatives at Waukon Junction. Their many friends join in wishing them a long and happy life.

Hawkeye State News Gathered from all Parts of Iowa
-Orrin Goodhurt, of Corwith, was struck in the temple by a baseball and died from the injury.
-Arthur Schubert, 29, died at Waterloo of hydrophobia. He was bitten by a dog at Sioux City. He was ill five days, lockjaw developing.
-While helping a friend thresh wheat near Waukee, William Rippey, 60 years old, was struck by a bolt of lightning and instantly killed.
-G.W. Genung, 78, of Osage, a Mason for over fifty years, was found dead in a lodge ante room following an evening's initiation ceremony.
-Robert I. Simpson, of Iowa Falls, was killed and another seaman injured in the explosion of a mine close aboard the mine sweeper, Curlew, in the North sea, the navy department has been advised.

[transcribed by S.F., May 2010]

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