Iowa Old Press

The Iowa Volksblatt
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
Friday, May 18, 1917

Amy Oldag of Luana is the new assistant at the Koevenig Kafe.

Flour jumped to $4.25 per sack and sugar is now $10.50 a hundred pounds.

The Clermont band will furnish the music for the Memorial Day exercises in Postville.

Harry Harvey of Castalia and Evelyn Brouillet of Frankville were married Thursday.

Alma Leer and Irving Crawford of Frankville were married at Waukon last week Wednesday.

Martha Boeckh has resigned as teacher in the Postville schools and will teach in Dixon, Ill., next fall.

The sudden heat wave which struck here today has brought out the town's street sprinkler .... and June bugs aplenty.

Lester Williams arrived home Tuesday from a three months trip through the western states and has many interesting experiences to recount.

Otto J. Beucher and Adelaide Harris were married last Tuesday evening in the parsonage of the Congregational church by the Rev. J.F. Childress.

Paul Marston, Joe Harris and Barbara Marston will go to Waukon Saturday to represent Postville high school at the county declamatory contest.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Suckow are the parents of twins since Sunday. And on the same day Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schlee became the parents of a baby daughter.

Ruth Law, the famous aviatrix, has signed a contract to appear at the Winneshiek county fair in August. It is the first time she has agreed to fly at one of the smaller fairs.

A secret service agent of the federal government was here yesterday to check up on a number of reported "pro-Germans," among these being Paul Ronneburger, editor of this newspaper. A copy of the German Volksblatt was sent to Washington for a check-up.

George Huebner, he 6-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Huebner played with matches too near a straw stack at the home farm Saturday evening and the stack caught fire. It took neighbors several hours to keep the fire from spreading to the other buildings on the place. Damage $15,000, Mr. Huebner reports.

[transcribed by S.F., October 2006]

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