Iowa Old Press

The Iowa Volksblatt
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
Friday, April 20, 1917

The G. Muntz family of Clermont have moved to Postville and are occupying the Frye house.

Eggs are 33c per dozen; butter is 49c per pound; chickens, 17c per pound; four, over $3.00 a sack -- where will this price rise end?

Harry Koth, secretary of the Luana creamery, and Ada Otting of McGregor were married at the M.E. church in Monona last Tuesday.

Albert Fiet and Lenora Blum will be married in Ludlow this afternoon. John Grotegut and Hertha Herman of Ludlow were married yesterday.

Lee Folsom's team of horses staged a runaway on this way home from Monona Monday. Lee was thrown clear of the wagon, but was not injured.

Henry Jacobs, 84, a resident of Postville for the past 37 years, passed away last Friday. He is survived by five children, of whom two daughters, Dora and Lizzie, reside here.

Thermometers registered 70 degrees here Tuesday and the high reading was followed by a lively electrical storm and rain. A few days earlier, last Friday, we experienced a cool 19 degrees here.

[transcribed by S.F., October 2006]

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