Iowa Old Press

The Waukon Democrat
Waukon, Allamakee County, Iowa
April 3, 1916

While cutting wood one day last week on the old Decker place, Will Goettle had the misfortune to cut one of his feet badly, the axe striking him between the great and second toes and a gash four inches in length being the result. He walked two miles to his home before attention could be given the wound. Surprise and regret will be felt by our readers to learn that Geo. Koehler died Wednesday at the hospital in Rochester, Minn. Older residents will remember him well. His mother and he ran a small store for years in the building now occupied by the Princess theatre, one door west of the State Bank. His father was a doctor and died when George was quite young. His mother died following the big fire about 1887. George was married here to a daughter of Matt Simon and she with two daughters survive. She is a sister of Mrs. E.J. Roggensack of this place. The body was brought here for interment. Mr. Koehler's age was about 62 yrs.

At the primary Monday Democrats should bear in mind that W.W. Marsh is eminently the proper man to continue in the office of national committeeman. He is of the caliber of men needed on the national committee.

It became known for a certainty last week that one of our prominent young couples, Herman Webb and Miss Lucy Webster, were Mr. and Mrs. Webb in reality, they having been married on Nov. 2nd last by Rev. Childress over in Clayton county, but they had kept their little affair in a secret locker until this time, although there have been some pretty well grounded suspicions all this time that they were matrimonially entwined. A wide circle of friends wish them a full measure of happiness.

Mrs. Dora Fruechte mourns the loss of her cow, a fine animal valued at eighty dollars.

Arthur C. Bellows is having an artesian well drilled on his residence property in the city.

Bricklayers are at work again at the new M.E. church building finishing the tower, the completion of which was prevented last year by cold weather.

The committee from the Hogwallow Improvement Association, which was appointed to see about the mud hole in front of the post office, reported that after an investigation they had decided to let nature take its course.

What might have been a serious ac­cident occurred at the E.J. Sadler place last week. While sawing wood with a buzz saw the saw broke and the flying fragments buried themselves in a log about twelve feet away. Luckily no one was in the path of the flying pieces.

Anna Adelheit Hagen was born on November 11, 1837, at Schale, Germany. In 1870 she came to America and in 1871 was joined in marriage to H.H. Welper. This union was blessed with three children, two of whom and the father preceded her to the beyond. The family resided on a farm in Union City township until 1902, when they moved to New Albin. Mrs. Welper was always in good health until March 5 of this year, when she suffered a paralytic stroke. She passed away on March 22.

LUANA [Clayton co.]
Mert Smith is very sick with typhoid fever.

Mrs. Jennie Shaffer left last week for Riceville, Iowa.

[transcribed by E.W., January 2007]


Allamakee Journal
Lansing, Allamakee co. Iowa
April 12, 1916
[Abstracted news - the original newspaper may have had longer articles]

Mrs. Jackson Smith, 79, of Waukon, was buried Saturday; survived by her husband, two daughters, three sons, and one brother. Her maiden name was Mary Abigail Stillman.

Another sad death was that of Mrs. Haftor Uglum, southwest of Waukon, leaving six children, the eldest 11 years and the youngest a baby a few days old.

Otis Johnson of Waukon Junction is being buried today after shooting himself and ill health was given as the reason for his rash act.

Thos. Roche, 90, of near Harpers Ferry, was buried last Wednesday; he is survived by three sons and three daughters.

Died - Mrs. W. O. Bock of New Albin; survived by her husband, one son Forrest and two brothers, Oscar and Walter Tartt. Burial was in the New Albin cemetery.

Ed. C. Rippe, 44, died in LaCrosse April 2nd and was buried in New Albin last week.

Miss Hannah Nelson and Mr. Hans Hanson were married Saturday at the Norwegian church by Rev. Fjelde.

Mrs. T. J. Kelleher received the news of the birth of a son to her daughter, Mrs. Dr. O’Hara, at her home in West Hope, N. D.

Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hurm are the parents of their first born, a daughter.

-E. B. Jones celebrated his 90th birthday at his home in Union Prairie township;
-The ladies of the Civic improvement League will build a stand for the band to hold open air concerts in the park.
-Waukon visitors at present are Bernice Beddow, Helen Sanderson, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Quillin, Phil Klingle, Mrs. B. F. Thomas, Mrs. Theodore Mauch.
-Away at present are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wampler, Mrs. E. Dillenberg, Patrick Reddy and Mrs. Matt Reddy.
-The Con Curtin assault case against Frank Richards was settled by a jury awarding a verdict in favor of the defendant.
-The Lansing city council rejected the bids for a new city jail.
-Visitors in Lansing at present include: Martha Zoll, Minneapolis; Bert Fellows, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Prof. L. U. Towle, Wabasha, Minn.; Sever Christianson, Algona; Harry Piers, Crandon, Wis., Mrs. Eva Salter and daughter Hazel, Chicago; Mrs. Paul Kingston, Milwaukee; R. O. Dietel, Gale Carlyle, Julius Bensch.
-Among Lansing folks away the past while were: Mrs. F. Stirn, Mason City; Mrs. Lottie Bockfinger, Mrs. Nachtwey, Dubuque; Frances Ritchie, Mabel, Minn.; Ernie Gaunitz, Edmonton, Canada.
-Will Cavers is here from North Dakota; Tom Miles has mastered Nielander & Co.’s new auto delivery wagon, the fourth one in town; Lila Goettle and Edna Aschom netted $26 from a candy sale conducted for the Methodist church.
-Lansing visitors in LaCrosse last week were Mmes. R. A. Cavers, Peter Verdon, Rev. Kegel and daughters Alma and Adeline, Misses Mabel Busness, Mae Brophy and Adah Albert, Julius Boeckh, Herman Haas, Moritz Kerndt Sr., wife and daughter Katherine, Mrs. J. J. Dunlevy, Jake Islei , Miss Meta Kerndt.
-Will McGeough of Chicago is visiting his sister, Mrs. Frank Spinner.
-New Albin visitors recently were Elizabeth Schach, Lloyd Robinson, Mrs. Fred Witt, Mrs. E. Culver and Mrs. C. Brown at Siegfrieds, Mike Casey and Erma Gerling.
-On the Bench we see that John Shefelbine has installed electric lights on all his farm buildings. Carpenters Waters and Schulte have started to remodel the E. J. Sadler house and will make it the finest and most modern hereabouts.
-Our Cherry Mound writer reports Mrs. Dan Fahey, Huron, S. D., visiting at Fred Walker’s. Robert McGeoughs christened their new boy Joseph, the sponsors being Owen Kavanaugh and Lillian McDonald; George Thompson is back home after receiving hospital treatment at Savano, Mo.
-Harpers visitors recently were Mrs. S. Donelan, Montrose, S. D.; Mrs. Dill Whitties, Mason City; Mary Farley, Ohio.
-Nellie Houlihan brought her brother Leonard home from LaCrosse after a siege of measles; Frank Hogan left Monday for Minneapolis and points west where he will learn telegraphy.
-In Heytmans correspondence we note Ethel Lowe of Lansing came down to assist with household duties at the Jess Mohn home.
-Charles Lane of the French Creek neighborhood has moved to Waukon where he recently bought the Hausman meat market.

[transcribed by A.K., Sept 2011]

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