Iowa Old Press

Iowa Volksblatt
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
September 10, 1915

Never in the history of Postville have so many people gathered here as on circus day last Friday. The first section of Ringling Bros. shows arrived here at two a.m. and several hundred people were on hand to watch the unloading of the four long train-loads of paraphernalia, etc. By eight a.m. thousands of people thronged the streets with barely room for more, but still they came. Extra trains, long lines of automobiles, and horse-drawn vehicles brought many visitors for the big show. the parade was held at 11 o'clock and what a spectacle it was. By noon every reserved seat had been sold at the Thoma drug store and before two o'clock the capacity of the tent was sold out. circus folks carried straw into the space between the seat section and rings to accommodate as many as possible, but at that some were turned away from the afternoon performance. It was stated that 15,000 tickets were sold for the afternoon show, but circus people aren't in the habit of revealing total ticket sales. The night crowd was estimated at 5,000. Postville had planned well for the feeding of all these people and much of the foodstuff remained unsold. This was distributed Saturday to needy families while much of it was hauled to farms for chicken and hog feed. Police report no trouble in handling the crowds and as far as we have heard, only one automobile accident occurred roundabout here. Gus and Paul Shafer and their girl friends, while driving to their home in Ludlow after the show report their car left the road near Myron and went into Yellow River before they could stop it. None were injured and a group of farmer friends helped to get the car out of the three feet of water the next morning.

Other Local
-A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ruckdaschel.
-Henry Honn brought 56 head of cattle to the Postville market for which he received a check for $3,038.75.
-Mrs. F.L. Rathbun has purchased a fifty foot building lot next to the John Powers residence from the Stoneman estate and will have a new home erected on it soon.
-Hugh Shepherd is living in the former Dr. Flynn office building. He has purchased a building lot for $875 from Mrs. Wm. Cole next to the Wm. Leui residence and will build a new house there.

[transcribed by S.F., August 2010]


Iowa Volksblatt
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
September 17, 1915

-A 10 1/2 pound boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. L.O. Beucher Monday.
-Hertha Gass will go to St. paul to take a course in nurses' training.
-Patrick Brandt sustained a sprained shoulder when his horse ran away Last Sunday.
-Clifford Everman, five year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Everman, passed away last week.
-Mort Hastings has rented the former meat mearket building and expects to open a restaurant.
-Charles Reincke has bought the 100 acre Obert Harris farm for $13,500 and will take possession next March.
-Simon Brandt has purchased 125 acres of land from G.W. Miller in Ludlow township, paying $163 per acre for it.
-Josie Nicolay has been engaged to tach manual training in the Postville schools the coming year at salary of $80 per month.
-The following girls left on Tuesday to enroll in Iowa State Teachers College at Cedar Falls: Hannah Lange, Louise thoma, Melinda Casten, Mattie Daubenberger, Mahalah McCulloch and Daisy Marston.

[transcribed by S.F., August 2010]

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