Iowa Old Press

Iowa Volksblatt
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
January 22, 1915

John HAMMEL has bought the John MEIER residence for $4,000.

Dell HARVEY has sold his two farms near Castalia to John SCHUETTE, Jr.

Thieves broke into the Commercial hotel Friday morning and robbed Fred MEISKE, the landlord, of $46.15.

Heavy rainfall here Saturday and subsequent 10 below zero weather is making travel on foot difficult.

Owing to the bad weather Saturday the firemen made a net profit of only $5.00 at their benefit dance that night.

Fred J. MEYER, living southwest of Postville, will have a public sale on February 5, after which he will move to town.

Wm. COLLINS has been granted a license at Monona to conduct a saloon. He will pay $250 per month for the privilege.

A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles WEGNER Friday night. And at Ossian a baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. John O. MEYER Monday.

Leonard PAULSEN of Minneapolis is here to pack up the belongings of the FLYNN family and will take these as well as the surviving children to Minneapolis this week.

At the declamatory contest of the local high school held at Turner Hall on Friday night Edward STAADT was awarded a gold medal, Irene CLARK received the silver medal and Wesley BURDICK won the bronze medal.

Sherman LAWSON has bought a lot from Charles WEGNER and expects to build a house on it this spring. J.H.W. SCHROEDER of Castalia also bought one of the WEGNER lots and will build a new house there this summer.

The Jugend-Verein of St. Paul's church elected the following officers at its meeting Sunday night:
President, Wm. J. KLINGBEIL
Vice President, Luella CASTEN
Secretary, Roland BRANDT
Treasurer, Elwin SCHULTZ

PETTIT Bros., local jewelers, have purchased the confectionery store of L.H. MOODY and will move their jewelry store to that location where both businesses will be continued. The MOODYS expect to locate in Minnesota.

The donation supper and bazaar of St. Bridget's Catholic church held at Turner Hall Thursday netted the congregation $589.00. The supper brought $138 into the treasury; $51 was taken in at the bazaar, and a lot in Mason City, donated by John MULLANEY went to Wm. FINNEGAN of Swaledale for $400.

Our popular auctioneer, Col. George WATERS, is completing one of the most successful farm sale seasons. He has cried 61 sales to date which required traveling 1151 miles. The amount the goods sold for at the sales cried by Col. George amounted to the aggregate sum of $179,443, or close to $3,000 per farm sale. He still has 15 sales booked during the remainder of January and February.

-Wm. TIMMERMAN and Velma MEYER were married at Castalia by Rev. HARMS Thursday.
-Richard SUCKOW and Sophie MECKLENBURG were married at the Lutheran church in Castalia last Thursday.
-Alma Sophia SCHROEDER and Albert A. GULSVIG were married at St. Paul's church Wednesday, Rev. E. SCHMIDT officiating. Crystal LEITHOLD presided at the church organ; Amilie SCHROEDER and Cornelius OHLSON were the attendants, and Deloras WELZEL and Thelma STERNS, nieces of the couple, were flower girls. Eighty guests attended the reception at the B.F. SCROEDER home after the wedding.

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