Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
March 6, 1914

Mrs. Christ Harnack, whose maiden name was Sass, was born in Loesson, Germany, Nov. 11, 1831, and died about 12:30 on Sunday, March 1, 1914, aged 82 years, 3 months and 18 days. In 1852 she emigrated to America, settling in Guttenberg. December 21, 1852, she was married to Christ Harnack and to this union were born two sons and five daughters, one son having died. After three years in Guttenberg they moved near Garnavillo. In 1878 they moved to their farm three miles south of Postville and in 1885 they moved to Postville. December 21, 1902, they celebrated their Golden Wedding anniversary and in 1912 they celebrated the 60th anniversary of their wedded life. Last October disease laid hold of her and since that time she has been a patient sufferer. All that medical skill and tender care could do for her was done, but without avail. Saturday noon last she was stricken with paralysis, the entire right side being affected, rendering her unconscious, speechless and helpless. She is survived by her son John, her five daughters, namely, Mrs. August Dahl, Mrs. John Krambeer, Mrs. Jochen Schultz, Mrs. Louis Meyer and Mrs. John Schroeder, one sister and many friends. The funeral was held from the Lutheran church at 1:30 p.m., Wednesday, March 4, 1914. Rev. R. Kuehne officiating. Interment in the Postville cemetery.

Town Officers Nominated.
Pursuant to call a Citizens Caucus convened at the Fire Station at eight o'clock Wednesday eveing, March 4th, and after being called to order by Committeeman L.S. McEwen, who read the call and appointed Bert E. Tuttle temporary secretary, the caucus was on motion adjourned to the Postvile Picture Theater. Caucus reconvened as per adjornment. John Waters was chosen permanent chairman and Bert E. Tuttle, secretary, and the electors present, some ninety odd, nominated the following candidates for Municipal offices to be filled at the election on march 30th, to-wit:
For Mayor -- P.J. Beucher
For Councilmen -- R.D. Blackburn, W.H. Burling, C.W. Meier, Geo. Daubenberger and H.S. Luhman
Assessor -- A.L. Meier
Treasurer -- L.S. McEwen
[remainder cut off my copy]

Loyal to "Old Winneshiek"
Hamilton Campbell was a caller yesterday and requested that we change the address of his Review to Decorah, to which place he moved last week to make his home and enjoy a deserved rest after many years of toil on the farm and all who know him will admit that they are few who have put in more hours of hard work than he. Sixtysix years [illegible words] the 7th day of this coming June he settled on his farm in Winneshiek county; along the Military road between Postville and Castalia, and there have been few days since he has not been "on the job". Postville has always been his chief trading point and [remainder cut off my copy]

[submitted by S. F., March 2004]


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
March 20, 1914

At the family home on Monday, March 9, 1914, following an illness dating back to last September, Mrs. John C. Meyer passed away. Bertha L. Sonnkalb was the daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. C.F. W. Sonnkalb and was born at Postville, Iowa, on August 6, 1872. She was married to John C. Meyer at Cresco, Iowa, March 9, 1897, and he with two sons, Oliver and Lawrence, are left to mourn the loss of a faithful and loving wife and mother. Mrs. Meyer was a woman of quiet dispositon, whose chief pleasure was found in the home and among her friends. There by her kindly-loving disposition and exemplary christian life, she created a place such that her absency will create a void -- Bell Plaine Union.

The remains were brought back to Postville on Wednesday of last week and on the afternoon of the following day funeral services were held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Leui. Interment in the Grand Meadow cemetery. [transcriber note: Grand Meadow cemetery is in Clayton co.]

Farms for Sale.
-The G.W. Sawyer place in Postville, house and three lots, in good condition.
-The Gass farm adjoining corporation of Postville, 174 acres, can be divided, running water, good buildings, long easy terms and very low rate of interest. A first-class place.
-Wm. Heins farm, 112 acres, one mile east of Postville, about $8,000 improvements, firstclass place.
-165 acres, 1 1/2 miles north of Postville, best stock farm in Allamakee county.
-Chas. Keuster farm, 5 miles northeast of Monona, 165 acres.
-Several farms in Delaware and Chemung counties, New York, stock and everthing on farm goes with them.
-Also several farms in southern Minnesota.
Tuller &McNeil Land Agency.

-Dr. N.N. Crawford of Waukon, assistant state veterinarian, was over in this locality Tuesday on official business.
-Arthur Webster, Chas. Krumm and John Palas attended a meeting of the Shrine at Cedar Rapids Wednesday of last week.
-Arthur Shepherd was a visitor in Postville over last night. He has left Mason City and will locate at Sioux Falls, S.D.
-We understand Mrs. A.L. Meier will go home tomorrow after eight weeks in Postville Hospital waiting for a broken hip to mend.
-Rev. and Mrs. F.W. Pease of Lansing visited Postville friends a day or so the first of the week, all of whom were glad to meet them.
-Over 40 persons, of whom 35 were members of the Frauen-verein, surprised Mrs. Kuehne at the Lutheran parsonage last Thursday afternoon and left a nice table cloth and napkins as a remembrance.

-Now is the time to brighten up with Sherwin & Wiliams paint. Join the brighten up club. Schroeder & Stone.

-It speaks to the heart through the pocketbook...That's why the Ford is a friend to thousands the world over. Bank the balance. The difference between Ford cost and heavy car cost is "velvet" for the prudent buyer. Two tons of automobile just to carry four persons? Ridiculous weight! Unwarranted expense! Of all cars, the Ford is the most economical -- because it is lightest and has more power for its weight. All cars of the future will have present Ford lightness. BUY A FORD. Think what these prices mean - for the car that has stood the test: Runabout $500; Touring Car $550, f.o.b. Detroit with all equipment. Get catalog and all particulars from ...
H.J. Schuette, Ford Agency, Postville, Iowa.

-The Edison Amberola is a source of endless pleasure to the entire household. it gives everybody the kind of music they like best. hear the new Blue Amberol Records at ....
Thoma's Drug Store.

[submitted by S.F., Feb. 2004]

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
March 27, 1914

-Viggo Holter, a relative of Carl Holter of this city, arrived in Postville last week from Christiana, Norway. He is a nice appearing young man, 18 years of age, and likes the appearance of the United States so far as he has seen it.
-Mrs. Irvin Wirkler has returned to her home in Garnavillo, having recovered from her operation at Postville hospital.
-Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hoesly left Wednesday for Monroe, Wis. being called there by the critical illness of Sam's sister.
-Geo. Lenth, of Elkader, was a Postville visitor Monday in the interest of his Edison Diamond Disc machine.
-Sucker fishing is here!
-Town election next Monday!
-Guy Gregg was a home visitor over Sunday.
-Gaddes Brooks was a Waukon visitor Tuesday.
-Mrs. M. Mickelson is feeling quite poorly at present.
-Mrs. Frank Ervin was an Ossian visitor last Saturday.
-Loren Buttolph has joined the family served by rural route No. 2.
-Dr. Ray F. Topliff, dentist. Office over new Postville State Bank.
-Mr. and mrs. Harvey Clark were up from Sunshine Valley Tuesday.
-Milk! Milk! Milk! Drop us a card and we will call. S. Percifield.
-For Sale. The Schofield residence property. Inquire of Wm. Moll.
-The city drinking fountain has been administered its regular spring coat of red paint.
-Otto Rasmusen and Milo Meier are home from Mt. Vernon spending a ten days vacation.
-The G.W. Sawyer family returned to Orland, Cal. last week after a year's residence in Postville.
-Mrs. Ruth Lee of Ossian visited over Sunday in Postville with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ervin.
-O.J. Blessin, physician and surgeon. Specialty of diseases of the eye and fitting glasses.
-The public drinking fountain was put into commission yesterday, and neither, man, beast nor auto need now go to Monona to quench their thirst.
-Supervisor Weihe went to Waukon Monday.
-Art Webster was a business visitor in Waukon Tuesday.
-Mr. and Mrs. R.V. Pearson of Hardin were callers yesterday.
-Help Wanted! Girl at the Winneshiek Hotel, Decorah, Iowa.
-Rev. and Mrs. R. Kuehne were over Sunday visitors in Lincoln, Neb.
-Mrs. O.E. Roebken of Garnavillo is here on a visit to her sister, Mrs. A.A. Schmidt.
-Chas. Krumm shipped some Poland China pigs Monday to his son-in-law in Sarona, Wis.
-Mrs. Teasketter of Ossian submitted to an operation at Postville Hospital this morning.
-Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Busacker visited friends in Luana and Monona yesterday and today.
-The first thunderstorm of the season pulled into town during the early hours of yesterday morning.
-Keith Gray is now running on the Cedar Rapids & Omaha R.P.O. between Cedar Rapids and Carroll.

-Wm. Shepherd, attorney at law, Postville, Iowa
-Dr. H.D. Cole, dentist, office over Steele's Restaurant
-R.E. Glew, D.V.M., Veterinarian, office 1st door west Douglass Pharmacy, Farmers and Standard Phones, Postville
-Burling & Burling, Attorneys at Law; F.S. Burling & W.H. Burling; settlement of estates and a general law practice.
-H.C. Schultz, Harness Store.

[submitted by S.F., Feb. 2004]

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