Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
April 24, 1914

Some Allamakee History - Some Clue As to Who Carved the Words On the Famous Paint Rock.
Some months ago Mrs. Sam Hoesly of this city received a letter from her former pastor, Rev. A.D. Gregg, who was pastor of the Presbyterian church at Frankville some years ago, but is now located at Sarcoxie, Mo. As this letter contains a clue that may clear up some early Allamakee Co. history as to who carved the letters on the famous Paint Rock, we publish that portion of the letter pertaining thereto, it bearing the earmarks of reliability and doubless settles a question that has caused considerable cogitation for many years. Here is the letter:
"On my way home from Kansas City on Monday, Dec. 8, 1913, I found the clue to one of the great mysteries of Northeastern Iowa. Up above Waukon Junction, along the Mississippi, there is a rock known as "Paint Rock." On this rock, up above the tree tops, a number of words have been chiseled in large letters, so that one can read them from quite a distance. The question has been for many years, "Who carved those letters on that rock?"
"Above Fort Scott, on the 'Frisco railroad, a gentleman got on the train. He came down the car aisle looking for a seat, and said to me, "is this seat taken?" and I said, "No. Sit down and we will have a visit." He sat down, and during the conversation I learned that he was Rev. W.S. Bailey, a District Superintendent of the M.E. church, living at Fort Scott, Kansas. That his grandfather was Colonel of the regiment which captured the famous Indian chief, Blackhawk. That his father enlisted in the army under his father, Col. Bailey, and was appointed Indian agent at the Old Mission on the Black River in Wisconsin.
"His brother was the first white child born in that region. He was born at Old Mission, and had his first bear fight at Boscobel. A bear came into camp, and being a boy five years old, thought the bear was a dog and set his two dogs on it. The bear killed one of the dogs and doubtless would have killed the boy and the other dog had not the father came up and killed the bear.
"A party of which Mr. Bailey, then a boy, was the Mascot, was returning from a reconnoitering expedition to Baraboo and Thakaresia and camped just back of Eagle, or Paint Rock. the Indian guide and scout of the party, a half-breed Winnebago, C.C. Stone [or G.C. Stone] was lowered by ropes over the edge of the cliff, and Mr. Bailey was with him and helped him chisel those letters in that rock sixty years ago. Rev. Mr. Bailey understands the Indian language and could make valuable additions to the history of northwestern Wisconsin and northeastern Iowa.

Tearing Down Hardin
If future generations are to know that at one time there was on the map, four miles east of Postville, a thriving village called Hardin, it will be necessary to soon erect a monument to mark the spot and perpetuate its memory. Time was when Hardin was a strong competitor of Postville in the business field. Back in the days when McGregor was the marketplace for a wide scope of country to the west, Hardin was possessed of a saw mill and grist mill, two churches, a hotel, several stores, a two story brick school, blacksmith, wagon and carpenter shops, a postoffice of cours, lawyers, doctors, etc., and a fair representation in most every avocation, all of which went to make up a thriving village of the pioneer days, and just as it was bidding fair to become a metropolis of the then far west, circumstances smote it a blow that started its decline and ended in its death by slow degrees. And today the few houses that remain are the homes of farmers and the city blocks are cultivated fields.

The circumstances which killed it was that of the railroad following the ridge instead of the ravine when the Milwaukee was extended west from the Mississippi. This placed Luana two miles to the south and Postville four miles to the west on the railroad and the inevitable was Hardin's lot.

And this week Henry Welch has bought the properties just south, just north and across the road west of his home, and part of the agreement is that the houses on each of the three properties are to be torn down. Verily, Hardin is mostly a memory of bygone days.

[transcribed by S.F. August 2005]

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