Iowa Old Press

The Democrat
Waukon, Allamakee co. Iowa
October 15, 1913

Local News
-Court convenes next Monday with Judge Springer presiding.
-Mr. and Mrs. M.J. Barthell became the parents of a baby boy on Monday night.
-Con Ward has sold his farm north of town, to Dan Williams for $10,000 and Mr. Ward intends to move to town.
-Hayes Van Gorder, a postal mail clerk of southern Iowa, is making his mother, Mrs. L.D. Van Gorder near Forest Mills, a visit during his vacation.
-Mrs. Robert Farley and family are now residing on a farm they have purchased near Brownsville, Minn.
-Ben Huey, the mail carrier on route 3 was out in all of the storm Friday. His team ran away after being frightened from falling buildings, etc.
-August Hausman, who went from here to Iowa township and now owns the Hays farm near New Albin, was married there Sunday to Mrs. Tabbot, a daughter of Mrs. Hays.
-Louis Goeke sold one of his thoroughbred colts last week, a yearling for $600, to Andrew V. Koster, a farmer residing near Freeburg in Houston county.
-A card at hand from John Teeling who has the management of a fine hotel at Watertown, S.D., notes that he has leased another large hotel at Hastings, Neb.
-Since the night shift has been put on at the iron mines it does away with the services of a night-watch and Bela Pardee is off duty for the present. He has been on the job three years steady.

Marriage Licenses have been issued to the following named couples the past week:
August Hausman - Verona H. Tabbot
Henry O'Neil - Nora Crowe
Theo. Spinner - Helma Hermanson

Oscar Collins, residing in this county north of Luana, who is one of the foremost dairymen of this part of Iowa, has installed a milking machine which no doubt will come into common use soon. It handles four cows at a time. It was Mr. Collins who twenty years ago erected a silo.

A message this morning brought word to S.R. Thompson of the accidental death of his son-in-law D.J. Davis, residing at Arcadia, Wis., a town east of Winona. Deceased was a brother also of Mrs. Harry Orr of this city. He was riding on a motor hand car when it collided with another car and the injuries received by Mr. Davis caused his death four hours later. He was married to Edna Thompson who with their five children, survive.

[transcribed by S.F., March 2008]

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