Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
Friday, August 22, 1913

The Farmers Store is being repainted.

Mrs. John Jacquis of Corydon, Iowa, and Geo. Murray of Hope, N.D., left yesterday morning for their homes after being here to attend the funeral of their sister, Mrs. J.H. Laughlin.

John Floegel was returned to the County Home near Waukon Tuesday, being conveyed thither in Henry Lawson's auto and accompanied by Supervisor Wm. Weihe. Age and its attendant infirmities have been bearing down heavily on the old fellow of late and he is no longer able to work or even give himelf the proper personal care, and hence he has been placed where his well being and comfort will be best ministered to during the remainder of life's journey. He has been a Postville resident for many years and yet little is known of his history prior to his coming here. But back somewhere among the Yesterdays of life it is presumed that something must have happened that crushed his faith in humanity for all time, as he never made a confidant or close friend of anyone. So far as is known he has no kin in the country.

-Ralph Tuller is at Des Moines attending the State Fair.
-J.W. Reif left Wednesday for Des Moines to attend the State Fair.
-Mr. and Mrs. George Fay left yesterday to take in the Iowa State Fair.
-Charley Krumm and Carl Casten leave for the State Fair tomorrow.
-Mr. and Mrs. C.B. Bachtell and son Ralph left Wednesday for the State Fair in their auto.
-Miss Bernice Laughlin and Miss Ethel Meier left yesterday for Des Moines to attend the State Fair.
-Mr. and Mrs. L.H. Schroeder and Elmer and Miss Clara left by auto this morning for the State Fair.
-Postmaster Burdick and wife and son Edward left this morning by auto for Des Moines and the State Fair.

Roy Pettit and Geo. Sebastian came home Tuesday evening from a several days outing in Cedar Rapids.

Miss Eunice Hartley returned to Waukon Monday after a visit at the W.G. Bulman home in this city.

Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Phillips and Harold, Alice and Bernice left Sunday for Spencer to visit F.L. Eaton and family.

Ed Herchert has closed his auto repair shop until the completion of the Heins garage, in which he will have headquarters.

Charley Senholz and Henry Schroeder left Tuesday morning for McClaskey, N.D., to look for land.

Miss Marie Willman of Mason City visited Postvile relatives from Saturday until Monday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hoesley were rained in at the Brouilette home near Frankville over Sunday night.

Mrs. Chas. Jenkins of McGregor was an over Sunday visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Jenkins in this city.

Miss Myra Angell began a term of school Monday in the Carl H. Meyer (Woodland) district.

Edward Weihe of Chicago is here on a visit at the Wm. Weihe home.

Attorney F.S. Burling was in Decorah Tuesday on professional business.

Miss Marie Wegner left for Guttenberg Wednesday for a several days' visit.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Oehring of McGregor visited over Sunday with Postville relatives.

Immanuel Kozelka went to Prairie du Chien yesterday on a visit to home folks and friends.

-J.F. Miller, east of Hardin, had a cow killed by lightning during Sunday afternoon's storm.
-Lightening killed one of Lee Folsom's cows in the pasture during the Sunday thunder storm.
-During Sunday's storm lightning killed a horse on the Ward Bender farm north of Luana.

Mrs. F.W. Gates and Mrs. Eccleston are visiting home folks in Oshkosh, Wis.

Eli Garms of Charles City is here on a visit to Postville relatives and friends.

Miss Abbie Turner of Monona was a Postville visitor Tuesday.

Mrs. Henry Miller and baby went to New Hampton this morning.

Evan Swenson was at Monona on business Tuesday.

Miss Grace McNeil of Pasadena is expected here today.

Mrs. Wm. Kozelka and baby returned Wednesday from a visit to her parents near Monona.

-Jos. Nicholay and Miss Emma Nicolay went to Lansing Monday to attend the Golden Wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. M. Kerndt.
-Mrs. Jos. Nicolay and daughter, Miss Jennie and Elsa, went to Lansing last week to visit relatives and friends, and of course remained to take in the Kerndt Golden Wedding.

Mr. and Mrs. A.B. Cook and Flora Franklin left yesterday by auto for Britt to visit relatives. H.J. Schuette accompanied them as far as Charles City.

Mrs. Grace Morgan left yesterday for her home in Marshalltown accompanied by her mother, Mrs. M.Y. McMaster.

Mr. and Mrs. Loren A. Bellows visited over Sunday at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Rex Mullis, in McGregor.

Mrs. Fred H. Luhman left Monday for Lime Springs to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Burns, and take in Chautauqua.

Mrs. Jas. Dawes was called to Waterloo Monday to be with her daughter, Mrs. Lucile Roberts, during a surgical operation.

Mrs. J.O. Crain and children, Dean and Edith, closed a two weeks visit to Postville relatives on Wednesday night and left for their home in Villa Grove, Ill.

Mrs. G.W. Pixler of Postville, accompanied her cousins, Mrs. Stewart of Minneapolis and Mrs. Potter of Charles City, to Lansing Wednesday on a visit.

Uncle Ed Douglass returned Wednesday evening from his summer's sojourn with his son Ed F. at Dysart. He is looking and feeling well and is still a republican.

Mrs. F.W. Parmenter and daughter, Miss Estella of Rock Valley, Iowa, were guests of Rev. and Mrs. W.R. Mellott at the Methodist parsonage Tuesday.

Andy Bock of the Waukon Republican made us more than glad by a friendly call this morning, coming over with Attorney H.E. Taylor by auto.

George Meier, Earl Abernethy, Misses Christine and Loretta Sheehy returned last week Wednesday from a week's visit at Spencer and Clear Lake, making the trip by auto.

Milo Meier of Rudd was a home visitor over Sunday. In fact, he has to come down occasionally to show Mr. and Mrs. John H. Meier that his appetite isn't falling off any.

Schuette & Heins have dissolved partnership in the auto business. Mr. Schuette will remain at the old stand and Mr. Heins is building a garage for his occupancy.

J.M. Thoma of this city was at Waukon last Saturday to attend a meeting of the presidents of the Allamakee Co. school boards. The object of the meeting was to decide on the salary to be paid the Deputy Co. School Supt., and the same was fixed at $600.

Seven surgical operations have been performed at Postville Hospital the past week - Duluth Pieper of Clayton for tubercular hip; Mrs. L. Kast of Ossian for appendicitis; H. Schlie's baby for mastoids; and four nose and throat cases - and all the patients are getting along nicely.

Miss Florence Ward leaves Monday for Florence, Colo. where she will teach in the graded school the coming year. Her brother Robert will accompany her to finish his High School course. If the climate and country suit them, the family will perhaps move there next year.

Fred D. Seybert was in town a short time Wednesday with a rather guilty look in his eye, and inquiry disclosed the fact that on Tuesday he had committed matrimony over at West Union, his accomplice being Miss Verma Schuttz of Caledonia, Minn., and as it was their first offense they were only given a life sentence, which we hope may be filled with health, happiness and prosperity. They left on the noon train Wednesday for their home in Preston, Minn., where the groom is emplyed as "trouble man" for the Standard telephone company.

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Platt of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. E.P. Durno enjoyed the hospitality of the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. John Lydon near Frankville last Sunday, and the thunder storm made it necessary for them to remain over until Monday morning. Mark was so well pleased with the fine meals that he says he is going to light out for Lydon's every time he hears it thunder.

Proof of Will
To All Whom it May Concern:
Notice is hereby given that an Instrument purporting to be the last Will and Testament of Margaret Coyle, Deceased, late of Allamakee County, Iowa, has been opened and read in the office of the Clerk of District Court of Iowa, in and for Allamakee County, and that Sept. 9th, 1913, has been set for hearing the proof of said Will in said Court.
Witness my hand and the seal of said Court this 11th day of August, 1913
A.G. Meiners, Clerk of District Court

[transcribed by S.F., February 2015]

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