Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
February 3, 1911

"Grandma" Stone is Dead
Mrs. Julia Stone, a pioneer resident of Postville, and a lady known to many and respected by all, passed peacefully away about eleven o'clock yesterday forenoon while sitting in her rocking chair at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ed Stone, with whom she had lived for many years. Death was due to no specific cause but rather to the infirmities incident to age. She was in her 79th year. Funeral arrangements are not yet made. Obituary next week.

Local Review
-Mrs. A.D Nelson is in quite poor health.
-J.M. Harris has recently purchased a fine black team for use on his hearse.
-Arthur Webster is on the mend after a severe tussle with quinsy and tonsilitis.

Mr.and Mrs. Wm. G. Schultz and family, who for a number of years past have tenanted the Wm. Harris farm east of town, will remove to Minnesota about March first and engage in farming for themselves.

Administrator J.F. Miller disposed of the residence property of the late Mary Miller, in west Postville, at auction Tuesday, Mrs. C.H. Owen, of Fergus Falls, Minn., a sister of the deceased, buying it for $2030.

-Buttermaker Hendershott has bought the Martin residence in west Postville, and after March first will occupy a home of his own.
-Charley Kohrs has bought the Frank Roberts cottage now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Aleck Trudo, and will move in from the farm this spring.
-Hans Christopherson has rented his house to Mr. and Mrs. Hale Burling, who will occupy it March first. He reserves one upstairs living room.
-Geo. Kohlmann has bought the Mrs. M.A. Hanks residence now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Hale Burling.

Mr. and Mrs. Blake Rathbun, west of town, are entertaining a fine new boy sice last Friday, and Blake has been busy as blazes since listening to hear him say "Pa-pa!" As it is the first addition, we congratulate. And this makes "Foxy Grandpa," Hans Christopherson, foxier than ever.

Elmer Beeman, for many years a popular clothing man in Waukon, will close his doors permanently tomorrow night and will shortly leave for Idaho, where we wish him much success in the fruit farming business in which he will engage.

Iowa State News
-John M. Thornton, aged 90 years, died at his home in Des Moines.
-A jury gave the estate of the late Nub Frederickson of Northwood, who was killed by an Iowa Central train, $1,500 damages.
-Miss Katherine Moore of Cedar Rapids, has been appointed stenographer in the internal revenue office at Aberdeen, S.D.
-Cecil Moritz of Thornton, was seriously injured while hunting when a shotgun was accidentally discharged, and one hand blown off at the wrist.
-Johnson Robinson, aged 82, one of the pioneer settlers of Delaware county, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C.D. Correll at Greeley, where he went for a visit.

S.L. Hopper, aged 35, a prominent farmer living seven miles north of Neola, and former president of the National Duroc Jersey Swinebreeders' association, was shot and probably fatally injured by his brother, Percy Hopper.

J.C. Jensen and three children were cremated and Mrs. Jensen escaped with three other children, all badly burned, when a fire which started by pouring gasoline over kindling consumed the home located 8 miles north of Northwood.

Daniel Dougherty, the founder of the town of Dougherty, is seriously ill. Attending physicians say he cannot live. He went there in 1855, and is the father of Father Dougherty, of the Holy Family Roman Catholic church, at Mason City.

[transcribed by S.F., October 2012]


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
February 10, 1911

Julia Hoyt was born in Lennox, Mass., May 29, 1832. After the death of her father in 1844 she removed with her mother to her mother's early home in Manchester, Vermont. Here she was married to Hannibal Stone, Jan. 18, 1854. The same year she with her mother united with the Congregational church of Manchester. The family moved at this time to Aurora, Ill., where they lived for eleven years. In 1865 they moved to Postville, Iowa, where she has since lived. Mr. Stone died Jan. 18, 1885, and since that time she has made her home with her daughter Lucy, where on Feb. 2, 1911, she passed away at the age of 78 years, 9 months and 27 days.

Forty-six years of her long life were spent in this community. To those who have known her longest and best, the name of Mrs. Stone has always been the synonym of sympathy, of charity, of self-effacement and of patience. The school children of a generation ago remember her kindness. She was always a faithful and regular attendant at all the services of her church and while she did not take a prominent part, her life was a testimony in itself. A life like hers speaks loudly in spite of one's efforts to keep quiet. The end came peacefully and quietly - a fitting ending of a beautiful life.

The funeral was held from the home at 2:30 last Saturday afternoon, Rev. F.W. Pease officiating. Interment in the Postville cemetery.

Card of Thanks
To the friends who so kindly gave to us aid and sympathy in our great bereavement, also for the beautiful floral offerings, we diesire to extend heartfelt thanks.
Mrs. F. Crouch
Mrs. E. Stone & Family

Local Review
-Mrs. Joseph Zimmerman, whose maiden name was Anna C. Hagensick, died at her home in McGregor, Feb. 2
-Mrs. Evan Swenson accompanied Georg and Ed Waters to Reseville, Ill., last week for a visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C.B. Davenport.
-Fred J. Thoma has invested in some Postville dirt the past week, having bought fifty feet off the east side of Ge. Redhead's residence property. It is a choice building spot. Consideration $500.

After a number of years residence in Postville, Mr. and Mrs. H.J. Roggensack left Wednesday morning for Waverly to make their home. During their stay here Mr. Roggensack conducted a harness shop, but an opening in the same line in a larger field presented itself and he decided to take advantage of it.

A neatly printed card received this week announces the marriage at Mason City, Jan. 31st, of J.H. Phelan to Miss Bessie Eilen MonPlasure, a splendid young lady of that city. "Jack's" many old Postville friends will join in extending him and his bride many well wishes. They will reside at Mason City, where Jack has a fine position as salesman in a clothing store.

Little Miss Mary Eaton is just beginning to improve somewhat after a two week's siege with inflammatory rheumatism, and she wishes to let her little friends and others know how thankful she is for the beautiful flowers sent her, which have added much cheer to her sick room and have been greatly appreciated.

Many Postville friends will sympathize with Miss Nelle Carmichael in the loss of her mother, Mrs. James Carmichael, who died at the family home in Volga City Wednesday morning.

Iowa State News
-William Lee, a pioneer of Iowa City died in Denver. He was 70 years old and spent most of his life in Iowa City.
-Mrs. Frons, of Nora Springs, is in search of her daughter who went to Mason City a few days ago and then disappeared.

[transcribed by S.F., October 2012]


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
February 17, 1911

Mrs. A.D. Nelson was born on a farm in Grand Meadow township, Clayton county, Iowa, Oct. 21, 1854. Her birthplace became her home during her stay here on earth with the exception of a few years stay here in Postville. She was united in marriage to Andrew Nelson, May 6, 1874. This union was blessed with seven children, six girls and one boy.

Mrs. Nelson was blessed with a stong constitution and a cheerful disposition. Her good cheer and helping hand will long be remembered by her near and dear ones especially. Last September it pleased the Lord to remind her of the fact that this earthly tabernacle was not an eternal abiding place. From that time she was slowly failing in health. As in health, so in her sickness, she was the same patient, cheerful mother.

She passed away quietly at three p.m., Feb. 8th, leaving to mourn her departure, her husband, six children, one sister and a brother. Blessed by the remembrance of a kind and loving wife and mother; the crown of glory is now hers; the life in Christ she began here is now to be completed in the heavenly mansion promised her as well as all believers in the saving power of Jesus Christ.

The funeral services were held at the home in Postville last Friday, Rev. C.C. Casper, pastor of the Methodist church, officiating. The remains were then taken to the home on the farm and further services held at the Norwegian Lutheran church, interment being made at the cemetery near there. In this connection, the family wish to thank the friends for their many kindly acts and comforting words during the illness and burial of their beloved wife and mother.
[transcription note: Name was Anna Nelson. Place of burial is East Clermont Lutheran Church cemetery, Clayton co. Iowa]

Local Review
-Chris Poesch was a Postville visitor Wednesday.
-S.A. Green, of Castalia, was a caller Wednesday.
-W.I. Chase tells us his son Gilbert, at Colt--, S.D., is just completing a fine new farm residence.
-Dr. and Mrs. C.H. Flynn are enjoying a visit from their daughter, Mrs. Melissa Paulson, of Des Moines.
-Joe Pixler, of FArmersburg, is here on a visit to his father, John Pixler, who is considerably under the weather.

Mrs. Geo. McClintock, living north of town, underwent a very critical surgical operation at her home the fore part of the week. LATER - She died this (Saturday) morning.

The Upper Iowa Power Co. wants to furnish Lansing with electric light and poser and asks for a 25 year franchise, which will be voted on at th emunicipal election to be held March 27th.

It is reported here that N.A McNaul, who conducted a barber shop in Waukon at different times, and who has of late years been running a shop in Chicago near the stockyards, has become bankrupt. -Waukon Journal.

[transcribed by S.F., October 2012]

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