Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
September 10, 1909

Mr. and Mrs. Chas F. REINCKE and family left yesterday morning for St. Paul to reside, followed by the best wishes of numerous friends. Just what line of work they will engage in has not been decided.

Charley HARMON took a hike down the road yesterday and rumor has it that he was married to a Miss Minnie GAYLORD of this county, either last night or this morning.


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
September 17, 1909

John C. BUSBY, of Independence, the weather prophet of northeastern Iowa has sighted a gigantic comet which he says is traveling towards the earth faster than a cannon ball. "I sighted a great comet in the orbit of Jupiter in the constellation of Orion. This fiery monster of the blue vault above us is traveling toward the earth faster than a cannon ball. In a few weeks we may see it with the naked eye. This celestial stranger has a tail that will almost sweep the earth. I believe this monster comet was the cause of our extreme hot weather this summer." John C. BUSBY, Weather Prophet and Astronomer.

For Rent -- The restaurant building recently vacated by Chas. F. REINCKE. Inquire of Wm. MOLL on the premises.

For Sale -- House with seven rooms, new furnace, two acres of land, good well, cistern, woodshed, barns, chicken house, variety of fruit. Inquire of Irv ALLEN, Castalia, Iowa.

Chickens Wanted -- will buy every day in the week, old hens, roosters and spring chickens from one and a half lbs. Call up Farmers Phone no. 4 and Standard Phone no. 40. Postville Meat Market.

Mrs. Herman EVERT, of Mason City, was an over Sunday visitor at the home of her father, Karl KROGMANN of this city. While here she boosted her Review subscription into the nineteen-ten class.

Harold LAUGHLIN came up from Des Moines Monday. He has a position with the International Harvester people.

Miss Kate SWENSON was operated on for appendicitis at the Postville Hospital Monday, and at this writing is resting as well as can be expected.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred THOMA came down from Mason City last Saturday for a visit with Postville relatives and friends. Fred is still unable to work as the result of a railroad accident some months ago which crippled his foot badly.

Mrs. James A. GORDON and sons Leo and Hillary left for their new home at Preston Tuesday afternon, whither Mr. GORDON had gone the week previous.

John H. MEIER returned Tuesday morning from a several days business trip to Milwaukee.

Casper KLINKLE and daughter Winnie, of Elkader, were Postville visitors over last Saturday and Sunday.

Wright ENYART will have a public sale of milch cows, farm machinery, etc., on Tuesday, Sept. 28th, at his farm three miles northwest of Postville. Usual terms; lunch at noon; see bills for particulars.

Mrs. Henry SCHUETTE, Sr., and daughter Delia left Tuesday afternoon for Milwaukee and Cedarbury, Wis., to visit relatives. From there they will go to Chicago and will also visit at points in Nebraska before returning to Postville.

WATERS Brothers, the well known Postville stock buyers sold a big bunch of choice cattle to parties in Illinois this week, and on Wednesday a special train of eight cars conveyed this big shipment to its destination over the Rock Island.

Carl HOLTER returned Tuesday morning from his extended trip to his old home in Norway, and while he found but few faces or persons he could recall, he nevertheless had a most enjoyable time and is more firmly convinced than ever that there is no better place on earth than "the good old U.S.A.". His daughter Edna, who accompanied him, did not return, but remained to make a more extended trip with a party of college girls.

W.G. CLARK of Grand Meadow township, brought us in four sample ears of corn picked at random from his field Wednesday that were whoppers for size, and hard as a rock. The corn is of the white dent variety, and is clearly out of all danger from frost. Mr. CLARK says he has a forty acre field that will average as good as the samples shown, and which is good enough for this year or any other.

The scientific knowledge in fitting right glasses can be obtained by consulting one who does nothing else. The 19 years experience of Karl D. FISK is enough said. At Commercial Hotel, Postville, Sept. 24th.

--Margaret VANCE, a maiden aunt of Mrs. George OATHOUT, of Luana, died at that home on Sept. 9th, aged 88 years, five months and 24 days. She was born in Paris, Indiana, April 16, 1825. The cause of death was uremia. The body was taken to Cresco last Saturday for interment.
--Mr. and Mrs. W.H. STOCK, residing on the Marshall BOLLMAN farm northwest of town, were called upon to mourn the loss of their little daughter Ruth Elizabeth, who succumbed to an attack of croup on Tuesday. She was aged three months and fourteen days. Interment at Decorah.

MARRIAGE. At ten o'clock Wednesday morning took place the marriage of Arthur SHEPHERD of Postville and Miss Edna Grace CARPENTER of this city.[extracted from a long write-up]

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