Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
October 15, 1909

House for sale or rent. Inquire of W.S. WEBSTER.

For sale or rent, the W.A. OWEN farm of 120 acres located near Cherry Valley. Inquire of C.H. OWEN.

A 7 room house, 8 lots, well, cistern, cement cellar, coal house, fine location. W.I. CHASE.

I have for sale four Shorthorn bulls old enough for service, reds and roans. E.W. GREEN, route No. 1, Castalia.

Carl H. MEYER was assisting in SUNDEE's last Saturday and Monday.

Jim GREGG has a new song to sing in his ad today.

Emmet McWILLIAMS is here from Chester on a visit to his mother, sister and many friends.

Miss Nina DRESSER returned last Saturday from a few weeks visit at Ionia, New Hampton and Decorah.

Mr. and Mrs. J.B. HART returned this morning from Chicago with their daughter, Miss Ruth, in whose interest they had been consulting Chicago physicians. It is the wish of all the many friends of this splendid little lady that she may soon be restored to wanted health.

Prof. F.M. PHILLIPS left yesterday for Cedar Rapids to take in the Northeastern Iowa Teachers' association. We recommended him to hear Billy SUNDAY who is at present conducting revival meeting there, so in case Prof. don't get home on time it may be known what has happened to him.

C.F. CHAMBERS received word Monday from Congressman G.N. HAUGEN that Mr. HAUGEN had decided to recommend the appointment of Mr. CHAMBERS as postmaster at West Union. The resignation of Postmaster T.L. GREEN has been sent in, to take effect as soon as his successor is qualified. It is thought that Mr. CHAMBERS should have his commission and be ready to take charge of the office within about ten days. The office pays $1900.

It was rumored that Mrs. Harvey CLARK had suffered a stoke of paralysis, but this is a mistake. Sometime ago she got a severe fall from which she has not yet fully recovered.

William DUNDEE was struck on the top of the nose by a piece of timber that fell from the top of his windmill tower one day last week that nearly severed that member from his face. Dr. SCHMIDT was sent for and he sewed it on again, and William will soon be about as usual.

Potato digging seems to be the leading rural out-door sport at present. Thus far we have not heard of any phenomenally large yields, rather the reverse. Yet the neighbors gathered together at Christ WINTRICH's the other day and dug about two hundred sacks for him.

Frank NAGEL, son of Julius NAGEL of Franklin township, has rented the Warren OWEN farm and will occupy it during the coming year. Frank is a nice young man only for one thing, he thinks nothing like a BENDER. But a dose of matrimony will cure him of that.

Frank LAWSON met with a severe accident Monday morning while helping Arthur BEHRENS load hogs. He fell off the wagon wheel on to the tines of a fork, which entered his body, making a desperate wound. From last reports he is doing as well as could be expected.

--The child of Mr. and Mrs. Louis KEMPKE, which was born, Sept. 22 died Monday Oct. 4th. Funeral was held from the Lutheran church at noon Wednesday, Oct. 16th.
--Besse RENN, our third foster child, celebrated her twelfth birthday on October 4th. Thirteen little guests were present.
--Our next Christmas tree stands in the grove of Christ. SANDER.


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
October 29, 1909

Miss Iva DRESSER entertained the sewing club last evening.

One of George SCHULTZ's dray horses died with lockjaw Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles NACHBAUER will move to Chicago next Monday.

For Sale Cheap -- W.H. DAWSON residence property. Inquire of F.E. GRANDILL [surname smeared on copy, may be incorrect]

Miss Loretta SHEEHY and Miss WASHBURN, of Monona, were Postville visitors over Sunday.

John BOLLMAN has bills out for a general sale at his farm.

Call upon the Postville Meat Market if you have anything to sell in live stock. J.A. SPAUGY, prop.

Deputy Grand Master SPOHN leaves today for Marshalltown, after a ten days stay in Postville in the interest of the A.O.U.W. and as a result of his labors here the local lodge has added a splendid class of candidates to its membership.

--The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. SANDER was baptized October 26, receiving the names Mabel Esther Anna. Sponsors -- Anna SCHULTZ and Esther SANDER.
--The son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank REINHARDT was baptized Oct 11th, receiving the names Franz Wilhelm Fritz. Sponsors -- Willhelm REINHARDT and Fritz NEUHRING.

From the Elkader Register --
At ten o'clock Wednesday morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. August UECKER, in Elkader, occurred the marriage of their daughter, Jessie M. and Fred Leslie CHASE. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. FRANKE, of the German church in the presence of a large nuber of relatives of the contracting parties. Miss Vina DECKER, a sister of the bride served as bridesmaid while John GREGG of Postville, acted as groomsman. After the ceremony came a season of congradulations and then a sumptous wedding dinnner, the reception being continued during the afternoon. The bride is one of our most worthy young ladies, born and raised in Elkader, and has a large circle of friends who wish her a happy wedded life. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. W.I. CHASE, of Postville, an active, industrious young man, who has acquired a fine farm at Colton, S.D. where he and his bride will settle down to the realities of life. We extend our hearty congratulations and best wishes. Among the friends present from abroad were Mr. and Mrs. W.I. CHASE, Mr. and Mrs. Henry SCHUETTE, Jr.,Mr. and Mrs. W.C. DRESSER, Mrs. Henry WEBB, John GREGG and Misses Nina, Ama and Ina DRESSER, all of Postvile. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCREADY of Cherokee Iowa. After a week's visit to the groom's parents and many friends in Postville, Fred and his bride left on the early Wednesday morning train for their home near Colton, followed by the best wishes of all.

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