Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
May 7, 1909

W.C. McNEIL was at Monona Monday.

Frank PARNELL was up from McGregor Tuesday.

Joseph NICOLAY went to Dubuque Saturday on business.

Robert HECKER visited friends at Guttenburg last Sunday.

Sadie GOETZ is visiting friends at Madison, Wis. this week.

Miss Louise MEYER returned to Minneapolis Monday morning.

The Merry Go Rounders met with Miss Amy MEIER last night.

Mrs. Eina OEHRING of McGregor was a Postville visitor Monday.

Fred and Louis SCHARA returned from LaCrosse last Sunday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. L.H. McGHEE spent last Sunday in Prairie du Chien.

Fred CRANDALL attended the bankers' convention at Decorah yesterday.

J.B. HART is reshingling the farm house of his tenant Lee VanHORN.

John H. and August L. MEIER went to Aerdeen, S.D., Tuesday morning.

Mrs. Harry VEIT of Mitchell, S.D. was the guest of Mrs. Ira RILEY Saturday.

Louis MEIER is making arrangements to erect a fine house on his farm.

--Miss Cynthia EVERMAN has joined the Young People's society.
--Rev. F. GADOW and family of Farmersburg, were visitors at the parsonage last Wednesday.

--A new boy is staying with Warner HARRIS' folks since April 30. We hope he will grow to be as big as his "Pa".
--Miss Ruby HAMMEL went to Milwaukee this week to visit her sisters Vernnie and Ruth, who have both been sick.
--Andrew OLSON, a brother of Julius OLSON, is very sick at his home in Franklin Township. His affliction is the asthma and at his advanced age it is a serious matter.
--Several eels have been caught in the river this spring. Some that weigh as much as three pounds and suckers that weigh four lbs. and over, have been landed. Bull heads also are waiting at the dam to be caught. Comeon boys let's go down!

--John H. MEIER is showing fine Oxfords for the women and nice new suits for the young fellows.
--SCHROEDER & STONE sell the famous Sherwin & Williams paint.

Seldom have the people of this community been more surprised or grievously shocked by the death of one of its citizens than were the people of Postville on Saturday morning last when the report was given out that Mrs. P.J. BEUCHER had passed away at a little before midnight of the previous day. That she was critically ill had been generally known but a day or so previous, but that the end was so near was little dreamed of either by the family or friends. Mrs. BEUCHER was one of Postville's best women, a lover of the home to a marked degree and in her quiet and unassuming way she exerted an influence for good that left its mark in this community. Miss Lena OLSON was born in Norway, Feb. 24th, 1865. She came to Iowa with her parents when but a few months old. She was married to Peter Joseph BEUCHER, Dec. 14, 1886. To this union six children were born, three sons and three daughters -- Louise G., Otto J., Leo O., Chalotte O., Harry S. and Helen Esther. She died at her home in Postville, Iowa, April 30th, 1909 at the age of forty-four years two months and six days. She leaves to mourn her loss her husband, six children, her mother, five brothers and fu [sic] sisters. The funeral services were held Monday. The Eastern Star conductiong the service at the home at one thirty o'clock and Rev. F.W. PEASE conducting the service from the Congregational church at two. The funeral was one of the most largely attended event held in Postville and fully attested the high esteem in which the deceased was held by the people among she has lived for many years. The floral offerings were many and extremely beautiful. Interment was made in the Postville cemetery.

Card of thanks. We hereby extend our heartfelt and sincere thanks to the neighbors and friends for their kindly acts and comforting words during the illness and after the death of our beloved wife and mother. And we wish especially to thank the ladies of the Eastern Star. P.J. BEUCHER and family.

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