Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
June 4, 1909

Owing to the cloudiness of the sky, the eclipse of the moon was not to be seen on Tuesday evening.

There will be an ice cream social at the home of R.V. PEARSON in Hardin on Friday evening, June 11th, for the benefit of the pastor. A cordial invitation extended to all.

W.J.H. SCHULTZ, Bethel, is busy hauling stone and sand for the foundation of the large barn he is to put up this summer.

Mr. PANNKE was married Tuesday at Manly, Iowa.

Mrs. ALWARD has returned from her visit at Fort Dodge.

Charley HARMAN visited at McGregor last Saturday evening.

B.F. SCHROEDER has begun work on the addition on his own residence.

Mrs. C.A. HARDWICK, of Ft. Dodge, is visiting at the J.W. WARD home.

Miss Lottie SPLIES, of Luana, was a Postville visitor last Friday and Saturday.

A.S. BURDICK went to Oelwein Tuesday after the balance of type for the Simplex.

Mrs. C. HARWICK and Mrs. Dr. H. THILL, of Dubuque, are guests at the John THILL home.

Miss Grace McNEIL has been granted a leave of absence for a year from the Pasadena schools to teach in Seattle.

-Decorated rubber finished goods and stenciled art goods for sale cheap at the home of Mrs. S.J. STONE.
-TUTTLE & SCHUETTE, agents for The Northern Iowa Mutual Insurance Co., of Clarion, Iowa. Hail insurance on growing crops.
-Chas. H. GLYNN, M.D., Physician and surgeon.
-Wm. SHEPHERD, attorney at law, Postville, Iowa. Office over Waters & Nicolay's hardware store.
-H.E. TAYLOR, Attorney at law, settlement of estates a specialty, Waukon, Iowa. Office over First National Bank.
-Dr. J.B. TIFFANY, graduate veterinary. Office Klinkle's stable, Postville, Iowa. Telephone - farmers 6. Standard 2.
-Geo. W. WATERS, auctioneer, Postville, Iowa. Stock and farm sales a specialty.

There have been four baptisms recently:
-The son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest GROTH on May 29th, receiving the name Harold Louis Johann Christian. Sponsors: Louis SCHUETTE, Christine KOEVENIG and Christian HASSE.
-The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry BARTELS of Waukon, on May 30th, receiving the name Lucille Louise. Sponsors: Louis and Louise THOMA.
-The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. OLDAG, on May 30th, receiving the name Mildred Amanda. Sponsors: Louise FOELS, Euella CASTEN and William OLDAG.
-The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank LINDERBAUM, on June 2nd, receiving the name Mabel Ella. Sponsor: Ella MARTENS.

At the Lutheran parsonage, four o'clock Wednesday afternoon Rev. R. KUEHNE united in marriage Mr. Richard MARTENS and Miss Anna REINHART. The witnesses were Frank LINDERBAUM and Ella MARTENS. The young couple will live in the second house of Theodore MARTENS.

Elmira Dodge Mott.
Elmira DODGE was born in Rockland, Sullivan Co., N.Y., Sept 21, 1830 of English and Dutch ancestry. She was bereft of her mother when but a small child. Her father, Israel I. DODGE, for whom she ever retained a strong affection, was a farmer, a man of sterling qualities of character and a gentleman of the old school. Elmira DODGE and John S. MOTT were married in Rockland, Sullivan Co. N.Y. Feb. 16, 1858. The family removed to Winnneshiek Co., Iowa, in the fall of 1865, and two years later to Postville, Iowa, where the home has been ever since. Mrs. MOTT was from girlhood a member of the M.E. church. Her christian character was evidenced far more by the demonstration of a daily life of usefulness, unselfishness and love rather than by mere profession. Mrs. MOTT was a lover of nature to a very marked degree, enjoying very much the cultivation of plant life. She was, furthermore, a tireless reader over a wide range of subjsect, being keenly interested in the affairs of the day up to the very last. The hold which she had upon the hearts of her children was one of most unusual strength, and of too sacred a nature to admit of further mention in this connection. She survived her husband, to whom she was devoted, a little over four years, and passed from earthly view at her home in Postville, Iowa, May 24, 1909, in her 79th year after a very brief illness. She is survived by her four children -- Mrs. James McADAM of Hartford, Conn.; Miss Clara MOTT, of Chicago; Mr. John R. MOTT of New York, General Secretary of the World's Student Christian Federation and Miss Harriet MOTT, of Postville.


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
June 18, 1909

Alton HARRIS arrived from Denver last Tuesday.

J.M. HARRIS went to Dubuque last Monday on business.

The Misses Esther and Bernice LAUGHLIN went to Dubuque Tuesday.

Harry ORR was a Postville visitor several days last week.

C.F. and Arthur REINCKE went to Potter county, S.D., last Tuesday.

Miss Lillian PEARSON attended Commencement at Fayette last Monday.

Herman ROSE went to Mason City last Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Al McCULLOCH attended the funeral of their brother-in-law Will BUNKER, at Mason City, last Sunday.

Wm. H. FISCHER went to Atwater, Minn., last Friday.

Arthur C. MEIER went to Des Moines Wednesday on business.

E.F. DOUGLASS was up from [illegible] last Saturday and Sunday.

Miss Ethel McEWEN returned home from Duluth Monday evening.

W.J. HANKS was a business caller at Ossian Tuesday.

E.H. PRIOR started for Winnipeg, Canada, Tuesday.

Henry SCHUETTE was at Monona on business Monday.

Frank MARRON, of Calmar, was a Postville visitor Saturday.

Misses Orma and Vina MEIER were Dubuque visitors last week.

James HART came down from Castalia last Friday on business.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. KRAMBEER of Luana were Sunday visitors in Postville.

Paul TOPEL came home from his Colorado and Idaho trip last Friday.

Mrs. Alice DODGE and Miss May HENDERSON left Wednesday for Newton, Iowa.

Mr. and Mrs. C.F. MEIER, of Elkader, were over Sunday guests at C.W. MEIER's.

Geo. HANKS, of Clear Lake, was here several days last week visiting his brother W.J.

Miss Mattie DAUBENBERGER and Miss Ethel WARD went to Waukon Monday to attend institute.

A.E. CORNELL sold the SANDERS automobile to a party at Spring Valley, Iowa, last Monday.

Miss Minnie SCHUETTE went to Chicago Sunday night to accept a position in a dental office.

Miss Addie SANDERS went to Chicago Heights Tuesday night to visit her sister, Mrs. M.O. TAYLOR.

Mrs. HANSON and children and Mrs. SPARR, of Elgin, were guests of Mrs. I.D. HENDERSHOTT Tuesday.

Miss Lucy LANGE returned Monday morning from Turkey River, Iowa, for the summer vacation.

Miss Tennie CONVERSE went to LeRoy [remainder illegible]

Hans CHRISTOPHERSON lost a good horse Sunday.

James McLAUGHLIN was up from McGregor Monday.

Miss HOLTER entertains the Sewing club this evening.

Mrs. Wm. THOMA went to Mason City Monday morning.

Joe STEELE of Monona, was a Postville visitor Wednesday.

Mrs. Jacob LEUI visited at Calmar last Sunday and Monday.

Thos. COLLINS was at Prairie du Chien a couple of days this week.

Miss Anna and Harry COLE and Miss Leta PERRY came home Friday.

Fred MEISKE has invested in a quarter section of North Dakota dirt.

Mrs. F.S. BURLING returned from Greensburg, Indiana last Tuesday.

Miss PATRIDGE, of Elkader, was the guest of Miss Dora FRANKLIN last Friday.

Dr. J.A. HAVIRLAND, of Ossian, was in town yesterday on a professional call.

Carl MILER went to Dubuque Tuesday.

Mrs. Alex. TRUDO has been visiting at Mason City.

Mrs. James McEWEN went to Castalia Tuesday.

E.R. MARSH was in town last Saturday between trains.

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Allamakee County