Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
July 16, 1909

John Balch MINERT.
At 3:30 o'clock Monday afternoon, while sitting in his grain elevator, death came almost instantly to John B. MINERT. He and his partner, Fred NAGEL, had been whiling away the dull afternoon playing checkers and had just finished their fourth game when Mr. MINERT sank back in his chair, drew a few gasping breaths and expired. John B. MINERT was born in Post township, this county, fifty-six years ago and has resided here all his life. He held the office of Sheriff of this county for a number of years. During all his residence here he has been engaged in buying stock and grain and had a wide acquaintance. He was a generous man with a kindly nature. A sad coincidence lies in the fact that his sister, Mrs. BOLLMAN, whose obituary appears herewith, passed away in precisely the same manner and Mr. MINERT attended her funeral the day before his death.

Mrs. Henry BOLLMAN, whose maiden name was Adeline Virginia MINERT, died at the family home near Frankville last Friday, aged 69 years. She was born in Vermillion county, Indiana, September fifth, 1840. At the age of nine years she came with her parents to Iowa. She was married to Henry T. BOLLMAN, Nov. 10, 1859. Of their nine children, six are now living. Her husband died August 18, 1891. Her death came without warning. She joined the M.E. church when thirteen years of age at Frankville and was a faithful christian woman. The funeral services were held from the family home in Post township Sunday, conducted by Rev. Van NICE of Waukon. Interment in the Minert cemetery.
On account of the G.A.R. Encampment at Salt Lake City in August, the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway will run a special train from Faribault, Minnesota, Mason City, Dubuque and Cedar Rapids, Iowa; to Salt Lake City via Omaha and Denver.

H. SUNDE got the cow given away by the Fire department Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. H. T. HIGLEY returned to Woodward Oklahoma, Monday.

Miss Josephine HECKER returned from her visit in Cresco Monday night.

For Sale - My residence property on Williams street. J. A. PARKER.

The obituary of Mrs. P. G. BAILEY was received too late for this issue.

Purity Ice Cream. Hire's root beer and Coca Cola at John THOMA's.

Miss Lillian WINTER of Decorah is the guest of Miss Maude PERRY this week.

Sam HOESLEY and Charley HARMAN were McGregor visitors last Saturday.

Miss Nelle CARMICHAEL goes to Volga City today for a visit with home folks.

No. 6 Remington typewriter in excellent condition for $30.00. Arthur C. MEIER.

Railroad surveyors were here last Friday laying out the switch for the canning factory.

Miss Glessner HARRIS is assisting at LUHMAN and SANDER's during the absence of Miss LEUI.

Miss Hattie LEUI went to Madison, Wis., Monday for a week's visit and to do some research work.

Lee LUHMAN is home from Decorah having severed his connection with the Upper Iowa Power Co.

For Sale Cheap - The W. H. DAWSON residence property just west of Postville. Inquire at Postville State Bank.

The Misses Louisa and Emma SCHARA went to Prairie du Sac, Wis., for a week's visit with relatives and friends there.

A child of Mr. and Mrs. Charles CHRISS which was visiting at the SEBASTIAN home was overcome by the heat last Friday and died a few hours later. The remains were taken home to Clyon, Iowa on the train. The mother of the child is the daughter of Frank GOSS, former resident of Postville.

Art SHEPHERD returned from Waukon Monday morning.

Kimball Piano for sale. Inquire of Mrs. M. MICKELSON.

Miss Iva DRESSER returned form Sioux City Monday.

Dr. FLYNN returned Wednesday from Waterloo with a new automobile.


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
July 23, 1909

J.F. BISHOP of Waterloo, general manager in Iowa for the Ransom Co. Immigration Association, of Sheldon, N.D. was in town the latter part of last week and closed a deal with Wright ENYART of this place for a fine quarter section of improved land near Bordulac, N.D. Mr. ENYART will move onto the place in the spring. The sale was made through the conpany's local agents, TUTTLE and SCHUETTE.

George S. TUTTLE is in receipt of a letter this morning relating the rought treatment a gentleman cow meted out to John C. MEYER of Blooming Prairie, Minn., on Tuesday. Fortunately Mr. MEYER escaped with only a severe bruising, but had his dogs not come to his assistance he doubtless would have been killed.

Mr. and Mrs. George W. GOETZ and Miss Sadie left yesterday morning for a trip through the Yellowstone National Park, at the conclusion of which Mr. GOETZ will return home, while Mrs. GOETZ and Sadie will go to Sheridan, Wyoming, for an extended visit with [illegible]

Pearl ELLIS and Frank WATSON left here Sunday afternoon at two o'clock in their Lambert auto and visited Castalia, Ossian, Calmar, Decorah, Freeport, Waukon, Frankville, Myron and returned to Postville against ten minutes of eight. That's certainly looking over the couuntry.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry MILLER returned Monday morning from their extended western trip and have had a most enjoyable time. Henry says that while the Seattle exposition is not so large as some of its predecessors, that it is one of the most interesting he has ever taken in.

District Deputy Grand Master, J.M. BARLOW, installing officer for the Odd Fellows, was here recently and installed the following officers for Postville Lodge I.O.O.F.:
James GREGG, N.G.
George W. FAY, Tres.
Wm. DURNO, R.S. to N.G.
O.C. SANDER, L.S. to N.G.
I.J. ALLEN, R.S. to V.G.
F.W. EATON, Chaplain

--Mr. and Mrs. J.H. BUSACKER were at Farmersburg over Sunday.
--Wm. SCHLIE celebrated his fifty-second birthday on July 18th and Christ HARNACK his 82nd on July 21st. May God bless them both with Psalm 91:16 "With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation".
--A letter from Miss Emily KUGEL, of Sioux City tells of the great need of those who suffered as a result of the cloudburst there about when five persons were drowned.
--At the special meeting of the congregation the contract for decorating and painting the church was given to Chas. HUEBNER for $800. Mr. NICOLAY will finish the work of putting the steel ceiling on this week and the painters will start right away.

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