Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
February 19, 1909

H.J. SCHUETTE, the land man, left for Plainview, Texas, Tuesday with a party of ten from this locality.

The stork left a fine baby girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank STEELE, in Monona on Thursday of last week.

Thomas OLIVER, inventer of the Oliver typewriter, fell dead from heart failure in a Chicago depot Tuesday of last week.

Irvin HENDERSHOTT, of Farmersburg, has been hired as buttermaker for the Postville Farmers' creamery. He has rented the house now occupied by Chas. F. REINCKE.

A deal was consummated this week whereby Chas. F. REINCKE will on or about March first come into possession of the John F. PALAS restaurant stock and will continue the business. Mr. PALAS takes the REINCKE residence in on the deal.

By the Lansing Journal we see that Bert METCALF has sold out his interest in the paper at St. Anthony, Idaho, and hired to the new boss as editor at $125 plunks per month.

Mr. and Mrs. C.W. MEIER went to Elkader yesterday for a visit at the home of their son, County treasurer MEIER. They will also visit a brother of Mrs. MEIER at Clayton before returning.

Mr. and Mrs. A.W. ROLLINS came down from Minneapolis Wednesday night to visit Postville freinds until Monday. They are well pleased with their new home and report the Ed SHEEHY family ditto.

Mrs. E.R. MANNING left Friday for a few days visit at Elgin and from there goes to Postville for a two months visit, after which she will return to West Union to reside, says the Argo.

Attorney BURLING, Landlord HAWKINS, Deacons PRESCOTT and REDHEAD spent a very pleasant evening this week playing billiards with H.S. LUHMAN at his home, while their wives watched the spoils.

Bart FLEMING and his sister moved into the Mrs. Mary KLUSS house in Postville the first of the week. There are no better people on earth than they and we hope their stay here may be a long and pleasant one.

Mrs. John SANDERS returned Sunday morning from a week's visit at Lake Geneva, Wis., where she found John considerably improved and steadily regaining his former vigor, which is gratifying news to his many Postville friends.

Two prominent Mason City young ladies, Miss Hazel STANSBERRY and Miss Elsie JORDAN, have signed contracts with the Redpath Lyceum Bureau for next season. The former a pianist and the latter a singer, both having attained high rank in their profession.

At Decorah on Wednesday afternoon Judge ROBSON sentenced the burglars John HOGAN and Richard MARTIN to 35 and 10 years, respectively, at hard labor in the Fort Madison penitentiary. This was HOGAN's third appearance in court, and his sentence is the heaviest ever passed in Winneshiek county for the crime of burglary. We glean from the Decorah Republican.

--New stocking darners, hemstitchers and tuck folders -- the only really new attachments for sewing machines. Prices 50 cents to $1.00. W.J. HANKS.
--WEISER & BEAR, managers Grand Opera House, Decorah, Iowa.

John ELBING, who will be remembered by the old-time business men in this section of Iowa as the pioneer cigar maker and salesman of McGregor, died at his home in that city last Sunday in his 76th year. He was born in Wittenberg, Germany, August 1833.

--At the home of the bride's parents, near Luana, on Wednesday evening, occurred the marriage of Wm. FOELS to Emma SCHROEDER.
--Yesterday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. HUEBNER in Grand Meadow township occurred the marriage of their daughter Miss Anna to Mr. John GRUEL.


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
February 26, 1909

Only a few more days of Teddy.

Fred O'BOY was down from Castalia yesterday.

Mrs. W.J. HANKS had a quilting bee Wednesday afternoon.

Milkman Fred GORDON will move into the E.D. STILES house next week.

P.F. McHUGH, a Cresco attorney died suddenly last Saturday evening.

Mrs. H.J. SCHULTZ has gone to Luana to live with her daughter, Mrs. [?] OVERBECK.

Wm. MOLL will be the operator in charge of the Farmers' telephone central beginning March first.

H.J. SCHUETTE returned from Texas Monday.

Mrs. Henry MILLER has been afflicted with the grip this week.

Father HOGAN, of Monona, was a Postville visitor Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MOLL entertained the Crokinole club last night.

Carl MEYER and his daughter Mrs. JOHNKE, moved from Postville to Luana Tuesday.

The Frank TULLER family will occupy the front rooms upstairs over the roller skating rink.

Ed STONE has a single family horse and a 5 year old mare weighing 1400 lbs. which he wishes to sell.

J.N. LEITHOLD of this city plaed an elegant Bush & Gerts Piano in the August LENTH home at Monona.

Gussie and Art HARRINGTON are enjoying a little layoff from their labors with Garrimoni's Harp orchestra and visiting home folks.

The Bon-Ton club was entertained in fine style Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John LEUI in Grand Meadow township.

Mr. and Mrs. M.C. MEAD [note: initials may be M.O. OR M.G.] arrived in Postville last night on their way home to Clermont from a visit to their son Guy and family in Charles City.

Chas KRUMM took Godfrey STAADT and A.S. BURDICK [remainder illegible]

While cutting wood in the timber near Beulah last Saturday William ADNEY met with instant death. He cut off a tree which lodged against another one, when breaking suddenly away without warning it fell to the ground with terrific force, and Mr. ADNEY being caught beneath it had his life crushed out. We presume he is a relative of Clark ADNEY who met death by drowning in Yellow River, near the Harvey FRENCH home, northwest of Postville about two years ago.

Harvey FRENCH, northwest of town, met with quite a heavy loss of stock last Saturday evening. His five head of cattle went down to yellow river to drink as usual, but in getting out to the open water they got onto the thin ice where Mr. FRENCH had been cutting and were precipitated into deep water. By hard work and the assistance of neighbors two head were rescued, the other three drowning.

School election will occur Monday, March 18th, at the Hook & Ladder House. Two directors are to be chosen. John H. MEIER and Chas. SONNKALB are the outgoing members of the Board, and they have given the district good and faithful service during their terms of office and there seems to be a general feeling among the elctors that they should be re-elected.

H.B. McGHEE, of Earlham, Iowa, is here looking after some business matters and calling on relatives and old time friends. He is the same genial and whole souled Beecher he used to be thirty years and more ago when he and this scribe were attending the Hardin University together.

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Allamakee County