Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
December 24, 1909

Chet PEARSON was up from Hardin Tuesday and told us he was keeping bachelor's hall, his mother, Mrs. Julia PEARSON, having gone to St. Paul to spend the holidays with her daughters, Mrs. Fred ERNEST and Mrs. Chas. REINCKE and families.

C.W. MEIER will have to look for a new roof to cover his head about March first when ex-supervisor John WATERS will change his occupation from that of an "honest farmer" and move back to town, he having been selected manager for the Farmers' Co-operative Society.

Brotherly Love Lodge, A.F & A.M. elected the following officers for the ensuing year at its regular meeting Tuesday evening:
Worshipful Master, William SHEPHERD
Senior Warden, Arthur C. WEBSTER
Junior Warden, Frank W. EATON
Treasurer, G. STAADT
Secretary, James PERRY
Trustee, John F. PALAS.

The Eastern Star elected the following officers at their meeting Monday evening:
Worthy Matron, Mrs. R.N. DOUGLASS
Worthy Patron, Hugh SHEPHERD
Associate Matron, Mrs. C.H. FLYNN
Treasurer, Mrs. J.B. HART
Secretary, Miss Blanche DURNO
Conductress, Miss Ruby WEBSTER
Associate Conductress, Mrs. Henry MILLER.

Mr. Fred WICKMANN, whose serious condition from paralysis we alluded to last week, died as his home in this city Tuesday evening. The funeral will be held form the Lutheran chruch at half past eleven o'clock today. Obituary next week.

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