Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
November 6, 1908

"Bill" was elected as expected.

Miss Ruby WEBSTER is expected home tomorrow.

Mrs. James McCUNNIFF was visiting Monona friends from Monday until Thursday.

We are sorry to learn that Rev. Father HOGAN of Monona, is sick with typhoid fever.

Dr. H.W. TROY will occupy the M.E. pulpit next Sunday morning and evening.

W.S. WEBSTER and Arthur left yesterday morning for South Dakota to [remainder cut off]

Mrs. Catherine VanVELZER, whose maiden name was Catherine BRAUGHAM, was born in County Meath, Ireland, Jan. 15, 1837, and died at Sisters of Mercy Hospital, Eureka Springs, Ark., Oct. 27, 1908, aged 71 years, 9 months and 12 days, death resulting frm typhoid fever. She came to America in 1848, was married in Chicago in 1853 and came to Postville, Iowa, in 1864, settling on a farm two and a half miles north of Postville, where she resided continuously for 35 years, during which time she gained a wide acquaintance and drew about her a large circle of friends, who will grieve to learn of the passing of this kind hearted and charitable woman. Since the death of her husband in 1898 she has made her home with her children at Kansas City, Mo., and Eureka Springs, Ark. She is survived by one son -- Barto VanVELZER, of Battle Creek, Mich., and three daughters -- Dr. Kathryne VanVELZER, of Hinsdale, Ill., Mrs. A.W. LYON, of Worthington, Minn., and Mrs. C.I. SHANNON, of Wallace, South Dakota. Funeral services were held at Eureka Springs, Father CARROLL conducting the same, after which the remains were shipped to Postville, where on Friday last, the body was laid to rest in the Postville cemetery without ceremony. Dr. Kathryne VanVELZER and Mr. and Ms. C.I. SHANNON accompanied the remains here and before leaving made arrangements for the removal of the bodies of the husband and daughter of deceased from the Minert to the Postville cemetery.

Card of Thanks.
We hereby extend our heartfelt and sincere thanks to the old neighbors and friends in Postville for their kindly assistance during the burial of our beloved mother, Mrs. VanVELZER. The children.


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
November 13, 1908

Guardian Sale.
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order made by the district Court of Allamakee County, Iowa, on the 27th day of October, 1908, the undersigned Evan SWENSON as Guardian of the Minor Heirs of Olina EVANS, deceased, will on the 12th day of December, A.D., 1908, beginning at 10 o'clock a.m. of said day, sell at public auction on the premises, the following lands situated in Allamakee County, Iowa, to wit:
The SW quarter of the NE quarter; and all that part of the N half of the NE quarter of Section 19, lying NW of the highway through said N half of the NE quarter, all in township 96, range 5, W of the 5th P.M., containing 108 acres, more or less. The terms of said sale will be made known at the beginning of the sale on said day. by E. SWENSON, as guardian of said minors.

Postville Hospital. Fully equipped Private Institution for the treatment of Surgical and Chronic Deseases. Nurses in attendance to patients.

Dr. J.B. TIFFANY, graduate Veterinary. Office KLINKLE's Stable. Telephone -- Farmer's 6. Standard 26.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
November 27, 1908

Everyone, except the "highly educated" should have been truly thankful yesterday, for it marked the close of the football season!!!

A.W. COURSON's sale tomorrow.

Dr. FLYNN drove over to the power dam Sunday.

John WATERS went to Chicago Monday night on business.

Mrs. Lizzie GORDON and children have gone to Chester, S.D.

Don't forget Bart FLEMING's big farm sale next Wednesday, Dec. 2.

Misses Ruth and Anna DOUGLASS were Thanksgiving homecomers.

Dr. Ray TOPLIFF was an over Sunday visitor with home folks in Decorah.

Mrs. Fred WELZEL and Mrs. Ed CORNELL were Decorah visitors last Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Sander SWENSON spent Thanksgiving with relatives in Cresco.

Willis BICKEL of the power dam company was a Postville visitor Wednesday.

Harry WINTER and John MULLANEY were down from Decorah on business.

Will COLLINS was a home visitor at Ossian yesterday.

Dr. O.J. BLESSIN and Ed CORNELL drove to Eldorado Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. F. HANGARTNER spent Thanksgiving at Ossian.

Pearl ELLIS and Frank EATON were visitors to the dam Sunday.

Lee LUHMAN, of Decorah, was an over sunday visitor with home folks.

Mrs. F.M. ORR, of Monona, was the guest of Postville relatives yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. H.W. MEYER have been entertaining a baby girl since Saturday.

Emmet McWILLIAMS was down from Chester to spend Thanksgiving with his new nephew.

A chimney fire called the fire department to the John DURNO home yesterday. No damage.

Miss Lois TUTTLE came out from Chicago yesterday morning to spend Thanksgiving and a few days more.

After a brief visit at the R.N. DOUGLASS home in this city, Mrs. E.F. DOUGLASS returned to her home in Dysart Monday.

Fred and Delia THILL, of East Dubuque, Ill., were Thanksgiving guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John THILL in this city.

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Allamakee County