Iowa Old Press

Allamakee Journal
Lansing, Allamakee co. Iowa
July 15, 1908

- A neat suburban home, consisting of ten acres under good state of cultivation, nice orchard, eight acres pasture, with perpetual brook, frame dwelling, barn, hay shed, stables, crib and coop, will be sold to right party at a reasonable price if purchased soon. Enquire of J.P Conway,
Lansing, Iowa.

- I still have a few good short horn bulls for sale, one year old. Mrs. Wm. Mathis, Lansing, Iowa, R.F.D. No. 1.

- Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. Sold by J. Ackermann, Lansing, Iowa.

- Grace Cavin spent a week in New Albin with friends.

- Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sadler spent Sunday in New Albin.

- Mrs. Bert May and children were La Crosse callers Thursday.

- Little Eva Rice was taken to the La Crosse hospital last week.

- Mrs. Chas Petrehn of La Crosse is visiting the Chas. Bock family.

- Wm. and Christ Schwartzhoff of Dorchester were New Albin callers Sunday.

- Tom and Ellen Welch of Caledonia are visiting the Carroll and Dolan families.

- Charles Travis and Ed. Bock left for their annual three weeks trot across the continent.

- Margaret Maloney of Sabula has returned home after a visit at the Mrs. A.P. Petrehn home.

- The ball game Sunday between Caledonia and New Albin was won by the former by the score of 3 to 0.

[transcribed by E.W., March 2007]


New Albin News
New Albin, Allamakee co. Iowa
July 23, 1908


New Albin

Chas. Martin left Tuesday for his home in Aberdeen, South Dakota, where he conducts a clothing store in partnership with his brother, Edward.

A Jolly bunch of Free Masons saw John Gantenbein safely through the third degree of their lodge at Lansing last Friday. Hans looks a little pale yet, but otherwise he stood the ordeal in fin shape.

Two of the ball players were taken violently ill Sunday, one of them a Caledonia man, being laid out altogether and the other, Pitcher Babcock of New Albin, was scarcely able to stand up. He managed to take part in the game, however.

Little Eva Rice, whom we reported convalescing from typhoid fever last week, was suddenly taken worse and on the advice of her physician was taken to the hospital Complication had set in which may make an operation necessary.

The new-fangled-closed-back-door arrangements on the trains is catching quite a few of them. Jimmie Regan, while seeing off a lady friend last week, risked life and limb getting off the train and another one of our respected fellow citizens took an involuntary ride to Reno because the back door was locked.

Dr. Gable had an experience last week which beats the shoot the chutes and bump the bumps thrillers of the big amusement parks all hollow. An automobile demonstrator took the good doctor down the Pool Hill road at the speed of twenty-five miles an hour, and that’s going some on Pool Hill. When the doctor revived he explained that he liked the trip, and he is now looking over catalogs for a car of his own.

Mrs. Ferdinand Pottratz and daughter from Fairmont, Minn., are visiting with relatives here.

Rev. Bunge arrived from Rochester, Minn., Sunday, to be present at the funeral of Mrs. Deters.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rumpf and Mr. and Mrs. John Timmerman attended the funeral of Mrs. Deters Sunday.

August Franzen and Lewis Smith arrived from Bensonville, Ill., Saturday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. L. Bender and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dreselhous of Decorah, were in attendance at the Mrs. Deters funeral Sunday.

Henry Nolte has supplied himself with an elegant buggy and a fast horse. Now pretty village damsels are taking turns about for a ride when “Dutchy” comes whirling by.

Cherry Mound.

Emmet McGeough visited with the Brady boys of Waukon several days last week.

The Bert Gast family spend Sunday afternoon at Wm. Kelly’s, Mrs. G’s. parental home.

The Jim Kelly family of Paint Creek were guests Sunday p.m. at the B. Ward home in Linton.

The Chas Regan and Ward families of Ludlow attended church here last Sunday and visited friends during the afternoon.


Fine haying weather at present.

Miss Haugen left for her home at Waukon Tuesday.

Miss Mary Oleson left Friday for a two weeks visit at Joliet, Ill.

Mrs. McCabe of Waukon was a sight seer at Dorchester Friday.

John Burroughs and Joe Reeder, two Bench boys were in town Tuesday.

Mrs. W. D. Reynolds is at present visiting with her sister Mrs. E. Fritz of New Albin.

Forth-three teams were at Spring Grove Monday getting the lumber for the parsonage.

Mr. Vile and son Oscar of Chicago will conduct meetings at the Salvation Hall next week.


Clara Olson entertained Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Reynolds were Waukon visitors Sunday.

Clara Olson visited Thursday with Bertha and Nora Megorden.

Blanche Roese visited Saturday and Sunday with relatives at Lycurgus.

Amon Amondson had the tinners down putting roofing on his residence.

Theo. Spinner of Waterville was visiting at the Rev. Gronlid home Sunday.

Leonard and Etta Rema spent Sunday evening at the Gilbert Jeglum home.

Guy Ahlstrom visited his La Crosse cousins at the John Ahlstrom home Sunday.

Rev. C. W. C. Ericson of Rossville, spent Sunday with his mother and brothers on Joy Top.

O.K. Jeglum and daughter Mrs. Rasmuesen of Postville dined with the E. Roese family Monday.

Everybody anticipates a pleasant afternoon at the picnic given by the Normanna Band Sunday.

Mrs. Gus. Engelhorn and two daughters were guests at the Bernard Roese home Saturday and Sunday.

[transcribed by D.H.D., February 2007]

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