Iowa Old Press

The Volksblatt
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
December 4, 1908

Miss Lois TUTTLE of Chicago is here on a visit to her relatives.

Mrs. KLECKNER has opened a dressmaker shop in the C.J. MEIER home.

Mrs. James ORR was given a birthday party by her four daughters at which twenty ladies were present. Mrs. ORR is 75 years old and enjoys good health.

The Louis SCHULTZ auction sale brought $2,060 and the B.C. FLEMING sale amounted to $3,000.

Mrs. L.B. TANGEMAN and daughter, Grace, left Postville last week to make their home in the east.

Mr. and Mrs. J. BIRDSELL, living over near Frankville, have a baby girl in their home since last week.

December started out with quite a change in temperature, the thermometers registering zero and below at present.

Mrs. John PALAS celebrated her birthday on Wednesday and a number of relatives and friends gathered to help her observe the event.

B.F. SCHROEDER, living a few miles south of town, will have a big auction sale on December 17, following which the family will move to town.

Mrs. John SCHROEDER, aged nearly 88 years, passed away Thursday. She was the mother of John and Carl SCHROEDER. Her husband and a daughter, Mrs. Carl KROGMAN, passed away some years ago.

The Frank TULLER barn and all its contents, including five valuable horses were destroyed by fire on Thursday morning. One team of show horses was valued at $1500. The loss is covered by insurance.

The stockholders of the Postville canning factory held a meeting on last Saturday presided over by William LEUI and with A.B. COOK as acting secretary. The following were chosen as the building committee:
Charles M. KERR
George W. HARRIS

A group of boys discovered an Indian mound on the Carl MEYER farm northwest of Postville the other day. An assortment of arrows and other Indian relics were dug up.

F.C. SCHULTZ, Charles KRUMM, J.P. WELZEL, Charles KERR, Fred MEIER, Charles FAY, Dan McNEIL Jr., J.B. HART, Wm. H. WEIHE, Hall ROBERTS and others are in Chicago this week attending the annual live stock show.


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
December 4, 1908

Gussie and Art HARRINGTON are home visitors this week.

Arthur WEBSTER is assisting in the Citizens State Bank.

Mrs. R.F. PRICE of Milford, Iowa, is the guest of Lenora M. RILEY.

Sewing machines at a discount of 20 per cent at R.D. BALCKBURN's.

Warn Brothers Baraboo Concert Orchestra will be in Postville, Wednesday, Jan. 6th to play for a concert and dance under the auspices of the fire department. Concert tickets 25 cents; reserved seats now on sale at THOMA's drug store. Dance tickets 75 cents.

Having rented his farm, Chas. SCHARA will sell at public auction 9 good horses, 62 head of cattle, 9 head of sheep, 10 tons of hay, a large line of farm machinery, etc. Usual terms; lunch at noon; Colonel George WATERS, auctioneer; Fred WELZEL and Will LEUI, clerks. Wednesday, Jan 13, 1909, 3-1/4 miles northwest of Postville on Frankville road and 3-1/2 miles southeast of Castalia.

Lutheran Church news.
--The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John NIESE, was baptized on Thanksgiving day, receiving the name Lenora Carolina. Sponsors -- Ida SCHULTZ and Carolina FISCHER.

--The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John WEIHE was baptized on Sunday last, receiving the name Viola Louise Magdalena. Sponsors --Louise MEYER and Magdalena WEIHE.

Mrs. Elizabeth SCHROEDER, whose maiden name was MUCHOW, was born in Grossgoehren, Germany, February 21, 1821, and died at the home of her son John in Postville, Iowa, at 4:15 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 26, 1908, aged 87 years, 9 months and 5 days. She was united in marriage with John SCHROEDER, to which union was born three children, two sons and one daughter. Her husband died Feb. 27, 1861, also her daughter Mary who was married to Carl Krogmann. She came to America in 1878 with her younger son Carl and took residence with her older son John, who came over earlier. She never was sick, and on this account had non need to call for a doctor or to use medicine. Only a few days was she lying in bed till the Lord came to take her home. A few weeks before she died she called for the Lord's Supper, and solemnly she prayed:

Jesus, thy blood and righteousness,
My beauty are, my glorious dress;
In these I will, without all fear,
Before my God in heaven appear.

Her sons, John and Carl Schroeder, her son-in-law, Mrs. John SCHROEDER, and many grandchildren, besides numerous friends, mourn the loss of a faithful, loving mother and true friend. The funeral was held from the Lutheran church on Sunday last at twelve o'clock, Rev. KUEHNE officiating. Interment in the Postville cemetery.


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
December 25, 1908

The best way to insure yourself a Merry Christmas is to help make someone else happy.

House for rent by Geo. REDHEAD.

Good second hand upright Estey Piano for sale cheap. Inquire at Mrs. M. MICKELSON's.

Miss Ethel McEWEN is home from Duluth spending her vacation.

Miss Josephine DURNO is home from Excelsior, Minn. for the holidays.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed DURNO go to Chicago tonight to spend Christmas with relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry MILLER spent last Sunday with the former's mother Mrs. Nan MILLER, at McGregor.

Gilbert SANDERS came home from Ames Friday night and is assisting through the holiday rush at Luhman & Sanders.

The Misses Anna COLE, Leta PERRY, Helen ROBERTS and Rachel WILLIAMS -- the Grinnell Girls --are homecomers for Christmas.

Mr. and Mrs. James GREGG will talk turkey Christmas day with Monona relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. GOETZ and Miss Sadie will spend Christmas with relatives in McGregor.

Miss WREN, Grammar department teacher, left for her home in Sac City Friday to spen the holiday vacation.

Andrew STOCKMAN came out from Milwaukee last Saturday morning for a visit with his father and numerous friends.

Arthur SWENSON brought the EVANS farm, near Cherry Valley, at the guardian's sale a week ago Saturday, paying $51 per acre.

Miss Louise BEUCHER, Otto BEUCHER and Harry COLE have arrived home from Iowa City to help round out the happiness of the season. Also Levi GARMS.

The Misses Ruth and Anna DOUGLASS returned Saturday morning last, from Bangor and Prairie du Chien, Wis. respectively, to spend their holiday vacation at home.

Prof. F.M. PHILLIPS left Tuesday for Kellog, Iowa, to spend Christmas week with home folks and from there will go to Des Moines to attend the Iowa State Teachers' association, before which body he will read a paper.

Rex and Clyde HINMAN, of Hardin, are sick with the measles, which malady has been going the rounds in that locality of late. It's a measly shame for Santa Claus to perpetrate such a trick on a fellow during the holiday season.

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Allamakee County