Iowa Old Press

Allamakee Journal
Lansing, Allamakee co. Iowa
March 1907

- John Wiehe had a $200 horse break his leg.

- Ernie Gaunitz celebrated his 18th birthday on the 2nd, receiving a beautiful signet ring.

- Dentist M.B. Yeoman of Lansing is so busy he is looking for an assistant.

- Pioneer Meat Market paid Otto Carlson $180 for three steers.

- Lansing band has a new double base horn, to be played by Frank Wittbecker.

- Theodore Kerndt, George Albert and Frank Wier will build new houses in Lansing this season.

- Mrs. Catherine Bakewell has bought the Dr. Ambler home on Diagonal street, Lansing, for $475.

- Mrs. Herman Sanders, aged 52, of Union Prairie, died after a long illness. Her maiden name was Hattie Meierkord. A husband, two daughters and four sons survive.

- Waukon motorists have organized a club with Dr. LeTourneau, president, and P.S. Narum, secretary.

- Dave Bohrer returned to Chicago, where he is a motorman.

- Charley Lape of New Albin Sundayed at home in Lansing.

- Fred Batteen went to Niles, N.D., to operate a section of land for Tom Bakewell.

- Mrs. Anna Widmeier, Milbrandt, is down from Minneapolis on business.

- George McKee and wife are back from a trip to Lyons, Nebraska.

- Fan and Mae Brophy did not return from North Dakota but will teach summer schools there.

- Louis Torgerson and wife moved into the Dehli house on North Second street.

- Martin Whalen has started out with his extra gang laying steel at Clayton.

- Wm. Nopper and Frank Dolphin left on a trip to LaCrosse, Madison, Milwaukee and Chicago to buy a new dynamo for the Lansing electric light plant.

- Little Misses Rosella Bohrer and Annie Manning won the Lafayette spelling contest.

- Bert Hendrick got back from the Junction with a wild goose and three ducks.

- John Brenner moved from his farm to New Albin last week and took charge of the livery business.

- Iowa Legislature passed a hunting license law this week, the fee being $1.00.

- The big dam of the Power Co., 14 miles north of Waukon, just completed, was undermined by the water and collapsed, with a loss of $75,000. It may be rebuilt.

- Jack Lowe bagged 24 mallards one day last week, Fred Schafer 19, and Capt. Short 10.

- The old brewery barn in Lansing, occupied by liveryman Bentley, burned March 26. His little son Jimmie set fire in the loft, and then gave the alarm.

- Leonard Holmes, who owns 1500 acres ofland near Pollock, S.D., and wife, are here on a visit.

- J.F. Wiehe is getting out 5,000 railroad ties and a large lot of logs for lumber.

- The Sam Henderson farm near Waukon was sold last week to Peter Bieber and J.J. Bresnahan, each taking half at $50 per acre.

- T.A. Houlihan of Harpers Ferry received five cars of freight last week, three of flour, and one each of salt and sugar.

- On Monday, March 25, some thermometers registered as high as 80.

- Otto Cornelison, former Harpers Ferry boy, has been promoted from Superintendant of the Great Western Railway at Fort Dodge to Gen. Superintendant of Transportation at St. Paul. At a "smoker" at Fort Dodge, he was given a $275 diamond ring. Honorable M.F. Healy giving the presentation address.

- Hogs $6.50, butter 27¢, eggs 13¢.

- Joe, eldest son of Frank Kelleher, cut his right foot badly while chopping wood.

- L.O. Rud was thrown from his rig last week and suffered a dislocated shoulder.

- The old Robert Delaney farm of 158 acres on Silver Creek was sold by White Brothers to Mike Mahoney for $4,424 by auctioneer Tom McDermott.

- J.E. Collins and wife have returned from Arkansas and will occupy their fine farm in Union Prairie.

- Postmaster Narum of Waukon held examination for rural carriers Saturday at the court house. The following took tests: John R. Johnson, Tom Fullerton, J.H. Kelly, Waukon; Matt Flynn, Frank Kelly, H.G. May, New Albin; J.A. Sorenson, M.J. Kelly, Waterville; Patrick J. Danaher, Dorchester.

- Miss Anna Duggan, teacher at Waukon Junction, had a very successful basket social, the proceeds of 35 baskets being $45.40, with Tom McCabe, the versatile old writer, as auctioneer.

[transcribed by E.W., March & April 2007]

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