Iowa Old Press

Waukon Standard
Waukon, Allamakee County, Iowa
January 17, 1907

Met Instant Death
The tragic death of Mabel Calvert, a fifteen year old girl in Chicago last Friday, causes an expression of deep sympathy for the parents Mr. and Mrs. James Calvert both of whom are well known in this vicinity, the father at one time being a resident of May's Prairie while the mother is a daughter of Mr. John Ralston of this city. The girl was one of a class which had been taken into the basement of the school which she was attending to witness the workings of the ventilating plant. As the door of the basement closed upon the party, a draft of air struck them and Miss Mabel stopped to adjust her skirts disarranged by the current and in so doing unconsciously stepped backward against a revolving shaft which caught her dress and whirled her violently upon the concrete floor. Her death was instantaneous.

This is the second tragic death to occur in the Calvert family, the other being a son, Walter, who was crushed by a load of wood near the Beeman-on-the-hill store about six years ago. He was visiting his grandfather at the time.

Up to three years ago, Mr. Calvert and his family made their home at Winona, Minn., to which place the body of the daughter was taken for burial.

[transcribed by M.D., June 2008]


Allamakee Journal
Lansing, Allamakee co. Iowa
January 1907 [end of month]

At Calhoun Creamery's annual meeting Jan. 26, the following officers were elected: President, Frank Thompson; V.P., J.P. Becker; Sec'y, P.E. O'Donnell; Treasurer, P.N. Smedsrud; Director, D.D. Ronan. The company made 353,215 Ibs. of butter last year and did a gross business of over $80,000.

John Lowe and Will Sweeney each broke 44 clay birds out of a possible 50 Sunday.

The rear room of E.J. Roggensack's marble shop in Lansing was badly gutted by fire last Friday. The loss was insured.

Nightwatch H. Rettinger won Leo Tully's white pony, which he sold to George Gordon for $5.00.

Landlord Fred Packer and "Vi" Goeke won best dressed prizes at last week's mask ball. Cleveland Kerndt and Will Dunlevy won the comic prizes.

John Burns, the old riverman, was reported dead from injuries received when he was thrown down two flights of stairs at St. Paul.

Fred Beck is said to have sold his claim at Pleasant Lake, N.D., for $1500, and is clerking in a store at $75 per month.

Henry Haas and wife of French Creek, who sold their farm to Robert Buege, have moved to Waukon, where they bought the Ted Marooney house for $600.

Clayton county has 42 saloon and two beer agencies, each paying $600 state mullet tax, besides the city tax.

[transcribed by E.W., February 2007]

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