Iowa Old Press

Allamakee Journal
Lansing, Allamakee co. Iowa
February 1907

- Iowa is about to pass a $1.00 hunting license law; also the 2-cent railroad fare bill.

- Many Wisconsin people are crossing the ice for Nielander's Loom End Sale.

- Mabel Doehler's basket at $3.15 was high at the Village Creek social. Dan Goettle won the prize for bringing the most girls.

- Wm. Gelo, of Center, will have a public sale Monday, Feb 25.

- Wm. Wurm, who lately sold his farm in Center, has purchased the Harry Thompson home on Lansing city park.

- Markets on Feb. 13; Hogs, $6.70; butter, 28¢; eggs, 20¢; barley, 42¢.

- Mr. and Mrs. James Collins, who moved to Waukon from Union Prairie, have purchased the Simon Siekemeier house for $1600.

- Frank N. May, former Allamakee boy, has purchased the Decorah Steam Laundry.

- Wm. Aslip, who ran a brick yard in Waukon in the 70's, now has six yards in Canada and lives at Winnipeg.

- Grandma Buege has moved her little store up to her son Robert's, who live on the old F. Laabs place in French Creek.

-The Kerndt family in Lansing paid about $1,000 taxes while Nielander & Co. contributed around $700.

- Little Georgie Roeder, 8-1/2 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Roeder, was drowned in the Village Creek while skating Sunday. His sister Vernie was with him and narrowly escaped the same fate.

- Ole Paulson and Tom Buchanan made a 38,000 pound haul of fish a mile below DeSoto Friday, where they were sold for $1200. Over a thousand pounds were catfish, the rest carp.

- Only seven raft boats will run this year.

- John J. O'Brien of Taylor will build a new 36x40 barn this season. Last year he built a new house.

- T.A. Houlihan of Harpers has started the foundation for a new warehouse, which will hold five carloads of freight.

- Miss Millie Johnson, teacher in Clear Creek school, had a basket social Feb. 22. Joe Hartley and Billy Sadler were the auctioneers. Wm. Waters clerk, and 43 baskets brought $19.50. Frank Bulman brought nine ladies to the affair.

- Mrs. Anna Goettle is high tax payer in Lafayette township, paying $99.39.

- Lansing has enjoyed a fine trade from Wisconsin the past ten days and Tom Bakewell is advocating an inland road
for next summer. This project was boomed ten years ago by Dr. Theo. Nachtwey and the Journal editor.

- Hog market was the highest in four years last week. Frank Thompson sold 45 at $6.72 per cwt.

- John Sires, blacksmith at Caron, Saskatchewan, Canada, has been visiting Union City relatives since before the holidays.

- Wm. Downey, an old Lansing Lumber Co. employee, was over from Ferryville last week. He marketed $600 worth of tobacco from 3-1/2 acres.

- D.A. Holmes, Lansing harness man, installed a $275 cash register last week.

- The James Hall farm, 240 acres, on Round Prairie, was sold last week to Charles Hoth, at $70 per acre.

- Peter Given sold his 104 acre farm near Maud to Herman Olson, price $50 per acre.

- Emmet Dougherty, of Waukon, will play comet in Gollmar Bros. circus band this season.

- Kit Manning's basket social at Russell school broke all records, 38 baskets bringing $55. M.D. Guider was auctioneer.

Lansing Cadet Band, 30 pieces, give a concert and dance Feb. 11.

Soloists included Will Ruprect, trombone; Clarence Wittbecker, baritone; and quartet - Harry Piers, Floyd Bogen, Robert Kerndt and Art Wittbecker.

24 degrees below zero Feb. 6th.

John Zoll of Silver Creek has purchased the Ehnes house in west Lansing, and Wm. Waldron bought the W.H. Young farm of 258 acres for $4,500.

Nellie Ryan will have a basket social at Little Paint Feb. 8, and Maggie Garin one at Forester Hall, Harpers Ferry, Feb. 11.

Miss Agnes Heatley's social at Sweet Ridge drew a big crowd, 62 baskets brought $45.70; Celia Bowen's topping all at $3.75. Joe Wagner won the prize for bringing nine girls.

[transcribed by E.W., February & March 2007]

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