Iowa Old Press

Allamakee Journal
Lansing, Allamakee co. Iowa
November 12, 1905

-Rev. Gronlid confirmed a class of thirteen at East Paint Creek church last Sunday. The class was composed of the following: Casper Roldson, Joe Nelson, Ingvald Ellefson, Melvin Kolsrud, Jacob Severson, Stephen Johnson, Idelia Chrisitanson, Ella Peterson, Hillma Boen, Thorlena Anderson, Olefina Olson, Helen Waaga, Eva Monsrud.
-Miss Kit Manning is teaching the Climax school
-Last Wednesday took place the marriage of two popular Waukon people, Miss Sophia Narum and John L. Opfer.
-B. F. Thomas and wife are visiting in Waukon at the H. E. Taylor home, and Grace Fellows at Beeman’s.
-Charlie Goepel has closed his livery stable in Waukon.
Mirror 60 Years Ago: Alber Spencer sold six stoves in one day…Mrs. G. C. Mullekin died…Married at Lansing House, Porter Green of Freeport to Miss Estella Bates.
-An eastern company is contemplating building a new line of freight boats on the upper Mississippi river next year.
-The Hogoboom Bros. Mfg. Co., makers of axe handles, etc., will move their factory from DeSoto to Lansing.
-Master Donald Fellows was run over by a team and wagon driven by Harry Zerbis, Lansing, but suffered no permanent injury.
-Emma Anderson is teaching Van Cooley school.
-Born, to Mr. and Mrs. R. Glynn, a son; also a son to Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Strong.
-Moritz Kerndt and wife are visiting in Ft. Dodge; Kossie Fulks, “Q” fireman, is down from LaCrosse; Andrew Beck and family are home from McGregor for the winter.
-Lansing High School football team beat New Albin 61 to 0.
-John Weipert has purchased the Robert Weipert in South Lansing.
-H. A. Munix of Caledonia is a new salesman for Lansing Button Co.
-The Steamer Isaac Staples will take one more raft south before the season closes.
-District Court is in session, with Judge Fellows presiding. John Johnson is Foreman of the grand jury.
-Severson & Roggensack, barbers, have taken over the telephone work in Lansing and Miss Kate McGovern remains as “hello” girl.
-Liberty Fellows has returned to Glendive, Mont., after visiting home folks.
-Andrew Carnegie Library was dedicated at Viroqua, Wis., last Friday.
-The Steamer Chauncey Lamb has been sold and taken south to Nashville, Tenn.
-Frank Kelleher of Lafayette has sold his tobacco crop for 8 cents per lb., which yields at the rate of $125 per acre.
-Mrs. James L. Reilly, nee Lizzie Becker, aged 43, died last week after a short illness. She leaves a husband and eight children. A sister, Mrs. DuChien, died a few weeks ago.
-The boiler in the flour mill at Guttenberg exploded last week, killing2 men.
-Stacia Dolan of New Albin started teaching school Monday.
-The new creamery at New Albin is turning out 1000 lbs. of butter per day.
-Lansing visitors at New Albin: S. L. Vier, wife and children, Mrs. McGarry, Postmaster G. W. Metcalf and wife, John Johnson and Herman Magnusson.
-John Henry Schultz, aged 61, died of apoplexy at the New Jefferson hotel, Dubuque, where he had gone to work at carpentering. The remains were taken to his home at Waukon for burial.
-John O. Rice, well known black-smith and wagon maker, died at his home in Dorchester on Monday.
-George Betsinger of New Albin claims to have husked 50 bushels of corn in 3 hours and 15 minutes.
-New Albin 45 Years Ago: Jake Fitschen was elected Trustee by 29 votes over S. Stevenson…Ferdinand Kubitz, former resident, was run over and killed by a train.

[transcribed by A.K., June 2008]


Iowa Volksblatt
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
November 17, 1905

The R. Stintzi family has moved into the Courson house.

L. Hammel and H. Gericke will attend the business college at LaCrosse this winter.

The John Fangmeier family has moved into the Beedy residence, north of the tracks.

Fred Gordon, the milkman, has moved with his family into the John Meier house on the south side.

Mrs. Casper Klinkel of Hardin passed away last week. Her maiden name was Alwilda Gould and she was 35 years old.

The 36-year-old John Blumenhagen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Blumenhagen of Bloomfield township, passed away Monday.

Painton & Mann have purchased the Neverman machine shop in CAstalia and will conduct a blacksmith shop and woodworking establishment there.

The latest invention in farm machinery arrived at H. Knodt's this week. It is a manure spreader and although a peculiar looking contraption it is said to save much work for the farmer.

The "Fidelia" Flinch Club has been organized for the coming winter with the following membership: Mrs. P.J. Beucher, Mrs. Fritz Wilke, Mrs. Christ Salzgeber, Mrs. August Kluss, Mrs. J.M. Thoma, Mrs. Fritz Schara, Miss Anna Thoma and Mrs. Ida Dietsch.

[transcribed by S.F., Aug 2003]

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