Iowa Old Press

Waukon Standard
Waukon, Alamakee County, Iowa
May 4, 1905

-Ice to the thickness of window glass formed on water troughs April 30, 1905.
-Seeding still continues in Taylor, and as barley sown the middle of May last year ripened there is ample time to mature that sown now.
-It is rumored that Mrs. Mary Gleason, an old resident of Lafayette died at the home of son, M. F., on the 28th ult., about a mile south of the Wexford church. The husband, M. Gleason, died about six years ago.
-Martin Mouserud served as sawyer for James Houlihan week before last and now John Rippe of Lansing Ridge, ...... [photocopy cut off]

-Mrs. White was in Postville Saturday.
-Willard Adams was in Postville Monday.
-Mr. Lawson purchased a new buggy Saturday.
-Mr. Lawson purchased a horse of Jas. Ewing.
-Grandmother Ewing is quite ill at this writing.
-Elmer Swinson was seen on our streets Sunday.
-Jas. Ewing's mother is visiting at his home in Myron.
-Austin Ewing transacted business in Postville Saturday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Handgarden were callers at Postville Thursday.
-Carl Dewitt and Rufus Ewing made a trip to Postville Monday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin McClintock moved to Waukon Saturday.
-Jas. Ewing has just received a new incubator that holds 200 eggs.
-Mr. Waters our great cattle buyer was seen on our streets Monday.
-Thressa Marooney attended the funeral of her uncle Wednesday.
-Orson Adams will teach the Henneville school this coming summer.
-Mr. Marsh was a visitor at his daughter's Mrs. Willard Adams' Friday.
-Mrs. Ollie White was pleasantly entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Davis Thursday.

From Lansing Papers.
-Allan Blanchard, the old veteran, was quite sick Wednesday.
-Will and Bert Wittbecker leave this week for St. Paul where they have employment.
-Miss Lou McGeough of Waukon was a guest of her sister, Mrs. Frank Spinner, this week.
-The steamer Lizzie Gardner passed south Monday evening with the first lumber raft of the season.
-Houses continue as scarce as ever. We know of three or four families now on the anxious seat for houses or even rooms to rent.
-Mrs. Crosby, relict of the late J. O. Crosby of Garnavillo, visited for a week or more in the city lately, the guest of ...... [photocopy cut off]

[transcribed by M.D., June 2009]


Waukon Standard
Waukon, Alamakee County, Iowa
May 11, 1905

[unknown column]
-The Junior League Easter service in the M. E. church was a decided success. The decorations were beautiful. Among them was a nest of eggs ornamented with colored grass and flowers. On a near by table were fifty easter chicks, which were distributed among the children by the superintendent. The Topic of the day was "Birds and Flowers" and was finely illustrated by recitations in which the distinctive characteristics of many birds and flowers were portrayed. A recitation entitled "Two little Kittens" was excellently rendered by little Mildred Gantenbein and Gladys Gerling. Forty-nine Juniors were present with a goodly number of visitors.

-Elmer Swinson was on our streets Sunday.
-Ed Smith made a trip to Postville Wednesday.
-Willard Adams was a caller in Postville Wednesday.
-Ed Livingood is building a new barn this week.
-Willie Larson made a call on Cecil Livingood Sunday.
-Burt and Fred Livingood were at Ed Smith's Wednesday.
-Mrs. John Smith was a pleasant guest of Mrs. Ollie White Wednesday.
-Mrs. Willard Adams was cleaning house for her mother, Mrs. Marsh, last week.
-Mr. and Mrs. Ollie White were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver White Sunday.
-Mrs. Ollie White was pleasantly entertained at Mr. and Mrs. Bull's Wednesday.
-Lon Lambert has returned to his home in Waterloo. After visiting his mother Mrs. Lambert of Ludlow.

-The Misses Severson transacted business in Dorchester Tuesday.
-N. J. Quandahl and daughter Ella were callers in this city on Tuesday.
-Tom Sires and family came out from New Albin to spend Sunday at the John Sires home.
-Miss Tena Wenig has been quite ill with measles the past week. Her sister Nettie had charge of her school.
-Anton Larson and family were in town Tuesday, driving down from Waukon with Mrs. Gilchrist who came to attend Mrs. Keegan.

[transcribed by M.D., June 2009]


Waukon Standard
Waukon, Alamakee County, Iowa
May 18, 1905

[unknown column]
-We welcome some new school children in our school. Katie and Bessie Howe, their folks having moved on Mrs. O'Rourke's old place.
-Kelly Bros. of Paint Creek, are getting the material on the ground for the erection of a large barn. J. J. Houlihan of Taylor, sawed their lumber.
-Mrs. Wm. Lloyd of Linton, spent part of last week at Waukon having some dental work done, and was the guest of her brother, W. S. Hart and family while there.
-The Englebret Asleson family of Paint Creek, have a fine new dwelling house under construction at present. All hope they may live long to enjoy it as they are industrious farmers.
-Our popular teacher at the Cross Roads, Mabel Johnson, was called to her home at Waukon on account of the very serious illness of her mother, Mrs. I. Mickey, last Thursday afternoon.
-J. J. Saul and wife came last week for a short stay with home folks, the Unterburger family. They returned with their little children May 10th, to their home near Inzeppa, Minn. We are pleased to note that Mrs. Saul is now restored to perfect health.

From New Albin News.
-Mrs. H. J. Metcalf of Lansing, spent Wednesday with New Albin friends.
-Oscar Tarrt and wife drove to Lansing Sunday, returning Monday.
-The board elected all the old teachers for the coming year. All have given excellent satisfaction.
-Hereafter we will aim to go to press on Thursday and our papers will be out in the early mail on Fridays.
-Mrs. C. M. Stone leaves for her home at Waukon tomorrow, after a three week's visit with relatives and friends.
-We see by the Dubuque Sunday Times that Lee Lahey has accepted a position as night operator at the fair grounds for the Chicago Great Western railway.
-Mrs. F. J. Putz came up from Garnavillo last Saturday and stayed over Sunday with her husband. Mr. Putz will not move his family up until he gets his rush work done up.
-Little Edna Hill had a party in honor of her seventh birthday Monday evening. Those of the little folks who were present were, Ruth Rippe, Susan Rippe, Marguerite Travis, Pearl Pohlmann, Mata Fritz and Mary Dolan.

-Nellie Ingels has just set her incubator of 140 eggs.
-Floyd Ames was a Sunday evening caller at the Bacon home.
-Floyd Morehouse was the guest of Elmer Ingels Monday evening.
-Maggie Turner from Cedar Rapids is visiting relatives in Monona.
-Little Nora Ingels was the guest of Grace Skipworth Monday evening.
-Mrs. Minnie Morehouse was the ...... [photocopy cut off]

-Burdell Adams Sundayed at home.
-Mr. Hangardner was in Postville Wednesday.
-Ollie White made a trip to Postville Wednesday.
-Grandmother Livingood was visiting her son Sunday.
-Glen White will work for Ed Smith the rest of the summer.
-Mrs. Willard Adams was a visitor at Mrs. DeWitts Friday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Jas Ewing was callers at Postville Wednesday.
-Orrie Gilson was visiting his sister, Mrs. Swinson Wednesday.
-Burt and Fred Livingood were visitors at Ed Smith's Wednesday.
-Mrs. Livingood and children were guests at Herb Waters Sunday.
-Mrs. Willard Adams was visiting with her mother, Mrs. Marsh Wednesday.
-Mrs. Ollie White was pleasantly entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas Ewing Sunday.

[transcribed by M.D., June 2009]

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Allamakee County