Iowa Old Press

Waukon Standard
Waukon, Alamakee County, Iowa
March 2, 1905

[unknown column]
- .....of Dubuque, spent Wednesday with her mother, Mrs. E. Hartley.
-Two sisters of charity were in town the first of the week soliciting aid for the orphans home at Fargo, N. D.
-Miss Mayme Donavon of Waukon, has been a guest at the home of Mr and Mrs. Wm. Lager the past week.
-John Fish, accompanied by Misses Hazel Haberkern and Margaret Gilroy drove to Lansing Wednesday evening to attend the dance given by the L. L. of H.
-The Veronica League of St. Joseph's church, spent a sociable evening at the home of Mrs. Dolan last evening. The ladies took their lunches with them and enjoyed themselves at games of various kinds.
-Mr. Wright departed Friday last for Thief River Falls, Minn., where his son, C. E. Wright, former cashier of the DeSoto State Bank, has a luerative position. His daughter, Miss Inez, followed him the next morning.
-Too much snow on the roof of Wm. Lager's machinery depot caused the building to collapse Sunday morning. Considerable damage was done to the stock and the building is a total wreck. Mr. Lager will no doubt rebuild.
-The fire alarm Sunday morning brought out our fire department and citizens in full force to the residence of T [?] Graftenstein [?]. The fire proved to be nothing but a chimney burning out. There was no damage done.

-Warmer weather this week.
-James Ewing was a caller at Postville Friday.
-John Kline and his sister were seen on our streets Sunday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Austin Ewing were Waukon callers Saturday.
-The Myron school closed Friday the 24th. Mary Oathent was the teacher.
-Mrs. James Ewing was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Ewing Wednesday.
-Willie and John Koshman were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Livingood Sunday.
-Mrs. Ollie White and children were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver White Sunday.

[transcribed by M.D., June 2009]


Waukon Standard
Waukon, Allamakee County, Iowa
March 7, 1905

[unknown column]
-Louis Larson partook of the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Hendrickson during the night of the 1st. inst., and had an opportunity to behold the famed Poland China swine herd of Mr. Hendrickson's, breeding stock of which he is shipping into many states. It is well worth a day's time spent to view this magnificent porcine herd.
-Miss Oline Gronlid finished her term of school on the Lansing Ridge on the 3d inst, and only wished she might have continued as she takes great delight in teaching. It is usually those who succeed who take an interest in their work. It seems unfair that the Misses Gronlid who have graduated at a college and can teach the higher branches, must teach for the same wages as many who attend a couple of terms in our home schools. We believe a premium should be placed on good scholarship as it takes time and money to obtain it. As to the aptness and method of conducting a school the teacher certainly has been drilled in those essentials in the higher institutions of learning.

-The Myron School needs a first class teacher.
-Willard Livingood purchased a fine bay horse Friday.
-Mr. Jas. Ewing was driving his span of horses Saturday.
-There are seventeen inhabitants in the town of Myron.
-Mr. and Mrs. Haslip were at Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ewing's Sunday.
-Mr. Swinson was a visitor at Mr. and Mrs. Sewart Swinson's Sunday.
-There will be school meeting in Myron the second Monday in March.
-Carl Dewitt and Rob. McClintock were callers at Sander Swinson's Friday.
-Egbert Ewing and wife were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ewing Sunday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClintock have returned to their home in Myron, after visiting their friends.
-Stella Livingood from High Point and Effie Miller from Dutchland were over to see Mrs. John Smith.
-The rivers are raising. The people that live in low places will have to look out for they may get their boots filled up with water.

-The North Fork river is beginning to rise.
-The rural mail delivery is a difficult matter at present.
-George Geesey returned to Minnesota last week, with a herd of cattle and sheep.
-Sam Ralston has been teaching for some time in his sister Ethel's place in No. 6. The latter is taking a vacation on account of her health.
-About a half dozen youngsters went to H. Hansmeier's Tuesday evening to bid Ed goodbye, and were pleasantly entertained. Ed is about to leave, having hired out to John Simmons at $25 ...... [remainder cut off photocopy]

[unknown column]
-Ed. Hansgesmeier who has been working for J. H. Simmons the past year will stay the coming year.
-The winter term of school in No. 5 closed on March 4th. There will be two more weeks in No. 4.
-The farmers have been busy the past week opening up the roads that have been drifted full of snow.
-Mrs. Henry Kiesau Sr., and sons Henry and Gustave are at Norfolk, Neb., called by the death of Mr. Wm. Kiesau, who died Sunday, March 5th.
-Hattie, the young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hager met with quite a serious accident Monday. A barn door fell, striking her and she was unconscious for about three hours.
-Some farmers do not take the trouble to open the roads in order that the mail carriers can make a distribution on the route. These same people threaten to report the carrier to Uncle Sam for nondelivery, when if they should go over the road they would talk worse than the carrier does. If you want your mail delivered open the road or else we may have to go back to the old method of going to town for it.

-Jane McCormack of Waukon spent part of last week sojourning with home folks.
-Alma Johnson of Waukon closed a successful term of school at the Bryson school March 3rd.
-Lizzie Moore one of our good girls came from Cresco last Saturday, for a visit with home folks.
-Daniel Hart of Plainview, Minn., arrived March 4th for a visit with relatives and friends.
-Mrs. Jas. Slattery of Paint Creek spent part of last week visiting relatives in Prairie du Chien.
-Mr. Francis McGough of Paint Creek was very sick last week but is now reported somewhat convalescent.
-Anna Kelley finished her school at Paint Creek February 24th and is spending part of her vacation visiting friends at Wexford.
-Mr. O'Brien who works for Mr. Hager of Waukon left the Sharples separator on trial March 6th at John Gunerson's and John Ryder's.
-Quite a few of our young folks attended the home talent play A Soldier of Fortune in Rossville March 3rd, and report the play of an excellent character.
-The Cross Roads school closed March 9th. Bertha Fultz, teacher, was presented with a very nice photograph album by her pupils as a token of esteem.
-Two of our estimable young people joined hands and hearts at Cherry Mound church Wednesday March 1st, Rev. Father Hehir officiating. All friends wish them a prosperous and happy voyage on the matrimonial sea.
-February 26th being Katie McGough's birthday some of her friends gave her a surprise party and a right good time was had by all in attendance. She received many useful presents also.

[transcribed by M.D., June 2009]


Waukon Standard
Waukon, Alamakee County, Iowa
March 23, 1905

-Chas. H. Haas transacted business at Lansing last Thursday.
-Pat Lycett returned Tuesday from a weeks stay at La Crosse.
-O. Klanrud of Milwaukee was a business caller here Saturday.
-Devotions at the Catholic church Friday evenings during Lent.
-Annie Marti was the welcome guest of Lansing friends last week.
-Katherine Coyle is at Waukon this week, the guest of her cousin, H. J. Denny.
-Nora Whalen returned Saturday from Wexford, where she has been visiting friends.
-Jacob Marti, one of our prosperous farmers, shipped a carload of hogs to Chicago Thursday.
-Katherine Ryan of Waukon, spent several days last week visiting with the Ed Teeling family.
-Michael W. Beck was elected school director at the election last Monday to succeed John Winter.
-After an all winters stay with home folks, John Whalen returned to Minneapolis Monday.
-Thekla Nees returned Wednesday from a two weeks visit with relatives at Lansing and New Albin.
-During the absence of our teacher, Katherine Byrnes, her place is being successfully filled by her sister, Rose.
-Wm. McCormack, formerly of Lansing township, has rented his brother Larry's farm and moved here last week.
-Miss Genutzler returned to her home at Savannah, Ill., Tuesday, after a month's stay with her sister, Mrs. Chas. Lippie.
-James P Welch and daughter Anna returned from La Crosse Monday, where the latter had gone for treatment for her eyes.
-Elmer, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Truendle, has been very sick with lung fever, but at this writing is some better.
-Carl Kerndt who is attending school at Waukon, spent several days most pleasantly here with his grandfather, Herman Kerndt.
-John Moellermann of Lansing township made a short call with Lycurgus friends Friday. He was returning from Waukon, where he had made relatives a short visit. He found the roads at present in bad shape.

[unknown column]
-Arthur Jacobson left last Wednesday for Waubay, S. D., for a visit with his sister Mrs. H. P. Monserud.
-Dena Nilson and Eddie Erickson came last week from Miltonville, Iowa, for a visit with their relatives and friends.
-Mrs. W. O. Pladson died Sunday, March 12th and was buried Thursday, March 16th. A more complete obituary is given elsewhere.
-Bertha and Elmer Henderson came Tuesday from Canton, S. D., to be present at the funeral of their sister Mrs. W. O. Pladson.

-There was quite a snow last week.
-Ollie White made a trip to Postville Saturday.
-Jesse White was visiting at the home of his parents Sunday.
-Ben McClintock was a caller at Waukon Friday.
-Elmer Swinson was seen on the streets Sunday.
-Iver Evans was visiting at Miss Notly's Sunday.
-Mrs. L. Livingood was seen on the streets Sunday.
-Rufus Ewing was a caller at Frankville Wednesday.
-Mrs. Jas Ewing was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClintock Sunday.
-Mrs. Jas. Ewing was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ollie White Thursday.

-Sarah Stock is still on the sick list.
-Mabel Johnson closed a successful term of school in No. 8 last Friday.
-Rev. John Neve from Frankville was a caller at the home of Rev. Engelke Tuesday.
-Rev. Wm. Engelke left for Muscoda, Wis., last Saturday, returning home Tuesday.
-Mrs. Simon Nolte went to Postville to visit her two daughters, Lydia and Mrs. John Meier.
-Mrs. Simon Grotegut from Waukon has been visiting her daughter in this locality the past week.
-Mable Flage youngest daughter of Henry Flage who has been ailing for some time is improving slowly.
-Charles Pausch was appointed as school director last Monday for district No. 8 on account of Fred Kugel's resignation.

[transcribed by M.D., June 2009]

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