Iowa Old Press

Waukon Standard
Waukon, Allamakee County, Iowa
January 5, 1905


-Mr. Lambert made a trip to Postville Friday.
-Ed. Livingood was a caller at Postville Monday.
-Glen White spent Christmas with Jake Ewing.
-The Myron school is having a two week's vacation.
-Ollie White and Ed. Smith made a trip to Postville Thursday.
-Mr. Waters made a business call on Mr. Lambert Saturday last.
-George White was a visitor at Mr. and Mrs. Ollie White's Friday.
-Rufus Ewing was a visitor at Mr. and Mrs. Ollie White's Friday.
-Mr. McClintock was a visitor at Mr. and Mrs. Ewing's Monday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Waters were visitors at the Carrither's home Sunday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Bachtel visited at the home of Mr. Carrither's Sunday.
-Burdell Adams was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds Friday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Ewing spent Christmas with his sister, Mrs. Amos Haslip.
-Mr. and Mrs. L. Livingood were visitors at the home of Ed. Smith last Sunday.
-Jessie and Frank White spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ollie White.

-Mrs. A Hector is entertaining relatives from Worthington, Minn.
-Peter Johnson of Dakota, is here to visit home folks for some time.
-Mr. and Mrs. E. Wallin entertained several relatives at dinner Sunday.
-Walter Olauder sold his buggy team to some parties from the Iowa River.
-Mrs. L. C. Megordon spent several days with home folks near Waterville.
-Carl Wallin of Clermont, this state, was over this way during the holidays.
-Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jeglum spent Saturday evening with the Hans Johnson family.
-Frank Tolander and Mr. and Mrs. E. Johnson were guests of the C. A. Ruth ....[my copy is cut off here]

[unknown column]
-The fact that Rev. Cooper and his estimable wife are to leave us has caused sincere regret among his congregation and friends in general. He preaches his farewell sermon Sunday and shortly thereafter leaves for Mechanicsville, this state, where the good wishs (sic) of all follow him.

-Hjalmar Gronlid returns to St. Olaf College at Northfield, Minn., January 2d.
-Wilmer Larson returns to St. Paul today to resume his studies in the Central High School.
-Anna Gronlid resumes to her duties as teacher in the northwestern part of the county, going via New Albin on the 3d inst.
-Two fellow students and relatives of Hjalmar Gronlid have been spending the vacation at Pastor Gronlid's and return to the Northfield Theological school with Hjalmar.
-It was necessary, after a respite of two days, owing to the snow blockade, to put two carriers on the Harper's route, one going the north road and the other taking the south or returning course, meeting at the middle or Dahl's place in Paint Creek.
-Going to Waukon Saturday L. O. Larson who has lived in this section since 1850, lost his way twice. The road, due to the snow blockade, frequently bifurcates and coaxes a person into somebody's barn yard where one must loop the loop and then take the other track in the opposite field where the bare ground is as plentiful as the drifts in the lanes.
-About sixty-five pursuant to invitations were present at the Engebretson-Monserud nuptials on the 27th ult, the blizzard day, but despite the unruly elements everything went off in royal style. Many useful and costly presents were bestowed upon the newly married which will be of great utility in the voyage over the marital sea. The F. Gobel and Charles Knutson families of Round Prairie, were in attendance, the ladies being sisters of the groom.
-Louis Hjornevig was informed at Harper's one day that there was a rumor current that he had probably forgotten one of his children in Taylor when he moved over into Paint Creek last spring. It was first hinted that it might be one of Louis Larson's numberless ones through a confounding of the names, and Louis said it was all right, the more the merrier. It was finally cleared up, however, that the presumption prevailed in a certain quarter, and that it belonged to the first party.

-John Stock and family ______ _______day evening at A. B. Eells'.
-Fred Selberg who has _____ ________ for his brother, returned to ________ in western Ludlow last week.
-Fred and Paul Meier, ________________ and family spent Monday _______ Christmas day at F. Siekmeier.
-Herman Nagel from Dy______ _________ to spend Christmas with o_____ ______ happy reunion took place at _____ _____ F. S. Nagel, last Sunday.
-Mrs. G. M. Beal was pleasantly surprised by her friends last _______ being her seventieth anniversary _____ they came to help her celebrate.
[this column was cut off vertically but I typed what words were there and put blanks for the words cut off.]

[transcribed by M.D., May 2009]


Waukon Standard
Waukon, Allamakee County, Iowa
January 11, 1905

[unknown column]
-Orrin Adams is the purchaser of a brand new cutter, and there is a flutter among the fair maidens as to who is going to be the lucky one to ride in it.

-Ollie White was at Postville Tuesday.
-Mr. Livingood made a trip to Postville Monday.
-Rufus Ewing made a call on Mr. Swinson Sunday.
-Mr. White and his son Alden made a call in Postville Monday.
-Mr. Ewing and son Rufus made a trip to Postville Thursday.
-Mr. Bechtel and Iry Smith were callers at Postville Monday.
-Rufus Ewing was a caller at Mr. and Mrs. Ollie White's Saturday.
-Mrs. Ollie White was a visitor at Mr. and Mrs. Jas Ewing's Thursday.
-A little girl gladdened the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller January 9th.
-Mr. and Mrs. Waters were visiting at the home of Mr. Carrithers Sunday.
-Mrs. Williams was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bechtel Monday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Austin Ewing were visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Ja. Ewing's Sunday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller were visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Livingood Sunday.
-Ed Smith and his sister Mrs. Williams were visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ewing's Sunday.
-Jesse White was visiting at his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Oliver White's Wednesday evening.
-Mr. Willard Adams was a caller at Ed. Smith's and Walter Bray was a caller at Postville Wednesday.
-Clarence and Asher Adams were visiting their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Marsh, three days last week.

-Joe Danaher spent Sunday with home folks.
-J. H. Schultz, Sr., is quite ill at this writing.
-Mayme Schwartzhoff visited at Maurice Waters last week.
-Miss Mayme Tartt is making an extended visit at Mabel, Minn.
-The stork called at the home of Joe Schwartzhoff and left them a son.

[transcribed by M.D., May 2009]


Waukon Standard
Waukon, Allamakee County, Iowa
January 26, 1905

- ....dangerously ill with bronchial pneumonia, remains about the same. The case is in charge of Dr. Thornton and Miss Sherman, the nurse. The patient's many friends hope for her speedy recovery.
-Nels Aschom was taken to the County Farm yesterday morning by order of the township trustees. Mr. A. has been sick for several days and being without means and a home it was thought best to have Steward Nelson care for him until such time as he could help himself again.
-A sleigh load of Lansing people, consisting of J. D. Johnson and wife, Miss Klara Aschom, Ole Moo and Joseph Johnson, reinforced by J. D. Lageson of Yorkton, Canada, and Miss Millie Johnson of Lafayette, drove to the Chas. Knudtson home in Makee township, Friday and spent several days there, and at the Frank Goepel home. They report a fine time.
-The Forester doings at Temple Hall last evening were largely attended. Mrs. Cain spoke at considerable length on Women's Catholic Forestry and secured as the nucleus of a court here the names of sixteen ladies. At the conclusion of her address seventeen tables played six games of progressive euchre, the prizes being awarded as follows: Miss Maggie Haas and Henry Bohrer, first, with six each; "boobies," Miss Maggie Gilroy and John Fitzpatrick.
-Miss Mame Boardman, the popular saleslady and assistant book-keeper at Nielander & Co's., gave a farewell party to a company of young friends at Temple Hall Wednesday evening of last week. Miss B. has given notice to her employers, and about February 1st will sever her connection with the firm and return to her home near Waukon Junction, where, after awhile it is said, wedding bells will ring for her and a Jamestown, N. D., business man. The affair was one of the most pleasant social events of the season. Cards formed the principal diversion of the evening and a fruit lunch was served. Miss Belle Verdon carried off the head prize, the low score going to Miss Agnes Cooper.
-Mrs. Wm. Mathis, owner of the Thompson's Corner Cherry Herd of Short Horn cattle, has recently purchased of C. M. Beeman his herd bull, Royal Scott 166,836. Royal Scott is a pure Scotch-Canadian bred bull that has been at the head of Mr. Beeman's herd for the past three years. He is an animal of great scale and has proven a grand breeder in Mr. Beeman's herd. He goes into one of the largest and best herds in northeastern Iowa, comprising fifty females of the best quality and excellent breeding. Mrs. Mathis has certainly not made a mistake in securing such a grandly bred animal to place at the head of her herd.

-Ollie White made a trip to Postville Monday.
-Mr. Geesey was a caller at Postville Saturday.
-Stewart Swenson was a caller at Postville Monday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ewing were callers at Postville Thursday.
-Elmer Swinsen was visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Ewing's Sunday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Gout were visitors at Mr. and Mrs Koshman's Sunday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Bechtell were transacting business in Postville Thursday.
-Ralph Bechtell is on the sick list and we all hop for a speedy recovery.
-Burdell Adams was a visitor at Mr. and Mrs. Will Adams' Sunday and Monday.
-Mrs. Ollie White was visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Adams Monday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Reukmeir were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Koshman Sunday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Willard Adams were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Coon Friday and Saturday.

-Aunt Minerva Howard called on Mrs. A. D. Bender Monday.
-Miss Alberta Dellabaugh has gone to McGregor to attend school there.
-Mr. Warren Owen has filled his ice house with as fine ice as we ever saw.
-Mr. Geo. Russell and family visited his brother Frank and family Sunday.
-County Superintendent Mills visited our school last week Friday and found everything O. K. we hope.
-Charles Johnson has purchased a fine three year old colt after looking for some time for which he paid $120.
-About twenty-five of the youngsters stopped in on Robert Waskow last Friday night and surprised him. All report a fine time.
-Henry Van Gorder after disposing of his fine driving team purchased a heavy team. They are a fine team, weighing 3000 pounds.
-The Young People's Society was largely attended at the U. B. church Sunday night. Miss Cora Roderick was elected assistant organist.
-C. W. Bender visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Russell from Tuesday till ..... [column cut off here on my copy]

-Sarah Stock is on the sick list.
-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McM________ _________ to Oklahoma last Tuesday.
-Mr. Conrad Sanderman has been very ill the past few weeks.
-Chas Koehring marketed __________ of hogs at Postville last Tuesday.
-J. H. Simmons is hauling _______ ______ and will soon fill his new ice house.
-Our cream haulers have very good roads thus far this winter.
-Geo. Ludeking and father were visitors at Otto Knuppe's last __________.
-F. Depping Sr., is on the _________ with the erysipelas. He has been ill for some time.
-J. F. Becker from Granada, Minn., who was here to attend the funeral of his father, returned last Monday.
-Joe Wemet was not able _____ _____ over his rural route several week on account of the poor roads.
-L. Becker returned to his home in Granada, Minn. last Friday, spending three weeks with his father who passed away last week.
-J. H. Selberg had the misfortune to get his foot cut with a circle____ that the doctor had to take five stitches in the wound last Saturday.
-The surprise party at H. W. __________ last Friday evening was not well attended on account of the cold weather but a good time has been reported.
-Rev. L. Kunst was a visitor at the J. Gaenge's last Monday afternoon but has returned home to Cincinnati. He did not have time to visit and see old friends as he had to hurry home on account of his sick wife.
-James Markley from Waukon ______ done quite a little wood saw___ _______feed grinding on the creamery _______ north and east. He will soon b___ _____ road west of Center School ho____ -- is doing fine work and has more than he can do.
-Farmers are taking advantage of the good hog market at _________. Simon Hager marketed his s___ ____ _____ Postville last Monday. The ___ ____ market also is better at Postville ______ many hundred bushels have been taken there lately.

[transcribed by M.D., May 2009]

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