Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
December 1, 1905

Obituary. John P. Nazett
Was born in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, May 5, 1846, and died at his home in Postville, Iowa, Nov. 25, 1905, after a lingering illness from dropsy and heart trouble. He spent his boyhood days in Pennsylvania and came to Iowa in 1867. In 1875 he was married to Matilda Boedecker, who with three children - two sons and a daughter - mourn his loss. He became a member of the M.E. church at Volney, joining on probation. March 24, 1895 he was received into full membership in the M.E. church of Postville by Rev. H.S. Church, who was pastor at that time.

Mr. Nazett was a quiet, unassuming man, yet true and loyal. A kind husband and father has passed away. Through all his sickness he showed a marked degree of patience, never complaining, but willing that God's will be done. His last moments were peaceful. He quietly passed the portal of death. Without a struggle the spirit left the body. In the hope of the resurrection we lay him to rest.

The funeral was held from the M.E. church Tuesday, Nov 28, at 2:30 p.m., conducted by Rev. W.W. Robinson and Noble Lodge No. 51, A.O.U.W. Interment in the Postville cemetery.

Card of Thanks.
We hereby extend our thanks to the neighbors and friends and the workmen for their assistance during the illness and after the death of our beloved husband and father. Mrs. J.P. Nazett and Children.

Buy Tickets at Home.
In planning your winter trip to California or to Florida, or any other trip east or west, north or south, bear in mind that the local agent of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway can sell you through tickets, make sleeping car reservations for you and check baggage over connecting lines. H. Miller, Ticket Agent

Death of An Old Army Nurse
Mrs. Sarah Henderson, no doubt the last surviving nurse of the war of 1861-65 in Iowa, died at the Soldiers' Home in Marshalltown, Sunday evening, Nov 19th, the remains being brought to Luana for interment in the family lot.

At four o'clock Tuesday afternoon, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Meyer, in this city, occurred the marriage of their daughter, Miss Anna Meyer, to Mr. Wm. Brookmeier, Rev. M.O. Puhl tying the nuptial knot. An elegant wedding supper was served and about 50 invited guests participated in the festivities of the occasion. The couple will settle down to housekeeping on the old Paul Willman farm north of Postville with the best wishes of a host of friends.

-Chas Hinman and son Clyde were up from Hardin today.
-The union temperance service last Sunday evening at the Congregational church drew a packed house who listened with interest to the talks by Res. Robinson and Blakely, both of whom gave their auditors some facts worthy of serious consideration.
-On the first page you will find the announcement of Managers Weiser & Bear of the Grand Opera House, Decorah, who have secured "The Royal Chef" Opera Co. for Monday, Dec 11th. It will be a splendid opportunity for Postville people to see one of the largest and best big city attractions at a mediocre price. That Messrs. Weiser & Bear are willing to stand sponsors for the excellence of this attraction over their signatures is a guarantee of its merit.

Postville Clothing House, Carl Holter, Prop. Our selection of overcoats is very large. We have those new mixtures, styles that just please - cloth coats: black, blue or gray, $6.50 - $15. We keep the best line of Fur Coats made - Coon Skin, Lamb, Mocha, Russian Calf, and Deodorized Chinese Dog. Look them over! You will find prices right and satisfaction guaranteed.

[transcribed by S.F., October 2008]


Waukon Standard
Waukon, Allamakee County, Iowa
December 12, 1905

-Sam Ralston came from Oshkosh, Wis., Normal School Saturday, for the holiday vacation.

[transcribed by M.D., March 2008]


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
December 15, 1905

John Harris, one of the old-timers in this locality, arrived in Postville last week, from Rising Sun, NE, coming here after his wife's sister, Mrs. Alonzo Thornton, of Hardin, who will spend the winter with them. Years ago, Mr. Harris was a stage driver between Postville and West Union.

[transcribed by S.F., November 2008]


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
December 22, 1905

Luana Buffaloes Sold
The Burgess & Hanson buffalo herd at Luana is no more, the heard of 20 having been disposed of last Saturday under the auctioneer's hammer by W.C. McNeil of Postville, the heard bringing $3125.00, or a trifle less than $160 per head. N. Northey, president of the Herrick refrigerator company, of Waterloo, bought the first pair offered at $375, the remaining eighteen head were joined to the assets of the Standard oil company, bing purchased by Frank Rockefeller, a brother of John D. Rockefeller, the oil king, for the sum of $2750.00. Both buyers were there in person, though Rockefeller was disguised under the nom de plume of "Robinson," we are told, until after the sale. The people of Luana were loath to see the buffalo sold, as to have that community known as the home of the second largest herd of buffalo in the United States was a distinction of which they were and of right ought to be proud. It brought an otherwise somewhat obscure way-station prominently to the fore, and has been a point of interest to thousands of travelers who have passed through there by rail, and few there were who had come from so far they knew not of Luana and the buffaloes, and while passing along peered through the car windows to get a glimpse of the heard. But this fame of the town has passed forever. As an investment the buffalo business was a losing one to Messrs. Burgess & Hanson, but they are entitled to a vote of thanks for the publicity they have given not only Luana, but northeastern Iowa as well.

The hardware firm of Schroeder & Stone have found a new location at last, and a good one too, in the Dan McNeil building just south of the postoffice, which they will occupy some three months hence. Dan will make changes in and a large addition to the building in order to meet the requirements of Messrs. Schroeder & Stone. The building is at present occupied by A.W. Courson, who will retire from trade shortly, we are told.

Mrs. Thankful Evans, the venerable mother of Willis Evans and Mrs. G.W. Bellows, and a sister of W.A. Owen, died at the home of the former, near Luana, last week Thursday after a few days illness from pneumonia. She was close to 70 years of age and was for many years a well known and respected resident of Hardin. The funeral was held from the Luana M.E. church last Sunday.

By the Shell Rock News we learn that Postville's former Milwaukee station agent, M.M. Corson, has rented a farm near that place for the coming season. What a change it must be, this drop from working for a "soulless corporation" down to an "honest farmer." Here's success to you Milt, and may your crop of pumkin pies be abundant!

M.M. Rounds and John Rafferty will have bills out from this office tomorrow advertising a large auction sale of horses, cattle, hogs, machinery, grain, etc. at the Rafferty farm, three miles south of Postville, on Wednesday, Jan 3d. W.C. McNeil, auctioneer; Frank Fay, clerk.

On December 31, 1905, Mr. and Mrs. James Orr of this city will round out fifty years of married life, most of which has been spent in Post township. The anniversary day falling on Sunday they have decided to celebrate their golden wedding on the day previous, Saturday Dec 30th, at which time all the children and grandchildren will come together under the old parental roof to make marry. [the next 2 lines are too dark to read] .. of all their faculties. All but one of their seven children are married, and death has never invaded their family circle. The coming celebration is looked forward to with no little pleasure and may nothing transpire to mar the pleasant anticipations of our old and honored friends.

The Misses Frank and Fannie E. Parker, recently of this city, have fallen heirs to the estate of an aunt, Fannie Parker Lewis, who left them over $100,000. The former taught elocution in Oelwein while the latter was a teacher in the public school. The latter was formerly Mrs. R.G. Anderson, and obtained a divorce in the September term of the district court at West Union. they are at present in Watertown, Wisconsin, where they reside on Easy street in the home left them by the aunt above referred to. Their friends are pleased to learn of their good fortune. - Oelwein Register.
The ladies above mentioned are well and favorably known in Postville, both having taught in our public schools, and our people will be pleased to know of the good luck that has come their way.

[transcribed by S.F., January 2010]

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