Iowa Old Press

Waukon Standard
Waukon, Allamakee County, Iowa
October 13, 1904


-Mr. Kostman was in Postville Saturday.
-Mr. Jim Ewing was a caller at Ed Smith's Sunday.
-Ed Smith has had a well drilled on his farm.
-Charles McClintock has been visiting his brother Ben McClintock.
-Austin Ewing made a trip to Postville Saturday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Willard Adams made a business trip to Waukon Tuesday.
-Burdell Adams was visiting friends at Hickory Creek Saturday and Sunday.
-Lafayette Livingood made a business call at the home of Willard Adams Tuesday last.
-Mrs. Ollie White and her son Alden were visiting her mother-in-law Mrs. Oliver White Saturday.
-Mrs. Ewing and son Rufus have gone to Nebraska for a three weeks visit with her sister-in-law.
-Jas. Ewing has had his sorgum-mill (sic)under operation and has been doing some fine work for his patrons in the way of molasses making.

A Thoughtful Man.
M. M. Austin of Winchester, Ind. knew what to do in the hour of need. His wife had such an unusual case of stomach and liver trouble, physicians could not help her. He thought of and tried Dr. King's New Life Pills and she got relief at once and was finally cured. Only 25 cents at all drug stores.

-Hannah Hueneman spent the past week at the home of John Maloney.
- Kate Madden is at present at the home of John Lyngass near Frankville.
-Ed Roach has been quite busy lately hauling lumber from Werhan's saw mill.
-Frank Russel and John McCabe attended the sale at John Mitchell's last Tuesday.
-Ben, Martha and Minnie Hansmeier spent the day last Tuesday at the F. Siekmeier home.
-Wm. Selberg and family and Mrs. Straate were guests at the McCabe home ....... [my copy is cut off here]

[unknown column]
-Speaker "Joe" Cannon passed through here Tuesday morning on his way to LaCrosse where he delivered a speech. He was accompanied by J. Adam Bede of Minnesota.
-On Sunday, occurred the death of the two weeks old baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Courtney. Mr. Courtney arrived Tuesday, never having seen the little one until his arrival here. Sympathy is extended them in the great loss they have sustained.
-Andrew Sandry informed us Monday that Charley Dietrich, our old-time marble man, was buried in Minneapolis Saturday beside his wife and one son who preceded him to the grave. He was living lately somewhere in South Dakota, and is survived by one son.
-An effort is being made by Herman Laabs to have his son released from the Reform School at Eldora, to which he was sentenced some seven years ago on a minor offense. The young man is now over eighteen years of age and no good can acerue (sic) from keeping him longer in confinement .
-H. A. Brouillet had a close call for his life last Friday, being thrown from his buggy and dragged a distance of thirty rods, his head and back pounding the rough and rocky road, and tearing off his clothing and great chunks of flesh. Charley Hagemeier proved the Good Samaritan and brought him to town and Dr. Thornton fixed him up so that he was able to be around again on crutches Monday.

A Great Sensation.
There was a big sensation in Loesville, Ind. when W. H. Brown of that place, who was expected to die, had his life saved by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. He writes: " I endured insufferable agonies from Asthma but your New Discovery gave me immediate relief and soon thereafter effected a complete cure. Similar cures of Consumption, Pneumonia, Bronchitis and Grip are numerous. It's the peerless remedy for all throat and lung troubles. Price 50 cents and $1.00. Guaranteed by all Druggists. Trial bottles free.

-Clara Akerberg is visiting on Lansing Ridge.

[transcribed by M.D., May 2009]


Allamakee Journal
Lansing, Allamakee County, Iowa
October 26, 1904

-Mike Mullarkey is going to work for M.J. Gleason
-J.W. Ryan marketed hogs in Harpers Ferry Thursday.
-Miss Frances Callahan visited Sunday with the Crowe family.
-Will Reilly has been working for J.J. Hawes for the last couple weeks.
-Mike McConnen was a business caller on Swet Ridge Tuesday evening.
-Eddie Duncan visited the Thornton, Bohrer and Murphy families last week.
-Gene Mooney shipped twenty-nine hogs from Harpers Ferry week before last.
-E.T. Duncan, Mike Callahan and Herman Dahli marketed hogs in Harpers Ferry Saturday.
-J.L. Hanrahan of Ft. Dodge arrived here one day last week and is a guest of the Jas. Powers family.
-Mrs. Reddy and daughters of St. Louis visited last week with the Thos. Hogan and J.W. Ryan families.

-Herman Heinrich was sight seeing in Chicago last week, going down with stock.
-Henry Rippe and Gus Gerling spent Sunday with the B. Gerling family of Eitzen.
-Quite a few from Eitzen and Dorchester attended the Brady funeral Monday.
-Mrs. P. Ryan of Union City spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. Bacon,of this city.
-Dan Lahey arrived from Adah, Minn., last Thursday, after spending part of the summer there.
-Mr. and Mrs. Rahr of Genoa, Wis., came Saturday for an over Sunday visit with their son John and wife.
-Mr. and Mrs. M. Quillin, daughter and son and wife of Hanover, spent Sunday with the Ed Collins family.
-G.A. Erickson left Tuesday for St. Louis to take his first look at the biggest exposition the world has ever known.
-Mrs. John Brady of Winnebago passed away last Sunday afternoon. The funeral Monday from Winnebago church was largely attended.
-Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sires are called upon to mourn the loss of their 3-year old boy who passed away Monday evening from cholera infantum.
-Nick Colsch, Jr., democratic candidate for Clerk of District Court, was a New Albin visitor Monday. He is present incumbent of the office and is trying hard to be re-elected as he deserves.
-John Dunlevy and Frank Hilkin of Lansing were calling on New Albin friends last Saturday. Mr. Hilkin is in the field this fall for County Recorder of the democratic side and makes a most favorable impression.

-Corn husking will soon begin.
-Road working is in order this week.
-Andrew Hirth was out from Lansing Monday.
-Henry Mathis is spending a few days at Decorah.
-Elmer Bailey is the proud owner of a new watch.
-It is reported that we are soon to have rural free delivery.
-Ed Moore will be J.E. Martin’s best man during husking time.
-Miss Emma Anderson will teach the Bench school again this winter.
-E.J. Sadler, Clyde and Miss Myrtle were New Albin visitors Sunday.

[transcribed by E.W., January 2013]


Waukon Standard
Waukon, Allamakee County, Iowa
October 27, 1904


-Mr. Ewing was on the sick list.
-Ed Smith made a trip to Postville.
-Mr. Jas. Ewing made a trip to Postville Tuesday.
-Mrs. Beekle was a caller on Mrs. Adams Saturday.
-Mr. Willard Adams made a call in Frankville Friday.
-Stella Livingood was visiting the Myron school Friday.
-Rose McCormack made a call on Mrs. Adams Saturday.
-The Myron school closed Oct. 22d. Rose McCormack teacher.
-Mr. and Mrs. Bull were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. White Sunday
-Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds were callers.

-The farmers are busy husking corn.
-The first snow storm Friday morning.
-Peter Welch of Lansing spent Sunday with home folks.
-Mrs. James G. Denny is spending the week with Waukon relatives.
-Mrs. A. Sandry and daughter Elizabeth were the welcome guest of Mrs. Nees Sunday.
-The Missrs Roese were visitors at the home of their brother Edward at Elon Sunday.
-Mrs. James Ruth of Lansing was the guest of Lycurgus friends several days last week.
-Mrs. Nees returned Tuesday from a weeks visit with her daughters at New Albin and Lansing.
-Alfred Petrehn and Geo. Bellows of New Albin are putting the finishing ........[my copy is cut off here]

[unknown column]
-Julius Rieth, the veteran hardware man, was taken to Prairie du Chien Monday to try the remedial effects of baths at the Sanitarium there for rheumatism which had downed him again for the second time in a month.
-John Serene has been compelled to abandon his steam ferry between here and DeSoto and is temporarily using Carlyle's gasoline launch. Too many of the latter crafts along the river have spoiled the legitimate ferry business of late years.
-The families of A. T. and K. T. Anderson of Paint Creek and D. [L ?] O. Rud of this place spent several days of last week camping, utilizing Sam Fulk's house boat for the purpose. They had a most pleasant trip and thoroughly enjoyed the out door recreation.
-The Italian band that played here last week were forced to quit in La Crosse and the father was arrested for a violation of the child labor law. We have no such humane statute and the eight-year-old boy fiddler was worked for all there was in it on our streets.
-F. M. Shippey of Waterloo, a former superintendent of schools in this city, now agent for the American Book Co., spent Sunday in town and received a cordial greeting from many old home friends. He visited the schools Monday. It is fourteen years since Prof. Shippey left us.

-Mrs. Simon Nagle is quite sick with lung trouble.
-Mrs. Henry Trachte from Waterloo ....... [my copy is cut off here]

[transcribed by M.D., May 2009]

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