Iowa Old Press

Waukon Standard
Waukon, Allamakee County, Iowa
December 22, 1904

-Mr. and Mrs. Livingood made a trip to Postville Wednesday.
-Mr. Livingood was a caller at Postville Saturday.
-Mrs. Williams is visiting her mother, Mrs. John Smith.
-Mrs. Livingood is visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Smith.

[transcribed by M.D., May 2009]


Waukon Standard
Waukon, Allamakee County, Iowa
December 29, 1904

-Happy New Year to you all.
-Mr. Bull was a caller at Postville Saturday.
-Alden White made a call at Ed. Smith's Tuesday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Livingood were Postville callers Tuesday.
-Rufus Ewing visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ollie White Friday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Ollie White made a trip to Postville Monday.
-L. Ewing was a visitor at Mr. and Mrs. James Ewing's Sunday.
Mrs. Willard Adams visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ollie White Friday.
-Mrs. James Ewing and Mrs. Willard Adams made a trip to Postville Wednesday.
-Orson Adams visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Adams, over Sunday.
-Mrs. Williams was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ollie White, Tuesday.
-Mrs. James Ewing and Mrs. Austin Ewing were callers at Postville one day last week.
-Miss Oathout is spending Christmas and New Years with her mother, Mrs. Orlando Oathout.
-Willard Livingood and his sister Stella, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Miller Sunday.
-Frank and Jessie White were visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. White, Tuesday and Wednesday.

-Will May is spending his holiday vacation at home.
-A happy and prosperous New Year to all the STANDARD readers.
-Levi Sires and family ate Christmas dinner with relatives on the Bench.
-Miss Nannie Tartt returned from Mabel, Minn., last Wednesday.
-Mitchell Yeoman of Lansing, spent Christmas with friends at Dorchester.
-Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sires spent Christmas with relatives at Dorchester.
-Mr. and Mrs. H. Botsford of New Albin, are visiting at the Geo. Lapham [Dapham?] home.
-Christmas exercises were held at the German M. E. church on Saturday evening.
-Mr. Peterson of Spring Grove, Minn. was a business visitor at L. [D?] Steinbach's Saturday.
-Mr. Smith, the teacher in charge of the Dorchester school, is spending his vacation at his home near Luana.
-The Eisenla family entertained a ........ [my copy cut off here]

[a partial column, cut off, but my copy starting with the below]
..... once. I will also sell the yearling boar Royal Chief No. 78027, also twenty gilts. These are the finest pigs offered in this county for many years.
H. A. Hendrickson.
Waterville, Iowa.

that because a thing is not imported from Dubuque or LaCrosse it is not as good as home made . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wittlinger makes his own Bread, Cakes, Pies, Ice Cream, Ices from the choicest materials that money can buy . . . . . . . . . . . . . There Is None Better

A number of good Scotch Shorthorn Bull calves for sale ranging from 6 to 16 months old. These calves are from imported and Canadian bred dams, and good enough to head the best herds in the state. Our cattle were prize winners in the hands of our customers last year at Waukon, Elkader and National, and this year at West Union, Elkader and National. It pays to buy the best. Prices lower than anywhere else, considering the breeding. Come and see them or write. Farm four miles north of Luana, Iowa.

-Gus Koontz spent last week sight seeing in Chicago.
-Glen Denning is spending his vacation with cousin Earl Mosier.
-Dr. Sidney Boqen of Waukon, spent ____day with his friend, Herbert Graham.
-Christmas with its many pleasures is over and we wish all a Happy New Year.
-Mrs. Geo. Fultz is having a week's vacation from school duties at Cross ____ ds.
-Miss Duffy is spending her vacation from school duties with home folks at Lansing.

-A Happy and Prosperous New Year to all.
-Jas. Whalen came home Thursday from Dubuque to spend the holidays.
-Supt. Mills of Waukon was a caller at the Lycurgus school Wednesday afternoon.
-Annie Gruber of Church was a visitor Friday at the home of her sister Mrs. W. E. Fultz.
-Mrs. Jane Kringle and son Arthur of Waukon are spending the holidays with their relatives.
-James P. Deeney who spent several months here with relatives, left for his home at St. Louis Friday.
-Charles and Peter Regan of Waukon spent last Sunday pleasantly at the home of their uncle Pat Whalen.
-Mrs. James Deeny returned Friday from Georgetown, Minn., after several weeks visit there with her daughters.

[transcribed by M.D., May 2009]


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Allamakee County