Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
September 11, 1903

Alexander M. CURRY was born in Pennsylvania, June 2, 1814, died at David City, Neb., Sept. 3, 1903. He was married to Eliza PIXLER in 1842. Twelve children were born to them, of which seven are living, and all were present at the funeral except the youngest daughter. These, with thirty-nine grandchildren and fourteen great-grandchildren survive him - his wife's death occurring in 1865. Deceased coming west into northeastern Iowa settled in Allamakee county, near the village of Lybrand. Here he purchased land and started to make a home for his wife and children, and being a man of sturdy determination and honesty of purpose, he did not shrink from the hard work of clearing up a farm. At the same time he made boots and shoes for his neighbors, a trade he learned in his boyhood days and which he worked at the greater part of his life. As he toiled on, for wife and children, of whom he was ever proud, and as his star of hope and success seemed to be reaching its height, she who was the mother of his children, his counsellor and advisor, ever ready to help in the struggle of life, was called to the realms above, where hopes are never blighted. His wish has ever been to be laid to rest by her side, and having reached the four score and ten, the measure of life laid down in holy write, and assuring those around him he was ready to meet his God, and in this autumn time as the golden grain has been gathered, he, weary and tired, laid down to rest; and in the calm sunlight of closing day, when nature seemed to be in accord, he was laid beside her on the quiet hillside home, there to wait the summons of Him who doeth all things well.
Farmers, bring your chickens, old or young, to the Postville Meat Market and get the highest cash market price.

David JACOBIA has been sauntering around town a day or so this week regaling his friends with his presence.

Special communication of Brotherly Love Lodge A. F. & A. M. next Tuesday evening. A full attendance is desired.

John THOMA will pay a good price for all Transcendent crabs delivered to him in good shape the first of the week - lot too ripe.

Mrs. J. A. CURRIE has recently returned from Chicago where she has been purchasing a fine stock of fall and winter millinery.

Charles KRUMM went over into Illinois Monday to see about purchasing some fine hogs to add to his splendid herd of Poland Chinas.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl HOLTER and daughter Edna went to Chicago Sunday night and this week Carl is buying up bargains for Postville Clothing House patrons.

Miss Pauline THOMA leaves Saturday for Prairie du Chien to resume her studies at St. Mary's academy. She finishes her music this year.

Mrs. M. O. TAYLOR concluded her visit of several weeks in Postville on Wednesday night and returned to her home in Chicago Heights, Ill.

We regret to hear that the good wife of our old friend W. H. CARITHERS is in rather feeble health at present, and hope soon to hear of her recovery.

Parties wishing to buy nursery stock should call at my place now where they may see several varieties of the stock in fruit in season. Chas. OHLOFF

G. STAADT, our local coal dealer, has disposed of nearly a dozen carloads of his celebrated Trenton sootless coal so far this season and it's rather a backward season too.

Milbert SIMPSON, wife and children, returned to their home in Mitchell county Thursday morning, after a two week visit at the home of W. M. SIMPSON east of town.

Postville's First Nine goes to Guttenburg Sunday to play ball with the team down there. A number of our sports will accompany them and the "Famous" are supposed to win the game.

Undertaker HART is acting assistant postmaster during the absence of Capt. PERRY, and it is said that with one exception John makes a good Nasby - he wants to bury all the dead letters.

Mrs. J. A. CURRIE will have her fall opening of millinery on Saturday, September 26, and invites the ladies of Postville and vicinity to call and see the new and nobby designs in headwear.

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