Iowa Old Press


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
November 6, 1903

Original Notice
Joseph Steel and Christina Steel, Pltffs. vs the unknown Claimants of the Southeast Quarter of Section No. 34, Township No 96, Range No. 6, West of the 5th P.M. Allamakee county, Iowa, and Austin Walker and Andrew G. Jones, Defendants.

You and each of you are hereby notified that on or before the 26th day of October, A.D., 1903, there will be on file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Allamakee county, Iowa, the petition of the Plaintiffs in which they state that Plaintiff Christina Steel is the owner in fee simple of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, and that plaintiff Joseph Steel is the owner in fee simple of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter, and the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, all in said Section No. 34, Township No 96, Range No. 6, West, in Allamakee county, Iowa. That they trace their title to all of said lands by a perfect chain of conveyances from Thomas F. Smith since Dec. 29, 1858, and that Plaintiffs or those under whom they hold directly or indirectly have during all said time been in the actual, open, peaceable, notorious and adverse possession of all said lands since said date under said conveyances. That the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of said Section No. 34, was conveyed by the United States by patent to Austin Walker March 10, 1852, and the East Half of said Southeast Quarter was conveyed by the United States by patent to Andrew G. Jones March 10, 1852, and said Walker and Jones conveyed all said lands to Thomas F. Smith, from whom Plaintiffs trace their title, prior to Dec. 29, 1852, but the deeds of conveyance were lost and never recorded, and Defendants only claim of title is based on the failure to record said deeds before they were lost.

Said petition prays that the title to said lands be quieted in Plaintiffs and that you be barred and forever estopped from having, or claiming, any right or title thereto adverse to the Plaintiffs, and for other equitable relief. [newspaper torn here]

A Clayton County Tragedy.
On Thursday morning when some men employed by R.D. White, a farmer living two miles from Volga City, went out to do some work they discovered that a large stock of hay in the field had been destroyed by fire during the night. They started an investigation and made a grewsome find. In the ashes where found the bones of a man. Most of the flesh had been burned off the body and identification was impossible, but in a grip found near the fire were articles that proves almost conclusively that the man who met his death in the buring haystack was Justus Herwig, who formerly resided in that locality, but had lived at Dubuque of late. There is a suspicion that the man had been killed and his body then carried to the haystack and cremated to hide the crime. Mr. White, on whose farm the hay was burned, is the son of the late Thos. White, formerly of Postville.

Hardin Happenings
-Mrs. Russell is visiting her daughter Mrs. Jess Vought.
-Frank Parnell spent a few hours in town last Saturday.
-Nelse McGhee spent Monday evening at Steve Raymond's.
-H.H. Frye and Wm. Roberts went to Forest Mills today.
-Charley Powell's family are soon to move back to Hardin.
-H.H. Smith and Lute McGhee were at Monona on business.
-Coral Pearson visited with her grandmother on Monday last.
-Another house to rent - inquire of Loren Buttolph, Hardin.
-Henry Welch attended church at Hardin Sunday evening.
-Marton and Ada Smith took dinner at H.H. Smith's Sunday.
-Mr. and Mrs. O.C. Hinman were over Sunday visitors at Luana.
-Mrs. Thornton and daughter were shopping at Luana Monday.
-Rev. Ross was a caller at the home of H.H. Smith Monday last.
-The champion ping pong player at Frank Ames' was Eda Hinman.
-Annie and Carrie Trumble visited at Vick Pearson's on Monday last.
-Henry Rampage and family visited with their parents, C. Thornton's.
-Mrs. Dave Dickson of Waukon, visited her sister Mrs. Clark, Sunday.
-J.C. Raymond will move on to the Marti farm on Yellow river soon.
-Mr. and Mrs. H.H. Smith visited at the home of John Land, Thursday.
-Lottie and Nellie Clark visited with Mrs. Raymond one evening last week.
-Mrs. Will Adams spent the evening in town Saturday last with her parents.
-Fred Wellman and Ed Otis, of Monona, were in town today, electioneering.
-Miss Edna Ames and Eda Hinman spent Friday last at Elkader seeing the sights.
-Mrs. Harrison Dunning is here from Oklahoma visiting with relatives and friends.
-Geo. Hinman, wife and son returned from their fishing trip with quite a string of the finny tribe.
-Mrs. Nelse McGhee visited Waukon Thursday, spending the night with her niece, Mrs. Wilder Clingle, on the Berrier farm.
-Mr. and Mrs. Dan Farnham, of Waukon, passed through town Wednesday, on their way to Luana to visit their son Frank.
-Miss Addie Smith goes soon to visit her brother at New Hampton.

Castalia Caperings.
-P. O'Boy was an over Sunday visitor in Castalia.
-May Clark, of Fayette, spent Sunday in dear old Castalia.
-Ward Allen, of Fayette, was home over Sunday to see the folks.
-Dutch Dundee was taken home last week, but he is still under the doctor's care.
-Mrs. L. Woolsey accompanied Mrs. D. Bush to Rochester, Minn., this morning.
-The Cornell Coons are busy practicing for a minstrel show, to be given in the near future.
-Miss Anderson, of Inwood, Iowa, has been visiting at the home of her uncle Hiram Anderson. She goes from here to Chicago where she has a position in the Moody Bible Institute.
-Mrs. Tracy and children, of Decorah, spent a few days visiting at the Small and Allen homes.
-Willie Blackburn, of Decorah, visited a few days with Rose Winn the fore part of the week.
-Mr. Affolter came up Saturday from Linn Junction to resume his position in the Rock Island depot.
-Misses Correll, Weitgenant and Miss Gunderson of Ossian, were visitors at our schools one day last week.
-Henry Deming was a Fort Atkinson visitor a couple of days. He is laid up with a sore arm, the result of opening a boil with a rusty knife.

[transcribed by S.F., September 2009]


Waukon Standard
Waukon, Allamakee County, Iowa
November 12, 1903

-Dave Smith and son Erie was in Decorah one day last week.
-Erie Smith drove cattle to Castalia for Wm. Kneeskern Friday.

[contributed by E.R. & M.D., May 2009]


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
November 13, 1903

Hardin Happenings
-Mrs. Effie Rampage and daughter were Monona callers.
-Marlow Adams and sister called at Grandpa Raymond's.
-Len Hunter and wife visited at L. Clark's on Sunday last.
-Mrs. Addie Ferguson, of Monona, visited her brother H.H. Smith.
-Did you see August Meyer's new house on the hill? It's a beauty.
-Mrs. Fred Niblock visited her mother, Mrs. Julia Pearson Monday last.
-Merton Smith of Glenview, attended church at Hardin on Sunday last.
-Basket social at school house No. 10, Hickory Creek, Friday, Nov. 14th.
-Mrs. Thornton has her house nicely papered all over and whitewashed.
-Chet Pearson and sister Bertha were shopping in Postville Saturday last.
-Douglass Gould, of Decorah, visited his aunt, Mrs. McGhee, Saturday last.
-A.D. Bender, from Benderville, was a caller at Carey Cayton's Thursday last.
-Ed Harris and Henry Frye took in the dance at Walter Perkins' Saturday night.
-Charley Jennewine and family are to return to Hardin soon. Welcome back!
-Tomorrow Jim Raymond leaves Hardin to try his fortune among the hills of Yellow river.
-Hi Smith and Doug Gould took supper at the Traveler's Home on Sunday evening last.
-Quite an excitement on Sunday last, Max Hinman had his burro down and every kid wanted a ride.
-Converts meeting Saturday last, but as no one knew anything about it, there was not a very big turnout.
-Mr. and Mrs. Nelse McGhee and Mr. and Mrs. A. Thornton took dinner at Lute McGhee's on Sunday.
-Wm. Roberts has bought out Lewis Clark. Consideration $400.00. They think of going to Decorah. Sorry to lose them.
-No one seems to be willing to try Hardin with a store. Lots of good people here and more coming.

[transcribed by S.F., April 2014]


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
Friday, November 20, 1903

No doubt many of our people will be surprised to learn that Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Coombs are to retire from the management of the Beedy photo studio and in fact are practically out now, so far as new work is concerned. As Harry leaves Monday for Sioux City to accept a position in a gallery there, while Mrs. Coombs remains here for a few weeks to finish up uncompleted work at the gallery, after which she will join her husband. What will be done with the gallery here we are not advised.

H.E. Coombs requests all owing him on account to call and settle at once. Accounts will be found at the Beedy Photo Studio for a short time.

Brad Seybert and wife returned last Saturday from a season's work on one of the Murphy boys farms near Grand Forks, N.D.

The Civic Club will hold its first guest meeting of the year at the home of Mrs. Douglass on Saturday evening, Nov. 21st, at seven o'clock. A short memorial program will be given commemorating the lives and life works of three who have been particularly prominent in the movement for the broader life of women during the past half century:
Lucy Stone, presented by Mrs. Ed Stone
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, presented by Mrs. W.A. Martin
Susan B. Anthony, presented by Mrs. A.W. Rollins
Light refreshments will be served and a social hour enjoyed.

Mrs. Emily H. Parker, the aged mother of John and James Parker of this city, died at the home of the former on Thursday morning from a complication of diseases after a lingering illness. She was in her 73rd year. Funeral tomorrow (Saturday) morning at ten o'clock from the house. Obituary next week.

The Local Review
-For sale or rent, a seven-room house. Also an improved 60-acre farm for sale, close to Postville. W.S. Webster
-If your fur coat needs new lining or other repairs, bring it to me. Chris Salzgeber, Jr.
-A good second hand coal stove and a wood stove, both heaters, for sale. Inquire of Dr. O.J. Blessin.
-S.A. Harris offers for sale a few Aberdeen-Angus calves old enough for service, at reduced prices to close them out.
-C.R. Williams will have an auction sale of household goods in the Thoma building on Saturday afternoon of next week.

Ex-Gov. Drake died at his home in Centerville, Iowa, Friday morning.

F.A. Meyer and Lynne McEwen were over Sunday visitors in Decorah.

Miss Ethel McEwen is at present sojourning in Italy.

Mrs. Mabel Birdsill is here from South Dakota visiting her parents and numerous friends.

L.A. Bellows has been up from Indianola the past week making the acquaintance of his family.

Mrs. Hall Roberts returned last Friday from an extended visit at Grinnell, Cedar Falls and Des Moines.

Mrs. J.H. Gray has been here from Cedar Falls the past week or more on a visit to many old time friends.

Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Owen left Wednesday morning for Sac City on a two months visit to relatives and friends.

Hardin Happenings
-Mrs. Hattie Frye is on the sick list.
-Carey Cayton lost a horse last week.
-Lute McGhee was quite sick on Sunday last.
-Ed Harris has returned to his home near Ion.
-Tim Raymond was shopping in Monona Friday last.
-Mrs. Charley Vaughn, of Volney, is visiting her son Jess.
-Bertha and Coral Pearson went to Luana on Friday last.
-Miss Eda Hinman called on Mrs. Raymond Monday last.
-Mrs. Dan Farnham, of Waukon, is visiting at Frank Ames'.
-Tom Harris ate dinner with Neise McGhee's on Sunday last.
-Fred Colby, of Monona, was a caller at L. Clark's on Sunday last.
-Mr. Brock spent the evening at Steve Raymond's on Thursday last.
-H.H. Frye is helping Grandpa Raymond shingle that woodshed.
-Will Adams and Horace Raymond are shingling Will Land's silo.
-The new barn on Joe Kelser's place is done. Quite a fine building.
-Mrs. Bell Raymond and brother Phil went to Postville Monday last.
-Vic Pearson and daughter Anette went to Clermont Saturday last.
-Charley Powell moved into the George Jones house last week Thursday.
-Fred Niblock spent the evening with Horace Raymond's Tuesday last.
-Mrs. Will Adams and sister Lucy were shopping in Postville Wednesday last.
-Mr. and Mrs. Horace Raymond spent Wednesday evening with Grandma Frye.
-Miss Effie Wattles, of Fayette, is here on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Ezra McGhee.
-Edna Ames drove over to Waukon on Thursday last and took Mrs. Farnham home.
-Rev. Ross and Mrs. H.H. Smith were callers at Billie Smith's on Hickory Creek.
-Misses Nellie and Lottie Clark drove to Postville to do some shopping on Friday last.

Miss Edna Ames was the champion ping pong player at the social at Vic Pearson's Saturday evening. Proceeds of social ($8.85) go to purchase a Christmas tree.

-Belle Cayton and Eda Hinman were shopping in Postville on Wednesday of last week.
-Jess Vaughn is to move back to Hardin. He is to live in the old store building.
-Miss Alda Smith, who has been quite sick is able to be among her friends once more.
-Elmer Marsh and wife and daughter, Jessie visited at Grandpa McGhee's on Sunday last.
-Alton Harris and his friend Mr. Harrington, of Postville, were callers in town lately.
-Grandpa Raymond went to Luana Tuesday after a load of shingles for that woodshed.
-Miss Edna Ames visited at C.A. Hinman's on Tuesday last, and also called on Miss Bell Cayton.
-Ed Frye and daughter Edie went to see Grandma Frye, and Edie stayed to help grandma a few days.

A house on wheels passed through Hardin on its way to Oscar Collins' farm. It came from Luana.

Miss Gussiee Clark drove to Postville on Saturday evening to meet her friend from Cartersville, Mrs. Peter Spinner.

Mrs. Louis Clark and daughters Nellie and Lottie drove over to Waukon for a visit with her sister, Mrs. David Dickson.

Nelse McGhee met with qute an accident while building fence. He tried to pull out a post when it broke off and Nelse hit the ground, his head coming in contact with the post and cutting quite a gash in his forehead.

[transcribed by S.F., May 2014]


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
November 27, 1903

Emily H. McKinney. Was born in North Carolina, Aug. 15, 1831, and died at the home of her son, John Parker, in Postville, Iowa, Nov. 19, 1908. She came to Wisconsin and in 1848 was married to W.G. Parker. They moved to Postville about 1889. To them were born six children, five of whom are living, vis: Hattie Newlon, of Cleveland, Ohio; Luella Bowers, of Muncie, Ind.; Amos Parker, of Los Angeles, Cal; John and James Parker of this city. While living in Wisconsin she united with the Methodist Episcopal church. For some years she had been in poor health and for over two years she was a great sufferer. Her last hours were free from pain and she passed peacefully away. Funeral services were held at the house conducted by Rev. W.W. Robinson of the M.E. church.
Why should our tears in sorrow flow
When God recalls his own,
And bids them leave a world of woe
For an immortal crown.

Then let our sorrows cease to flow;
God hath recalled his own,
But let our hearts in every woe
Still say, "Thy will be done."

Card of Thanks
We wish to thank the friends and neighbors for their kind assistance during the illness and after the death of our mother.
J.T. & Jas. Parker & Families

Castalia Caperings
-Mrs. W.H. Haefner and children, and Minnie Schultz visited at Froelic on Sunday.
-Mrs. Nelson Gibbs who has been visiting at the Kramer home a few [illegible] went to Northwood Tuesday.
-James Windell, of Chester, visited a few days at the home of Tom Windell, Sr., whose health is very poor.
-Ward Tatro, of Cedar Rapids, visited his folks the last of the week, and says Cedar Rapids is the place for him.
-Mrs. O'Boy and Fred and Rosie went to Ossian Wednesday to attend the funeral of Dan Gallagher, who died in the Philippines.
-Arthur Kramer is now occupying E.O. Riggs' vacant store building and will sell out some of his goods not purchased by Mr. Haefner.

[transcribed by S.F., April 2009]

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Allamakee County